Inland Township Board Meeting Reports

July 8th, 2024 — Inland Township Board Meeting

19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI, 49643


Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at6 p.m. at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to Order and Invocation by David Davis

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call:

Present – Trustee Jim Brouwer, Supervisor David Davis, Trustee Mary Miller, Treasurer Therese Zielinski. Clerk Rose Wirth

Public Comment: There were comments by the same person regarding ballot drop boxes being inconveniently located at the township government center, early voting ballot did not quite easily fold back into the return envelope, and that memorial American flags were either missing or not displayed on veteran cemetery plots.

Approval of Meeting Agenda: Board approved the July meeting agenda with updates to the June 10th township board meeting minutes, the June financial reports, and the minutes of the June 24th special board meeting to hear a presentation by Maner Costerian Consultant Rod Taylor.


Approval of Consent Agenda:

Minutes from June 10 & June 24, 2024

Financial Report

Prepaid Bills #15346-15358= $4,232.28

Payroll:# 1001101-1001123=$14,058.89

Unpaid Bills:#15359



County Commissioner Evan Warsecke (Inland Township Sections 7, and 8 through 36): Provided a brief report.

Commissioner Art Jeanott (Inland Township Sections 1 through 6, and part of 7) was not present but provided a written report.  Some topics mentioned in the report are:

The Benzie County Road Commission would like to have a new building, the old being from the 1930’s. The Road Commission has requested that the County Board of Commissioners (BOC) consider having a bond proposal for $18M to finance the new building be placed on the November ballot. County BOC will consider the proposal this July 9th.

The Maples medical care facility in Frankfort is prioritizing Benzie County residents.  Ninety percent of the current residents are from Benzie County. They are presently at 100% capacity.

Fire Chief Pfost: NA

Parks and Recreation Dave Davis & Rose Wirth:

Peggy Case, who is overseeing the development of Inland Township’s Lamb Park, wants several benches for the park. The park is located at Cinder and Lamb Roads. Board approved unanimously the funding of up to $2,000 toward the purchase of six benches for Lamb park.

Fire Association-Rose Wirth:

There will be no meeting for July.

Inland Planning Commission-Mary Miller: The Planning Commission will meet July 24 and continue working on master plan.

Event Committee-Therese Zielinski: No meeting in July.

Website Committee-Jim Brouwer: There has been no recent meeting. Brouwer is still working out the quirks in the township’s new website, which is being run parallel with the old. Taxes are being paid through the new website.


Land Committee-Dave Davis: No progress has been made regarding the status of two acres of vacant land belonging to Inland Township. One acres each is located at Stanley and Lake Ann Roads.

Zoning/Blight Administrator Jim Weller: report attached

Submitted a report for the June activity.

Compensation Committee-Jim Brouwer:

No progress reported.

Board Reports-Jim Brouwer (report attached):

Since the township board members attended a Michigan Township Association seminar in April, Trustee Jim Brouwer has been encouraging the board to use governmental consulting firm Maner Costerian for management training purposes.

Maner Costerian stresses that the township budgeting and financing should be driven or guided by the township’s strategic plan, or what’s called good governance.  But the township doesn’t have a strategic plan, and so lacks good governance, which is a critical liability.

See New Business – Maner Costerian below.

Unfinished Business:

Assessor contract:

The board agreed to discuss this next month.

New Business:

Fischer Propane for Bendon: The board unanimously approved pricing contract with Fischer LP Gas for the heating season of June 1, 2024 – May 31, 2025. The propane is for the township government center.

Maner Costerian: The board approved having the consulting firm Maner Costerian present an introduction training session for the board.

Any Other Business to come before the Board: Supervisor Davis expressed the need for an appraiser/inspector for the inland township government building.

Public Comment: There was a complaint about the board’s meeting minutes being “terrible.”

The board meeting adjourned at 7:17 pm

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]


June 10th, 2024  Inland Township Board Meeting

19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI, 49643 231-275-6568

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at6 p.m. at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to Order by Supervisor David Davis

Invocation by Supervisor David Davis

Pledge of Allegiance

Roll Call

Present:Trustee Jim Brouwer, Supervisor David Davis, Trustee Mary Miller. Treasurer Therese Zielinski absent.

Public Comment:Rosemarie Swartout asked about budget report, salary and wage for the board.

Approval of Meeting Agenda  Approved by the board

Approval of Consent Agenda

Minutes from May 13th, 2024

Financial ReportPrepaid Bills #15326-15333= $17082.61

‘Payroll:# 1001076-1001100=$14844.56

Unpaid Bills:

Approved by the board


Guest: Nancy Call from Benzie Senior Resources gave a presentation.The Benzie Senior Resources provides many essential services and programs for county seniors. The BSR addresses areas of senior concerns like:

Home Services (e. g., home delivered meals, light house keeping, companionship, home health care),

Health and Safety (e. g., medication management, dental care, foot care),

Meals and Food (e. g., home delivered meals, community meals, farmer’s market coupons),

Social Connections (e. g., senior centers, community meals, event & activities, volunteer opportunities),

Support Services (e. g., transportation, estate planning, tax preparation).

Since the Covid-19 crisis, the demands for the above services have significantly increased. The organization relies heavily on volunteers.

The current millage for BSR provides a little over 50% of its funding and expires December 31, 2024. The millage renewal plus an increase will be on the August 6 ballot. Please vote to continue the services and programs provided by Benzie Senior Services.

County Commissioners Reports:

Commissioner Evan Warsecke (Inland Township Sections 7, and 8 through 36): Reported that the county audit is completed; the sheriff’s department is providing 24-hour road patrol coverage; funds from the state opioid lawsuit is being dispersed.

Commissioner Art Jeannot (Inland Township Sections 1 through 6, and part of 7): Was not present but provided a written report. Some topics mentioned in the report are:

Benzie County employees will likely see a substantial increase for health insurance premiums in 2025-2026.

As Commissioner Warsecke reported above, effective May 12th, the county has 24hr road patrol service.

The county continues to be acknowledged as a leader in broadband expansion for Michigan rural communities.

Commissioner Art Jeannot is concerned that upcoming millage requests on the ballot may not be approved because of “millage/ballot fatigue”. He submitted letters to the editor to the Record Eagle and Record Patriot asking voters to familiarize themselves with the ballot millage language.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost: Submitted as a handout of the May Incident Report. There were 30 incidents, of which the most frequent were 13 medical assists, and the next frequent were 3 building fires.

Parks and Recreation: Peggy Case reported briefly on the status of Benzie County’s Lamb Park, located at Lamb and Cinder Roads.

Fire Association: N/A

Inland Planning Commission: Mary Miller reported that a township master plan will be discussed at the next planning commission meeting, on June 17th.

Event Committee: Supervisor David Davis reported that the time line of the September 5K run is being worked out. The event will be held at the county’s Lake Ann Park.

Website Committee: Trustee Jim Brouwer, Chair of the Website Committee, reported that the township’s new website will soon being going live. Very likely that new and old websites will do parallel running for about a month. The site domain address will change from .org to .gov. Jim recommends that all the township committee chairs be authorized to operate the new website.

Land Committee: The Land Committee was formed in December, 2023. The township owns about 2 acres of vacant land, located at Stanley and Lake Ann Roads. Supervisor Davis is the committee chair, and County Commissioner Warsecke is working with him to evaluate the land’s status. Commissioner Warsecke, suggests that there needs to be a committee meeting.

Zoning/Blight Administrator – report attached

See below New Business – Blight Ordinance.

Compensation Committee: Jim Clark suggested the need to define “statutory duties”.

Board Member Reports Reports given by Wirth, Brouwer and Davis.

Unfinished Business

Audit The township board has been looking for an auditing firm and received several bids. The board members debated over two auditing services.

Maner Costerisan was advocated by Trustee Jim Brouwer, who, along with the other board members, attended a Michigan Township Association gathering in April, and was impressed by the Maner Costerisan presentations. In the May township board meeting, Jim presented an extensive write up of takeaways from the 3-day MTA session, including Maner Costerisan’s knowledge and expertise.

