Lisa Brown, Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, to Speak in Manistee

lisabrownLisa Brown, the Democratic candidate for Lt. Governor, the woman who was silenced in the Republican-controlled Michigan Legislature for speaking out for women’s rights, will be the keynote speaker at the Combating the Republican War on Women event on Monday August 18, 1-3 PM, at the Manistee Golf and Country Club.

Currently the Oakland County Clerk, Brown previously served two terms as a Democrat in the state House of Representatives before being chosen by Mark Schauer as his running mate for the Governor’s seat.

“Lisa Brown is a proven leader who’s always been a tough fighter for the middle class,” Schauer said in a statement. “Lisa shares my values and priorities for making education our top economic priority, and working to make Michigan’s economy fairer for the middle class.”

In 2012 Brown received national media attention for being silenced when she spoke opposing legislation that would have closed women’s health clinics and banned abortions for women after 20 weeks even in cases that jeopardized the mother’s life. The next day, thousands of men, women, and children showed at the capital steps to show support for her and for women’s health care choices.

Tickets are $15 for one person and $28 for two (bring a buddy). To make reservations, please go to: and click on Reservations. You can also mail a check (payable to Manistee County Democratic Party) to PO Box 65, Manistee, MI  49660.

For more information, please call Judy Cunningham at 231-794-0005.


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