Our Ukrainian Neighbors Need Our Help NOW

This is an urgent request from Benzie Welcome Corps to contact Members of Congress.

Today, Reuters and Newsweek reported that the Trump administration will revoke the legal status of “temporary humanitarian parole” for 240,000 Ukrainians in the U.S. and step up deportations. Those whose humanitarian parole is revoked could be fast-tracked for deportation. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-plans-revoke-legal-status-ukrainians-who-fled-us-sources-say-2025-03-06/

Please contact Members of Congress and urge them to take action to allow Ukrainians granted humanitarian parole due to the war in Ukraine to remain in the U.S. under guest status until the end of Russian hostilities in Ukraine.

Script for Calls & Emails to Members of Congress
U.S. Senators

My name is ____ and I live in _____. I am calling (writing) to encourage you to support the Protecting Our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act introduced by Sen. Durbin (D-IL) on February 24, 2025. This bill provides Temporary Guest Status for Ukrainian citizens who are
currently legally living in the United States through the “Uniting for Ukraine” parole process. The bill has gained bipartisan support with Senator Murkowski signing on as a co-sponsor. Senators Duckworth, Blumenthal, Rose, Van Hollen, Welch, Klobuchar, Bennet, Padilla and Whitehouse have also signed on as co-sponsors.

With the support of hundreds of community members, Benzie Welcome Corp has assisted families who fled dangerous situations in Ukraine. These families are currently living and contributing in our local community. The “Uniting for Ukraine” parole process required rigorous
vetting to ensure that individuals legally entering the country through the program presented no criminal or public safety risks. The granting of Temporary Guest Status, as described in the Protecting Our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act, will provide the clarity needed for
these families to stay until it is safe to return to Ukraine. I am asking that you support this bill to honor the commitment made to these families.

I appreciate your time and consideration of this important bill.

U.S. Representatives

My name is ____ and I live in _____. I am calling (writing) to support Ukrainian citizens who are currently legally residing in the United States through the “Uniting for Ukraine” parole process.
On February 24, 2025, Sen. Durbin (D-Il) introduced the Protecting Our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act in the Senate. The bill gained bi-partisan support with Senator Murkowski signing on as a co-sponsor. I am asking that you sponsor, co-sponsor and support a companion bill in the House of Representatives.

With the support of hundreds of community members, Benzie Welcome Corp has assisted families who fled dangerous situations in Ukraine. These families are currently living and contributing in our local community. The “Uniting for Ukraine” parole process required rigorous
vetting to ensure that individuals legally entering the country through this program presented no criminal or public safety risks. The granting of Temporary Guest Status, as described inthe Protecting Our Guests During Hostilities in Ukraine Act, will provide the clarity needed for
them to stay until it is safe to return to Ukraine. I am asking that you introduce and support similar legislation in the House to honor the commitment made to these families.

I appreciate your time and consideration of this important matter.







In northern Michigan, our members of Congress are:


The two Michigan members of the U.S. House of Representatives who may be willing to sponsor a companion bill:


A sample letter/script for making calls or sending an email is attached.


To quote John Lewis, “Speak up, speak out, get in the way. Get in good trouble, necessary trouble, and help redeem the soul of America.”



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