Cambridge & Co. was the other firm reviewed by the board. The Maner Costerisan audit charge is over twice the fee of Cambridge & Co. But Jim Brouwer said that he contacted many other governmental entities, some not dissimilar to Inland Township, about both auditing services, and he reported that Maner Costerisan, regardless of the their higher cost, always received higher praise than Cambridge & Co.

The board approved the Cambridge & Co. contract. Davis, Wirth and Miller voted for Cambridge, and Brouwer for Maner Costerisan. Treasurer Zielinski would have voted for Maner Costerisan had she been in attendance.

Pay and Salary Schedule: The deputy treasurer’s hourly pay was voted unanimously to zero, per request by the deputy treasurer. (Treasurer Zielinski was absent for this vote).

Playground Repair  Tabled for the July meeting.

New Business Playground Driveway

The playground driveway at Inland Township Lake Ann Park needs regrading and graveling. The board approved unanimously, to hire A. J. Excavating for $2,420.00.

Blight Ordinance “Inland Township Ordinance No. 0912 – Blight Elimination” is being updated. Discussion will continue at July meeting.

Blight officer: Currently the zoning administrator cannot address blight problems. Should someone be hired to fulfill this job? In the meantime, Supervisor Davis has agreed to handle blight problems.

L-4029 training/MTA election training: L-4029 is a mandatory report provided to the state by local government agencies, such as Inland Township, that details what makes up the their tax rates. A training course about preparing the L_4029 form is being held by the Clinton County Assessor Association in July.

Also, the Michigan Township Association (MTA), an agency the provides information and training for township and other local government agencies, is holding election training this June.

The township board unanimously approved funding to send the board members for both L_4029 and election training.

MTA dues: The board unanimously approved to renew Michigan Township Association annual dues of $1,900.

Approve deputy treasurer on bank accounThe board unanimously approved that Rosemarie Swartout, the new deputy treasurer, have her name on the township’s bank accounts.

Any Other Business to come before the Board

Trustee Jim Brouwer asked about the clean up day.

Clerk Rose Wirth let the board know that L_4029 tax rate was in.

Public Comment:

Someone questioned the wisdom of going with the lowest bid for the auditor, thinking that maybe the higher bid may have provided better insight in to how the township’s future plans may be better well served. The higher bid cost more, but in the long run it may well be worth it.



7:51 p.m.


Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough


ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!


WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

May 13, 2024 — Inland Township Regular Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at6 p.m. at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 6:01 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call for board members

Trustee Jim Brouwer, Supervisor David Davis, Trustee Mary Miller, Clerk Rose Wirth, Treasurer Therese Zielinski.

Opening public attendance count – 8

Public Comment

Topics mentioned were primarily about Inland Township Park on Lake Ann Road: opposition to allowing alcoholic beverages in the park; could having a dog park be considered; complaint about people being hit or nearly so by discs form disc golf players.

Approval of the Meeting Agenda

The board approved the agenda for May 13th, 2024.

Approval of Consent Agenda:

After corrections, the board approved the April 2024 meeting minutes with adjustments to the April 2024 financial reports.


County Commissioner Evan Warsecke (Township Sections 7, and 8 through 36) was not present.

Art Jeannot (Township Sections 1 through 6, and part of 7), also not presented, submitted a report, some of its highlights are:

Benzie County has about $42,000 of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) fund. At the April, 23rd Board of Commissioners meeting, it was agreed to use the funds for certifying and continuing education of child care workers, purchase equipment for the Benzie Central and Frankfort Elberta schools child care program and safety locks for the Whistle Stop child care in Thompsonville.

The “Taxation Advisory Board” has been meeting to come up with a recommendation to the BOC regarding an adjustment, or a “rollback”, to the Michigan Constitution’s Headlee Agreement (1978). The adjustment is about property tax formulation and will appear on the November 2024 election ballot.

(Check with the Benzie County government center or individuals township government centers for a booklet titled “Guide to Property Taxes, Proposal A, & Headlee Amendment”.)

Benzie County Road Commission is thinking about having a new building built. They proposed that the County put forth a bond proposal of about $18M to finance the project. The County tabled the request for further discussion.

Benzie County has a 1/3 ownership in The Frankfort Dow Memorial Airport, but no vote for running things. Jeannot wants the airport by-laws corrected to include a county vote.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost: Not present

Parks and Recreation

Parks and Recreation Member, Peggy Case, has been heading up the development of the Inland Township Lamb Park, located at the Cinder and Lamb Roads. She told the board that the “three bid” township requirement for projects has not been working. The township board is being asked to waive that requirement.

There is work still to do at Lamb Park: assemble benches, picnic table and gazebo and pouring cement footings; mulch trails; placing dog-waste stations and trash cans; some road grading; have a grand opening soon. Also, the purchase of two dog-waste stations for total of $557.94 was approved.

A stab was taken at an April meeting for Lamb Park to update township bylaws for the Parks and Recreation Committee. The township board has to approve such by-laws changes. It will look over the proposed changes.

Fire Association

Rose Worth reported, and a handout of the April 15th Inland Fire Association meeting was available at the township board meeting.

Inland Planning Commission

Trustee Mary Miller reported on the Commission’s Monday, April 15th meeting. A handout of the meeting was provided that noted a public comment concern about the proposed Dollar General store in Honor.  EGLE (Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lake and Energy) has not yet given it a permit. When?  Also, noise ordinance was brought up.


Event Committee

Committee Chair Bryan Presern was not present. No report.

Website Committee

Committee Chair Jim Brouwer says they’re a little behind. A new website will be implemented, but the old website still needs “cleaning up” for some merging of the old with the new.  Jim Brouwer will work on the old website clean up. He’d appreciate being paid (?)

Land Committee

No report.

Zoning/Blight Administrator Jim Weller

Not present at the board meeting, but he did provide handout reports for April 2024. Also, Supervisor David Davis says he’s assisting in addressing blight issues.

Compensation Committee (previously Salary Committee)

On January 30th, there was a special public meeting of the Inland Township board to discuss board member salary, salary schedules and salary resolutions. Since then, the committee has reviewed dozens of townships, and has now “identified 24 Northern Michigan townships that are similar to Inland Township in population, revenue, or are located in Benzie County.”

The Compensation Committee consulted the Michigan Township Association MTA, an education, training, and civic information source agency, “to gain an understanding of the lawful compensation for statutory and non-statutory duties.”  Interestingly, it was discovered “that Inland Township and the majority of Northern Michigan Townships surveyed are not in compliance with Michigan Law.”

The committee’s reports recommends that (1) no change should be made in the compensation to township elected officials in 2024, (2) the Compensation Committee update the township’s Policy and Procedures Manual, and (3) after the Manual is updated and approved by the board, that the board then complete its salary adjustments based on the committee’s recommendations so as to be in compliance with state law.

A township’s Policy and Procedures Manual that is out of compliance with state law exposes the township to legal action. It was also discovered that some townships don’t even have such manuals. The Inland Township updated manual will provide a clearer and a legally compliant document regarding base salaries for statutory and non-statutory duties, and will be published so as be available to the public, currently elected officials, and future candidates seeking elected office.

Board Member Reports

Treasurer Therese Zielinski provided a current listing of the township’s money situated in the various financial institutions being Honor Bank, Parks CD, State Saving Bank (Frankfort) and Michigan Class.

The Benzie County Treasurer’ Office sent Township Treasurer Zielinski an email with an attached taxpayer’s letter complaining about the “unfriendly” service at the township office regarding a delinquent tax notice. Zielinski requested the board approve the purchase of a secured mail drop box to be attached to the township government center’s door for receiving tax payments. It will cost about $100.

The Michigan Township Association (MTA) held an educational conference April 22-24 at the Grand Traverse Resort. Trustee Mary Miller’s takeaway from the conference was leaning about the extensive human trafficking going on in Michigan. Trustee Jim Brouwer provided a takeaway summary that was included in the handouts for attendees of the board meeting.

