Three Ballot Proposals Endorsed

Your local Democratic Committee endorsed three ballot proposals at our last party meeting in early July for the upcoming August 5 primary.

  • Renewal of the school mileages for the Frankfort-Elberta and Benzie Central school districts.
  • Renewal of the Soil Conservation District funding.
  • Renewal of the telephone bill surcharge funding for 911 answering and dispatch services.

Remember that these are not new taxes, but a renewal of we the tax payers approved in the past.  Please get out and support these three causes. This is an important primary election, so please make time to vote.

Donate to the Benzie Dems

We accept donations by a secure online credit card payment option via ActBlue.

If you'd rather donate by check, mail it to the address on our Membership Form. Please print, fill out and send along our MAIL-IN MEMBERSHIP FORM

Benzie Democrats Calendar