Supervisor David Davis reported that the Inland Township clean up day took in $2,420.

Board meeting recess was called at 7:47. Reconvened at 8:00 pm.

Old Business


The township board is still looking for a new auditor. It has received various bids, and will discuss again in June.

AT&T Metro Act

The AT&T Metro Act was discussed at last April’s board meeting. This is about AT&T’s right-of-way through the township, and it being renewed every five years. At the last meeting it was suggested that maybe the township might ask for a higher fee from AT&T than is stated in the agreement. The board has been advised to “just sign it.”

Statutory Duties

The board discussed a list of non-statutory duties of the clerk, duties that can be legally shared or assumed by other board members. The township clerk will no longer be responsible for the non-statutory duties of FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests, township governmental facilities rentals or website maintenance. Treasurer Zielinski will assume the FOIA and rental duties and Trustee Jim Brouwer the website maintenance duty.

New Business

Ground Testing

The township property at the intersection of US 31 (Honor Hwy) and Lake Ann Road (NW corner) is the tentative site of the future township fire station and government center. The property’s will need a soil contamination test. The township received information from Columbia Laboratories (Portland, Oregon), offering a description of their services that deal with pesticides.

Purchase vacuum cleaner

The board will purchase a new vacuum cleaner for the government center.

They are looking at one for $232.99.

Municipal Clerks member ship & conference

The board considered an offer from the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks (MAMC) for the township clerk to join and attend a summer conference to be held. The township will not be joining or attending.

Items for approval to dispose of:

The items in question are: table cart (metal), paint stripping machine, 6 cans of paint stripping paint, and one bookcase. The board approved to just “Get rid of it.”

Deputy Clerk/Treasurer hours

The board agreed to allow extra hours to be worked, if needed, for deputy clerk and deputy treasurer through to November 20th, 2024.

Hulbert Road Gravel

Benzie County Road Commission offered to apply 4 inches of gravel to Hulbert Road, between US 31 and Fewins Road. Estimated cost is $55,251.18, half of which, $27,625.59 will paid by Inland Township, the other half by the Road Commission. The board approved of the offer.

Maner Costerisan is a consulting business dealing with Michigan local governments. At the Michigan Township Educational Conference held in Traverse City in April, it lead some of the seminars. Inland Township Trustee Jim Brouwer is asking the board to consider having a Maner Corterisan employee, Rod Tayler, hold a training session with the township board and to address issues pertaining to Inland Township. The board approved meeting with Maner Costerisan.

Assessing Service Contract

The township’s contract with Michigan Assessing Service Inc is fine as it goes. However, state law stipulates that assessors performing work for a township must have a separate contract that makes them township employees as well. Inland Township has been out of state compliance. Two employees from Michigan Assessing Service were in attendance to discuss and remedy the situation. The board approved making the contract changes.

Any Other Business to come before the Board


Public Comment


Meeting adjourned at 9:33 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

April 8, 2024 — Inland Township Board Meeting

19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI, 49643 231-275-6568

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at6 p.m. at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 6:00 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Trustee Mary Miller, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Roll call for board members: Trustee Jim Brouwer, Clerk Rose Wirth, Treasurer Therese Zielinski, Trustee Mary Miller, Supervisor David Davis excused.

Opening public attendance count – 8

Public Comment: Opened at 6:02 pm. Allen McCullough asked about the status of the Lake Ann Park improvements that will be using ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) Funds. Supervisor Davis, who is not at the meeting, has that information. He can be reached by personal or township phone, or visit him at the township office. Check his office hours.

Approval of the Meeting Agenda: The board approved the agenda for April 8, 2024.

Approval of Consent Agenda: After corrections, the board approved the March 11th, 2024 meeting minutes with adjustments to the March 2024 financial reports.

County Commissioners: The Benzie County Commission normally meets on the second and forth Tuesdays of the month, but the second Tuesday’s session of March 26 wasn’t held because the commissioners were out of town in Lansing at the Michigan Association of Counties meeting.

Commissioner Art Jeannot, who represents a small portion of Inland Township, was in Florida on vacation in March.

The County email software was hacked last week, but should be back up this week.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost: Provided the call stats for March: 19 calls, of which 14 were EMS and 5 were fire. Trustee Brouwer as asked about “cancelled” calls; those are calls in which the emergency situation may be already taken care of and the Inland response is no longer needed.

Parks and Recreation: Peggy Case gave her report on the status of the township’s Lamb Park located at the intersection (northwest corner) of Lamb and Cinder Roads. She is holding a meeting for the park’s workers on Sunday, April 14 and 2:00 pm.  She provided trail map copies to the board; maps are available at the trail head.

Fire Association: The Fire Association will meet April 15th at 6 pm.

Inland Planning Commissioner: Trustee Mary Miller announced a meeting at the township center on Monday, April 15th at 6:00 p.m.

Event Committee: Committee Chair Bryan Presern reported that the committee’s Easter egg hunt was successful, and that there will be a spaghetti dinner fundraiser at Eagle Lodge, 29724 Honor Hwy, on Saturday, April 13, 4:30 – 8:30pm. Most of the money raised goes back to the township for future events. A 5k run event is scheduled for September 14th. The course will start from Inland Township Park on Lake Ann Road, and it still needs firming up with local law enforcement who handle road closures. There will be EMS units, which are the highest cost of the event. The presence of alcoholic beverages still needs negotiating, for the township generally doesn’t allow them in the park. There is also an Iron Man event on September 15th in Frankfort, so to give the 5k run comparable prestige and draw, it is being called the “Tin Man”, of The Wizard of Oz fame and participants will be given a gold colored metal heart. (Click your heels together three times and say “There’s no place like Inland Township” – huh, Toto.)

Website Committee: Back in January 2024, the board created a committee to either update the current township website or create a new one. The committee chose a vendor, Munibit Software Company (Saint Charles, Missouri) to work with them.

Jim Brouwer, the Website Committee chair, reported that the committee is meeting on April 10th, with Zoom availability, and that data uploading from old to new site will start being tested. The committee will still be receiving training from the software vendor. Brouwer hopes the new website will be ready in about a month.

Land Committee: Inland Township owns about two acres of vacant land located at Stanley and Lake Ann Roads. In December, 2023, Supervisor Davis formed a Land Committee to investigate options of what to do with the them. Supervisor David Davis, who is chair of the Land Committee, is absent from this meeting. Benzie County Commissioner Evan Warsecke commented that he and Davis were going to walk the properties in question, but recent rainy conditions have prevented them.  When Davis returns and weather permits, they will try again.

Zoning/Blight Administrator Jim Weller: Not present at the board meeting. He did provide reports for February and March 2024. They were available as handouts.

Salary Committee: On January 30th, there was a special public meeting of the Inland Township board to discuss board member salary, salary schedules and salary resolutions. James Grant gave an update on the committee’s work. Some two dozen other townships have been examined and compared to Inland Townships pay scales. The committee aims to present their findings to the township board by next meeting.

Board Member Reports: Trustee Mary Miller reminded board and committee members that the Michigan Township Association training will be held at the Grand Traverse Resort from April 22, Monday, to April 24, Wednesday. Those wanting to register to attend are being given the opportunity to do so.

Old Business: None.


New Business

AT&T Metro Extension: AT&T has a right-of-away agreement with the township. The agreement or METRO Act Permit Extension is 20 years old as of this July 12th, and it’s been reviewed and renewed every five years. An AT&T letter to the township suggests that they and township might act early on this. Trustee Jim Brouwer is the board member who’s glanced at the agreement, and advises that the discussion about it should be handled in the next board meeting, which was approved. The township received annual fee from AT&T in 2023 of $7,375.45, and the extension agreement might allow some wiggle room for an increase.

Any Other Business to come before the Board


Public Comment: James Grant, questioned the effectiveness of the township’s publishing the annual budget meeting notice in March in just the Record Eagle, and not the Record Patriot. Was this due to Supervisor Davis’s wanting to recently boycott the Record Patriot over an LTE issue? The board didn’t think so. It was probably a submission timing issue. Allen McCullough asked the board if the timing issue was related to Davis’s disgruntledness with the Record Patriot. The board didn’t think so.

James Grant expressed concern about proposed restroom construction in Inland Township Park. The restrooms may be part of the park’s enhancement using ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds. He recommended that a proposed pump tank restroom could be excessively expensive to maintain. Treasurer Zielinski said that a percolation (“perc”) test for drain field viability has yet to be done, and that may determine what’s to be done at all about having restrooms built in the park.

Event Committee Chair Ryan Presern suggested that in addition to the public posting of a budget hearing in the Record Eagle and Record Patriot, that the township should a take advantage of social media.  He also asked about an update on the township fiber optic installation. Fire Chief Pfost said the connection to the governmental center itself will probably be within a month. Not sure about the rest.

Another attendee, in regards to the Event Committee report, expressed disapproval about serving alcoholic drinks in the township park.

Adjournment- 6:56 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]


February 12th, 2024 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at

6 p.m. at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 6:00 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call: Supervisor David Davis, Trustee Jim Brouwer, Clerk Rose Wirth, Treasurer Therese Zielinski, Trustee Mary Miller.

Public attendance count: 8

Public Comment: None

Approval of the Meeting Agenda

The board approved the agenda for February 12, 2Approval of Consent Agenda:

After corrections, the board approved the January 8, 2024 meeting minutes with adjustments to the January 2024 financial reports


Doreen Strang from the Benzie Bus presented a 2023 over view the of the bus service offered. There were 100,718 rides to job, schools, medical appointments, shopping, social services, entertainment, which, consequentially may help reduce isolation. There was a 20% increase in rides from 2022.

County Commissioners:

Commissioner Evan Warsecke was not present.

Commissioner Art Jeannot submitted his report and highlights were:

The county board, on January 23, approved to further consider a program to allow PILOT (Payment In Lieu Of Taxes) grants for low to moderate income housing.

Benzie County Sheriff Kyle Rosa believes the county should have 24/7 road patrol by mid to late May.

Sheriff Rosa announced his intent to run for re-election this year.

Maple Medical Facility’s new manager Megan Garza:

Reported that the facility is at full capacity and the reliance on third party contractors for nursing care is down dramatically. Plus, they’re focusing more on Benzie County residents for admittance.

Commission Chair Tim Markey:

Announced that a Dollar Store is scheduled to be built in Honor.Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:

Reported for January, stressing vehicle equipment repair.

Parks and Recreation:

Peggy Case, head of the township’s Lamb Park development, discussed trail development and visitor parking space availability for Lamb Park located at the northwest corner of Lamb and Cinder Roads.

Fire Association:

Jenice Skusa reported on the recent chili cook-off.

Inland Planning Commissioner:

Trustee Mary Miller announced a meeting at the township center on Monday, February 19 at 6:00 p.m.

Event Committee: Committee Chair Bryan Presern not present. Supervisor Davis mentioned an Easter Egg hunt, spaghetti dinner, and 5k run may be held in the near future.


Website Committee: Because there will be a new website, Treasurer Zielinski asked that the board cancel the constant contract with the current website provider. The board approved. Also, see below, New Business, Website Recommendation.

Land Committee Inland Township owns about two acres of vacant land located at Stanley and Lake Ann Roads. In December, 2023, Supervisor Davis formed a Land Committee to investigate options of what to do with the land. He reported that forest specialists are being consulted about replanting trees, and that there may be a need to have soil samples taken. A land trust could be set up, or even the possibility of selling the properties. There no recommendations yet.

Zoning/Blight Administrator Jim Weller: Was not present but submitted reports for December, 2023, and January, 2024, which were available as handouts at the meeting.

Salary Committee: On January 30, there was a special public meeting of the Inland Township board to discuss board member salary, salary schedules and salary resolutions. A committee, headed by Laura Turmel, was formed to check out comparable pay levels or scales among local townships. Commissioner statutory responsibilities as well as extra duties were considered. It was also discovered that Inland Township board commissioners are paid comparatively less than those of other townships, perhaps because of the low township population? Laura Turmel asked that Lindsey Hugget be added as a member to the Salary Committee. The board approved.

Board Member Reports: Clerk Rose Wirth gave a report about the upcoming election later this month. Treasurer Zielinski reported that written documentation be provided regarding her moving funds to Michigan Class. Trustee Jim Bouwer reported on trustee office hours in the future.

Old Business:

PC Planner: The board is looking for a professional who specializes in working with townships and their master plans.

Security Cameras: At the November 2023 township board meeting, Treasurer Therese Zielinski suggested that security camera coverage be enhanced inside the township office center. Supervisor Davis suggested having Kenwood Critical Radio System (Traverse City) provide an upgrade and service for $2,410. Board motion made and approved.

Board of Review member appointment: The Board of Review oversees the handling of taxes and tax rolls. Jim Weller, township zoning administrator, who was not present, has asked to be appointed to the Board of Review by the township board. Weller’s appointment motioned and approved.

ZBA member appointment: Still waiting on this.

Boardroom stream: Board meetings video streaming moved to March meeting.

New Business:

Letterhead: The board approved a minor change to the township letterhead on documents and correspondence.

Petty cash: Supervisor Davis asked if his office could be provided a petty cash fund of $200, used strictly “for the purpose of making change for taxes, hall rentals, and other services provided by the Supervisor’s office.” Treasurer Zielinski advised that state law allows that only the township treasurer may perform such transactions. No action taken on the request.

Parks projects: Lamb Rd and Lake Ann Rd Parks: Peggy Case, who’s heading up the Lamb Road park development, submitted a budget request for funds for Lamb Road Park. The board motioned and approved $6,000 for tree planting, picnic tables, benches and either a pavilion or gazebo.

There are $210,000 ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds available for township use which need finalizing by year’s end. The funds will be use to up grade Lake Ann Park. The board reviewed several park improvement project bids, two being for constructing new bathrooms. But first a perc or percolation test is needed to determine park land drainage suitability in preparation of a drain field. A motion was made and approved for Treasurer Zielinski to get a perc test done.

Website Recommendation: In January the board created the Ad Hoc Website Review Committee to update the township’s website. Trustee Jim Brouwer became the committee chair, and with members Dan Chapman, Jim Clark, Ron Thomas, Laura Turmel and Therese Zielinski, they have checked out over a dozen software providers, researched them thoroughly and have come up with a recommendation. Chair Jim Brouwer recommends that the township board go with Munibit Software Company (Saint Charles, Missouri).

The board approved signing a contract with Munibit for website services at $979/yr.

The board approved that the Website Installation Committee (the former Ad Hoc Committee) to assist Munibit in the set up and design of the new website.

Publish Auditor Bids: The Township is submitting bids from certified public accountants (CPAs) to perform audits on the township financial records for the fiscal years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, and with options for audits in the five subsequent years. The board approved having the bids placed in the Record Eagle and Record Patriot newspapers for three days.

Recess was called at 8:43 and reconvened at 8:45 (per Township Meeting minutes). See Public Comments and Adjourment below.

Preliminary Budget Discussion

The board checked out the proposed 2023/2024 budget.

MTA Conference

To encourage township board and zoning/planning members to attend a conference on planning presented by the Michigan Township Association (MTA), the board motioned and approved that the township will pay mileage and per diem cost for attendees.

Record Patriot

Supervisor Davis proposed that township issue a “Resolution to Boycott the Record Patriot Newspaper” in opposition to a recent letter-to-the-editor (LTE) published in that newspaper. After about 20 minutes of discussion with public comments, there was little or no support for the resolution, so no action taken.

Public Comment: Township meeting minutes have “was received at 9:05 p.m.”? See Adjournment time below.

Adjournment: 8:45 pm per my notes, time discrepancy perhaps due to a discussion overflow regarding the Record Patriot resolution.


Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough


ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!


WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

December 11, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting 

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at 6 p.m. at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 6:00 p.m. followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners Roll Call:

David Davis (Supervisor), Jim Brouwer (Trustee – replacing Sheri Poulisse who resigned in November) , Rose Wirth (Clerk), Therese Zielinski (Treasurer), Mary Miller (Trustee).

Opening public attendance count was 11.

Public Comment:  Someone had received a blight filing against them, and wanted the board to explain why. The board wasn’t aware of the filing, but the township supervisor will check it out.

Approval of Meeting Agenda: The board approved the agenda for December 11, 2023.

Approval of Consent Agenda: After corrections, the board approved the November 13, 2023 meeting minutes with adjustments to November financial reports.


Benzie County Board of Commission (BOC): Commissioner Evan Warsecke talked about Benzie County receiving additional funding of $400,000 for the Benzie Valley Trail. Also, the Sheriff’s Department has acquired a new dog, and three new officers. The additional officers will help in eventually having adequate 24/7 for road patrol.

Commissioner Art Jeannot, who represents a couple of Inland Township sections but wasn’t present at the township board meeting, provided the board with a written report. Some highlights to his report are:

The Benzie County Board met with township supervisors on October 30 to get their input about resetting the County’s operating millage. The County is waiting for feedback. See below Old Business – Headlee Amendment.

On November 28 the County Board approved equipment and training funding for the Sheriff’s Office and Central Dispatch in the intervention and other life saving measures involving drug overdose occurrences. They also approved funding for Centra Wellness, a community mental health provider in Manistee and Benzie Counties, whose services include treating addiction issues of particularly non or under insured individuals. The funding is coming from a class action opioid settlement.

Benzie County Clerk Tammy Bowers reported that the county has received a grant to cover additional expenses for the August and November 2024 elections. Townships will also benefit from the grant.

Fire Chief:

Chief Dayton Pfost reviewed the November EMS call stats. Two fire department employees are receiving counseling due to “rough experiences” in the line of work. The board approved funding of up to $2,000 for a new set of tires for the fire department’s pick-up truck.

Parks & Recreation:

Peggy Case, heading up the township’s park development at Lamb and Cinder Roads, believes that private snow removal services may be needed for the park’s entrance. She also would like funds to purchase metal trail markers, for which the board approved up to $200

Fire Association:

Township Clerk Rose Wirth reported on the Halloween party – there was snow, and there is no date yet for the fire department Christmas Party. There will be a silent auction.


Inland Planning Commission:

Trustee Mary Miller announced that there would be no meeting in December.

Zoning/Blight Administrator:

The Zoning Administrator Report, October 2023, was submitted to the board from Jim Weller, Zoning Administrator. Contact or visit the township government center for a copy.

Board Member Reports:

Supervisor Davis reported that the Grand Traverse Fire Department is having a chili cook off in January. Also, he continues to check on security cameras for the government office, the cost of an election drop off box for the office, and getting laptop computers for the clerk and treasurer when they have to field questions at home from callers.

Old Business:

Headlee Amendment:

The board approved a resolution supporting the County Board’s Headlee Reset Committee.

Planning Commission Master Planning:

At the November 13 meeting, the board motioned to send estimates regarding the cost involved in updating the township’s master plan to the township planning commission. They are waiting to hear back from the commission. Master plans are required by Michigan to be re-examined every five years. The board received two estimates, one from Networks Northwest and another from Beckett & Raeder.

Security Cameras:

See Board Member Reports above.

New Business:

Planning Commission Recording Secretary Laptop:

Rose Wirth has recently been made Planning Commission Recording Secretary. The two laptop computers for the treasurer and clerk discussed in Board Member Reports will cost $569 each plus Microsoft Office software. The laptop designated for Rose Wirth’s clerk position will also be designated for her use as Planning Commission Recording Secretary. The board approved the purchase of the computers and Microsoft software.


Land trust committee:

The township owns about two acres of vacant land. Supervisor Davis wants to form a land committee to discuss ideas about what to do with the property. The board approved this idea. They also approved Jim Clark, Mari Drew, Ben Zeits, Ryan Presern and Evan Warsecke to be on the committee.

Transfer budgeted funds:

Tabled for the January 2024 meeting.

Event committee:

Last October the Board temporarily suspended the Event Committee. Per the board’s approval, the Event Committee has now been reinstated.

Other Business:

The township website could use some updating. The board appointed Trustee Jim Bouwer to head a committee to explore the issue.

Public Comment:

Comments were made regarding township meeting notices on the township website.

Adjournment: 7:51 p.m.

Allen McCullough

Interlochen, MI

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!


WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

November 13, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at

6 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 6:00 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call:

David Davis (Supervisor), Sheri Poulisse (Trustee), Rose Wirth (Clerk), and Therese Zielinski (Treasurer).   Mary Miller (Trustee) absent.

Opening public attendance count was 22.

Public Comment: Several people spoke: topics covered were the dangers of smoking marijuana; disappointment about recent negative newspaper articles regarding Inland Township, township government transparency issues; possible income making opportunities forfeited because the township Event Committee is threatened with termination; complaint about the boards current dysfunction.

During public comment, at about 6:30, Trustee Sherri Poulisse became ill, and needed to leave.

Approval of Meeting Agenda:

The board approved the agenda for November 13, 2023.

Approval of Consent Agenda:

After corrections, the board approved the October 13, 2023 meeting minutes with adjustments to October financial reports.


County Commissioner Evan Warsecke: (most of Inland/ all of Colfax) submitted Art Jeannot’s report ( 6 sections of Inland). A few things in the report were:

Township supervisors met October 30 with county commissioners for input on resetting the country’s operating millage.

The commissioners approved pay increases for the Road Commission Board.

The Benzie Economic Development Corporation (EDC) is working through a job description, compensation, and a work plan to support the EDC and the Parks Department.

The Benzie County Emergency Manager is updating the county’s emergency management plan.

The Village of Honor will be using their ARPA funds for playground equipment at the village park.

(There is more in Art Jeannot’s report. Check with the township, the county or Art Jeannot’s office for a copy.)

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:

Provided the October EMS calls stats.

He also requested board approval the purchase a new department portable radio. The board approved. The cost is $4,485.60. The funds will come out of the 206 Fund.

Parks & Recreation:

Peggy Case, heading the Lamb Road Natural Area Park, submitted a 2023 progress report. The park is on the northwest corner of Lamb and Cinder Roads, where Case and volunteers started working on it during the summer of 2022.  There are two main trails, a perimeter trail and graded parking lot. There is a draft map currently at the main entrance, and it will be finalized and enlarged in a few weeks. There are also two information boxes that will have provide maps and information.  Visitors and hikers have already been using the park.

Fire Association: Janice Skusa reported.

Inland Planning Commission:

Mary Miller was absent. Laurel Turmel gave report.

Zoning/Blight Administrator: N/A

Board Member Report:

Treasurer Therese Zielinski: Reported on the township’s sweep account.  A sweep account automatically transfers funds that exceed a certain amount in to a higher yielding investment account on a daily basis.

Old Business:

Early voting site: Because of a state constitution amendment passed in 2022 regarding voting rights and protection, voting precincts have to accommodate early voting. In 2024, the township will be using the township government offices and fire depart building for early voting.

Knox Box Ordinance: Chief Pfost submitted ordinance updates for the boards approval pertaining to the use of a Knox Box, which is something like a lock box. Emergency personnel use the Knox Box keys for access to commercial and certain residential buildings in emergency situations. Dfost explained the Knox Box to the board at the October 14, 2023 meeting. The updated ordinance will be published in the Record Patriot and the Record Eagle.

New Business:

Park Trees: Because of oak wilt infection, five red oak trees in Inland Township Park need to be removed. The board approved the motion for Parshall Tree Care Experts to remove the trees for $2,975.00.

Headlee Commission: This will be moved to the December township board meeting. There is a booklet available at the township clerk’s office window concerning taxes and the Headlee Amendment.

Planner: The board discussed the possible need of an updated township master plan. The Michigan Planning Enabling Act requires all master plans to be reviewed at least every 5 years. Two planning development agencies provided estimates to facilitate the process: Networks Northwest estimated $17,400 as a minimum plus other services costing around $8,800, and Beckett & Raeder, Inc offered a total estimate of $30,000. The information will be sent on to the township Planning Commission.

Security Cameras: Treasurer Therese Zielinski recommended that security cameras expand coverage of the interior entrance portion of the government center building. Supervisor David Davis will check out costs and get back with the board.

Inland township cemetery & Stagecoach cemetery tree removal: Inland Township Cemetery and Stagecoach Cemetery need tree removal plus stump grinding services.  An estimate from Parshall Tree Care Experts was reviewed. Cost estimates were $5,625 and $4,860 respectively for Inland and Stagecoach Cemeteries. The board will discuss at a later meeting, pending additional quotes.

Planning Commission recording secretary: The board approved County Clerk Rose Wirth as the township’s Planning Commission recording secretary.

Any Other Business to come before the Board:  A letter of resignation by Trustee Sheri Poulisse mentioning health conditions was read. The board approved the resignation, and discussed posting the position applications in the Record Patriot. The position will be temporarily filled until an elected trustee is chosen in the 2024 general election.

Public Comment: A request was made to have copies of township board’s rules. Though there are no “rules”, there are “policies” that can be made  available to copy.

Adjournment: 7:52

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

October 10, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at

6 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 6:00 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call:

David Davis (Supervisor), Mary Miller (Trustee), Sheri Poulisse (Trustee), Rose Wirth (Clerk), and Therese Zielinski (Treasurer).

Opening public attendance count was 13.

Public Comment:  Jim Clark expressed concerns about the board’s scheduling of the public hearing to be held tonight regarding Cherry Capital Communication’s lease agreement with Inland Township. He felt that the notification for the meeting is misleading and that the meeting ought to be cancelled.

Approval of Meeting Agenda:

The board approved the agenda for October 12th, 2023.

Approval of Consent Agenda: After corrections, the board approved the September 11th, 2023 meeting minutes, adjustments to the September  financial reports.

Reports: County Commissioner Evan Warsecke: Talked about the Veterans Day celebrations, county broadband accessibility, influx of state money for the Betsy Valley Trail improvement.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:

Provided the September EMS calls stats.

He wants to re-hire Landen Foster, who quit the fire department about four years ago for personal reasons. Pfost has re-vetted and updated Foster’s file, and qualifying him for re-employment.

Crystal Flash, who provides diesel fuel to the township fire department, has changed it fuel delivery arrangement which is inconvenient for the department’s fuel scheduling practices. Pfost request that the board approve the township’s purchase of the Crystal Flash diesel tank on the township property. The township would then negotiate with whatever diesel fuel supplier who will accommodate the township’s refueling schedules.

Parks & Recreation: In letter from Peggy Case, who’s overseeing the township park development at Cinder and Lamb Road, there was a request that the board approve volunteer Tom Reichard’s appointment to the committee.

Also asked in the letter was the purchase of a metal gate to prevent unauthorized car traffic into the park from a maintenance trail access. The board approved funds of up to $500 for the gate.

Finally, a perimeter trail for the park has been worked out.

Fire Association: Rose Wirth (Township Clerk) reported that the next Fire Association meeting will be held Wednesday, October 18th. The Halloween Night festivities will be discussed.

Inland Planning Commission: No report.

Zoning/Blight Administrator Jim Weller:

Submitted a report of September’s Land Use Permits.

Event Committee: The event committee sent out an electronic newsletter in September which included a notice about the November 7th election that includes the township clerk recall effort. The letter mentioned that questions about the recall could be directed to committee member Rosemarie Swartout. Because Swartout has been helping lead the recall, the board had the newsletter taken down for concerns that it might be seen as favoring the recall effort.

At first, the a motion was made to terminate the Event Committee. That failed 2-3. Another motion was made to temporarily suspend the committee, in order to review by-laws and newsletter content control. That motion passed 4-1, Zielinski opposed.

Board Member Reports: None.

Public Meeting: The regular board meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm and a public meeting began. During the September board meeting, the township was considering signing a lease and easement agreement with Cherry Capital Connections, who is installing fiber cable in Benzie County for primarily residential use. Some board members and public attendees felt that a meeting for public input would be advisable if not required.

Tim Maylone, head of Cherry Capital Communications, was in attendance to answer questions. The board motioned to accept and sign the lease and easement agreement with Cherry Capital. Motion approved 3-2. Trustee Miller and Treasurer Zielinski opposed.

The special meeting adjourned at 7:17 pm and regular meeting reopened.

Old Business: None.

New Business:

Figura Law moving to Mika Myers: Figura Law, the township’s legal counsel, sent a letter to Township Supervisor David Davis, announcing its move to join the Mika Myers firm. The township can choose to transfer some or all of its legal matters and files to the new firm. There will be a fee increases; however, Mika Myers can can make more legal expertise and resources available to the township. The motion to approve the transfer of services was passed 4 to 1, Treasurer Zielinski opposed.

The board then motioned for an amendment to the previous motion to the change of law firms through the rest of the fiscal year. Until then, the township supervisor will investigate other law firm options and get answers for when the board develops next year’s budget. The board approved 5 to 0.

FD Ordinance & FD Knox box purchases: Fire Department Chief Pfost requested that the township board adopt an ordinance requiring all commercial buildings and certain multi-family buildings of four or more dwelling units to have emergency accessible key lock boxes, commercially known as Knox Boxes (made in Phoenix, Arizona) on the premises, plus fire suppression systems and alarms. A lock box will allow emergency services personnel to have easier and faster access to building interiors without having to wait for non-emergency persons or property owners to arrive at the scene of the emergency. Emergency personnel access to lock box keys will be strictly authorized, monitored and recorded. Such keys are designed to discourage personal retention after accessing them. The ordinance request needs legal finalizing. No expenditure required at this time.

Lake Ann Elementary School has agreed to have a “Knox Box”.

FD Policies: Fire Chief Pfost requested the board to approve four department polices: Inland Fire Policy #101, Driving Record Review- regarding employee driving records and violations that impact operating emergency vehicles; Policy #104, Alcohol and Drug Abuse – for a safe and drug-free work environment; Policy #106, Reporting of Injuries, Illness and Medical conditions which may affect a safe working and training environment – to ensure that all personnel are physically and mentally capable of preforming their job duties without risk to themselves, fellow employees, or the employer, thereby providing a safe working and training environment; Policy #108, Leave of Absence – To allow an employee the ability to take a leave for any one of the following reasons: Educational, Personal, Military, Medical. All policies were approved 5-0 by the board.

Election box cover: The election ballot box at the government center needs a cover for election security requirements. The cover cost $182 plus shipping. The board approved the purchase 5-0.

Approve Early Voting Site: Not addressed.

Any Other Business to come before the Board: None.

Public Comment: The recall election is the result of recent disputes concerning the duties and responsibilities of township clerk and treasurer. Public attendees spoke in support of and against Clerk Wirth and Treasurer Zielinski.

Adjournment: 7:19 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]



September 11th, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at

6 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 6:00 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call: David Davis (Supervisor), Mary Miller (Trustee), Sheri Poulisse (Trustee), Rose Wirth (Clerk), and Therese Zielinski (Treasurer)

Opening public attendance count was about 11.

Public Comment:

Allen McCullough requested that the monthly Board of Commissioner meeting be changed back to 5:00 pm.

Approval of Meeting Agenda:

The board approved the agenda for September 11th, 2023.

Approval of Consent Agenda:

After corrections, the board approved the August 14th, 2023 meeting minutes, adjustments to the August financial reports.

Also included were the minutes of a special August 21 meeting between the township planning commission, zoning administrator, township board members and zoning attorney.


County Commissioner Evan Warsecke was absent – not feeling well.He is the county commissioner for Colfax township, and most of Inland township.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:Provided the August EMS calls stats. A fireman has resigned, but Pfost requested that the board motion to approve the hiring of another applicant. Pfost felt that fire department policies and procedures should be reviewed by the board. A motion was passed to purchase new tires for the fire department’s Suburban at a cost of $2,000, which includes installation.

Parks & Recreation: No report

Fire Association: No report

Inland Planning Commission: Mary Miller – meeting Sept 18th at 6:00 pm

Zoning/Blight Administrator: No report

Event Committee Rosemarie Swartout:Asked the board to approve the resignation of five members from the committee, and to approve the appointing of three new others.

Board Member Reports: No report

Old Business: Kraft Maintenance Agreement:At the August 14th meeting, the board passed a motion to further review a maintenance agreement from Kraft Maintenance Service for the four printers at the township government center. The service agreement was passed 5 to 0 by the board.

Cherry Capital Connections lease and easement agreement:Cherry Capital Connections is installing most of the fiber cable in Benzie County, primarily for residential use. For Inland Township, the company wants a right-of-way agreement to construct a power cabinet and tool shed on the township property, located on the acreage recently bought by the township at the intersection of M31 and Lake Ann Road. This property is the tentative future site of a new township hall and fire station. Some board members and public attendees expressed the need for public input before signing off on a lease and easement agreement with Cherry Capital.

The board’s motion to approve the agreement failed. Motions were then passed to have a public hearing held, and then to have it scheduled for 6:30 pm at the October 10th, Tuesday, township board meeting, which will be held at 6:00 pm.

New Business: Sheren – replace heat exchanger: The township fire department fire truck needs a heat exchanger replaced. The board approved a motion to have Sheren Heating Plumbing Cooling of Traverse City to do the replacing and operation testing for $2,750.00. metro act (please bring your copy of Metro Act Permit for KEPS Technologies dba – doing business as –

A Michigan Metro Act is statute that encourages the installation of high speed internet service.

KEPS Technologies, doing business as Advanced Communication Data, ACD, currently provides some fiber optic internet service in Benzie County. The township board approved ACD’s metro act agreement allowing them to install fiber optic internet that permits them to access township property.

MTA upcoming webinar (Sep 13th, and Oct 18th):

The Michigan Township Association (MTA) is a non-profit organization, located in Lansing, that provides guidance and training for Michigan local governments concerning local administrative and governmental concerns. It provides on and off line training on subjects relevant to local governmental agencies.

The board approved a motion to purchase registration fees for on line instruction offered in September and October at a cost of $25 per class.

Treasurer lodging for MTA conference on Aug 1st Treasurer Therese Zielinski attended a MTA session in August. The board approve a motion to reimburse her for lodging costing $98.12. The treasurer felt that the per diem stipulations may not necessarily cover the cost and the board would need a special motion to do so.

Any Other Business to come before the Board: None.

Public Comment:

Rosemarie Swartout had questions about recent increasing electric bills for the township government office.

Adjournment: 7:19 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:

[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!


WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]


August 14, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at
5 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 5:02 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call:
David Davis (Supervisor), Mary Miller (Trustee), Sheri Poulisse (Trustee), Rose Wirth (Clerk), and Therese Zielinski (Treasurer).

Opening public attendance count was about 12.

Public Comment:
Rosemarie Swartout asked if there was a recording of the July 10 meeting. The board responded that there wasn’t. She also had questions about the agreement between the township board and Cherry Capital Connection, the company given permission to install fiber optic cable in Inland Township.

Approval of Meeting Agenda:
The board approved the agenda for August 14, 2023.

Approval of Consent Agenda:
After corrections, the board approved the July 10, 2023 meeting minutes. They also, approved the financial reports with updates for July 2023.

County Commissioner Evan Warsecke, Benzie County Commissioner for Colfax and most of Inland Township:
Reported that the new emergency radio communications tower, built with American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds, is completed. It is located in Frankfort. Also, the county budget is complete.

County Commissioner Art Jeannot, who represents six sections in Inland Township: Art handed his report to board.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:
Provided the July 2023 EMS calls stats. He was not able to attend the July 10 meeting because he had to be at the Four Corners fire in Manistee and Wexford counties. The township fire department did its annual fire hose testing. Pfost, the assistance fire chief and the township supervisor will attend a Michigan Townships Association (MTA) Emerging Issues conference on September 12 in Frankenmuth. The board approved per diem and mileage for the conference.

Parks & Recreation:
Peggy Case reported on the progress of the Lamb Park trail development, plus new volunteers joining the effort.

Fire Association:
Tanya Struble (normally Clerk Rose Wirth reports) talked about the up coming fire department open house, August 12.

Inland Planning Commission:
Trustee Mary Miller announced that there will be meeting of the commission on August 14.

Zoning/Blight Administrator Jim Weller:
Reported that there were two new blight complaints.

Event Committee Chair Laura Turmel:
Requested that Emily Leuenberger be approved to the Event Committee. The board approved.

Board Member Reports:
Treasurer Therese Zielinski requested that township funds be allowed to stay in an Honor Bank sweep account instead of it being moved to State Bank sweep account. There is a cd that is soon to expire, so the treasurer wants it moved into the Honor Bank account. A motion made to approve the above financial arrangements was passed 4 to 1.

Old Business:
Because of concerns expressed by some township residents, a special audit of the township finances was performed in July. The audit is near completion, and preliminary understanding is that the books balance.

New Business:

Kraft maintenance agreement:
A motion was passed, 5 to 0, to have an agreement with Kraft Business Systems, for printer support, to be further reviewed by the township supervisor and treasurer.

Election Materials:
A motion was passed, 5 to 0, for Clerk Rose Wirth to purchase election material – envelopes and postage stamps – up to $1,200.

MSU Citizen Planned:
Michigan State University (MSU) Extension is offering a Citizen Planner course for local officials “working in the areas of planning, zoning, community and economic development.” An individual cost is $250, which covers registration, course materials, snacks and refreshments. For groups of four or more the cost $225 per person. Some online classes are available. The classes will be offered October and November in Manistee, Mi. A motion was approved, 5 to 0, for any township board member and members of the zoning and planning commissions to attend the classes, and they will be paid per diem and mileage cost.

Any Other Business to come before the Board: None.

Public Comment:
A comment was made about two new blight conditions. At the suggestion
of some, the board moved to have subsequent monthly meetings begin at
6:00 pm.

Adjournment: 6:08 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

Allen McCullough
20359 Douglas Rd.
Interlochen, MI 49643

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

July 10, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting
Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at 5 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643
Call to order was at 5:58 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board of Commissioners roll call:
David Davis (Supervisor), Mary Miller (Trustee), Sheri Poulisse (Trustee), Rose Wirth (Clerk), and Therese Zielinski (Treasurer).
Opening public attendance count was about 20.
Public Comment:
The subject of a recall petition was presented, but the board wanted to limit this public comment time to what is on the agenda.
Approval of Meeting/Consent Agenda:
The June 12th, 2023 meeting minutes and financial reports approved, with changes or updates.
County Commissioner Evan Warsecke:
Represents Colfax and most off Inland Township was not present.
Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:
Was not present. He was at the Four Corners fire in Manistee/Wexford Counties.
Parks & Recreation:
Peggy Case, who is overseeing the Township Lamb Park development, located at Lamb and Cinder Roads, reported that the park’s parking areas have been graded. Some trail work and split rail fence construction are scheduled. Peggy Case is seeking more volunteers to help at Lamb Park.
Fire Association:
Township Clerk Rose Wirth announced that there will be township Fire Department open house on August 12th.
Inland Planning Commission:
Trustee Mary Miller announced there was a Planning Commission meeting Monday, July 17 at 6:00 pm.
Zoning/Blight Administrator Jim Weller:
Discussed two residential-to-commercial rezoning applications that were approved by the township zoning commission. The board approved the rezoning.
Event Committee:
Rosemarie Swartout discussed getting the board’s permission to schedule events.
Board Member Reports: None.
Old Business:
Cemetery Rules & Regulations updated:
The “Inland Township Cemeteries Rules and Regulations” have needed updating. The board presented updates at the June meeting, but postponed approval for this July meeting. The updated “Cemetery Rule and Regulations” were approved.
Tabled Item of Business:
Township committee organization:
The board has approved putting Supervisor David Davis, plus two new volunteers, on the Parks and Recreation Committee.
Membership & MIAssociation of Cemeteries Conference:
In June, the board discussed joining the Michigan Association of Municipal Cemeteries (MAMC), and if so, should Clerk Rose Wirth attend a MAMC conference in Traverse City in August? The board, with the exception of Treasurer Zielinski, approved paying the membership fee of $45.00 for the calendar year, and paying per diem and mileage for any or all of the board members to attend the MAMC conference in August.
New Business:
Cherry Capital Connections:
The Cherry Capital Connections has been given permission to provide fiber internet service in Inland Township. The board approved that the paper work– applications, bilateral agreements – be allowed to proceed which will permit the laying of line. The board also approved, with exception of Treasurer Zielinski, to have the township supervisor work with Cherry Capital on the leasing and wording of the agreements.
Any Other Business to come before the Board:
The board approved Fischer Gas to provide service with a price lock-in for Bendon Hall.
The Michigan Township Association (MTA) will be offering classes pertaining to township governmental activities and services on August 1-2 in Cadillac. The board approved that members who want to attend be paid per diem and mileage.
The board discussed hiring Fish Glass Cleaning for the township hall.
Public Comment:
Rosemarie and Bill Swartout explained to the board that they are circulating a recall petition drive against Township Clerk Rose Wirth. They contend that Wirth has never properly balanced township finances or “books”, which they claim is her responsibility. Wirth responded that proper procedures have been followed.
Adjournment: 6:50 pm.
The township board called a special meeting for Tuesday, July 12th at 6 pm. The board announced at the meeting that a special audit will be conducted to determine if balancing procedures have been followed and to further clarify what is the role of the clerk in balancing finances.
Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough
ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]


June 12, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at
5 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 5:00 pm, followed by an invocation delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call:
David Davis (Supervisor), Mary Miller (Trustee), Sheri Poulisse (Trustee), Rose Wirth (Clerk), and Therese Zielinski (Treasurer).

Opening public attendance count was 9.

Public Comment: None.

Approval of Meeting/Consent Agenda:
The May 8, 2023 meeting minutes and financial reports approved, with changes or updates.

Guest Speaker:
Tim Maylone from Cherry Capital Communications briefly talked about his company’s plans for service in the township. He was seeking the board’s approval to lay fiber cable service along roads in the township. The board will study the request.

County Commissioner Evan Warsecke:
Discussed a county audit being completed; there is now an “Infant in the Workplace” county policy.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:
Provided May EMS statistics: 24 call received-18 EMS and 6 fires.

Parks & Recreation: No report.

Fire Association:
There will be a open house for the township fire department on August 12 at the government center from 11:00 am to 2 pm. People can bring in their fire extinguishers to be refilled, and receive instructions on how to use them.

Inland Planning Commission: No report.

Zoning/Blight Administrator: No report

Event Committee:
The committee asked that two new volunteers be approved by the board.

Board Member Reports:
Supervisor David Davis:
Announced that Harm Reduction Michigan held a NARCAN training session on June 15, 6:00 to 7:30 pm at the township hall.

Old Business:
There’s been more progress in the Szostakowski property blight cleanup, but the township will continue monitoring its status. A court order regarding the blight is still standing.

Table Item of Business:
Township committee organization:
A committee to coordinate the different committees of the township is being considered, but no progress made. The board will table the discussion for the July meeting.

New Business:
Wi-Fi & security for Bendon Hall: The board will further consider.

MTA annual membership (to include tabled May item: MTA online/webinar): The Michigan Township Association (MTA) is a non-profit organization, located in Lansing, that provides guidance and training for Michigan local governments concerning local administrative and governmental concerns. It provides on and off line training on subjects relevant to local governmental agencies. The board approved its membership in the MTA with a motion to pay an annual fee amount of $1,815.26 + $54.46 (Legal Defense Fund contribution) + $1,000 Plus Package (significantly expanded courses available), total amount of $2,869.72.

Membership & MI Association of Cemeteries Conference (clerk):
The Michigan Association of Municipal Cemeteries (MAMC) will be holding a conference in August in Traverse City. The board discussed having township clerk Rose Wirth attend, but will table the consideration until the July board meeting.

Cemetery rules & regulations updated:
The “Inland Township Cemeteries Rules and Regulations” has not been updated since 1986. The board submitted many changes, but tabled for further review for the July meeting.

Electric sign:
The township center’s outdoor digital display board is having to be replaced. Several bids were reviewed, all of them easily exceeding $30,000. The board approved a bid of $31,165.86.

Any other business to come before the board:
Treasurer Therese Zielinski asked that she be given permission to transfer some funds from the township’s account in the Honor Bank to Michigan Class. The board approved. While a required amount is kept in the Honor bank, the transferred funds will earn more interest in Michigan Class.

Public Comment:
It was encouraged the that the township clerk Rose Wirth attend the MAMC meeting in August. The changing of the township cemeteries rules, earlier discussed, may benefit by having the clerk attend the conference.

Adjournment: 6:20 pm

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

May 8, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting
Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at 5 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643
Call to order was at 5:00 pm, followed by an invocation, delivered by Township Supervisor David Davis, then the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board of Commissioners roll call:
David Davis (Supervisor), Mary Mill (Trustee), Rose Wirth (Clerk), and Therese Zielinski (Treasurer). Sheri Poulisse (Trustee) was absent.
Opening public attendance count was 9
Public Comment: No comments.
Approval of Meeting/Consent Agenda:
The April 10, 2023 meeting minutes and financial reports approved, with changes or updates.
County Commissioner Art Jeannot:
Art filled in for Commissioner Evan Warsecke. The latest redistricting has Jeannot representing portions of Inland Township.
Jeannot discussed ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds being used in Benzie County.
Also, property tax notices sent out this summer will show for most recipients at least an increase of 5% for 2023. Michigan’s Headlee Amendment (1978) limits property tax increases to 5% or the inflation rate, whichever is less. Inflation in 2022 exceeded the 5%. Check with the township for questions.
Fire Chief Chief Dayton Pfost:
Provided April EMS statistics: 24 EMS calls, 9 of them for fires. Six calls were for outside Inland Township.
Parks & Recreation:
The entrance and parking areas of Inland Township Park at Lamb and Cinder Roads need grading and graveling, plus tree and brush removal. Peggy Case, Parks & Recreation Committee volunteer, has gotten two bids and presented them to the board – one for $8,960 from Interlochen Trucking and Excavating and the other for $21,000 from Kerby’s Backhoe Service. After discussing the extensive work envisioned by the committee and the board, the Kerby bid was approved as the one more likely to fulfill the job.
Fire Association:
See Fire Chief above. For further information, visit the Inland Township website’s Inland Fire Association Meeting minutes of April 19, 2023.
Inland Planning Commission: No report.
Zoning/Blight Administrator:
The seven-years blight issue at Cinder and Bendon Roads may be getting taken care of (? ) The property owner had until this May 6th to clean things up. Some cleanup has occurred, but a lot more is needed, so the township will continue monitoring its status.
Event Committee:
Clarification was asked of the board regarding volunteer reimbursements for out of pocket expenditures; handling meeting minutes; adding and removing members to the committee.
Board Member Reports:
Township Chair David Davis briefly reported on the May 6th (Saturday), Inland Township Clean Up Day, there were 79 trailers of waste that showed up and a total of $1,720 was collected from participation fees.
Old Business:
Street Lights:
At the April 10th meeting, the board talked about having a streetlight installed at Blackford Blvd and US31. Cherryland Electric would install and maintain. At the township’s request, Cherryland Electric provided estimates for streetlights at Lamb and Brundage roads, both costing the same as Blackford Blvd ($600), and more extensive installations at Hulbert Rd for $1,150 and Carmean Rd for $3,000-4000.
Bendon Hall report:
Bendon Hall was being considered for sale, but is now not for sale for the foreseeable future.
Office and Kitchen wall bids:
This winter, a car entering the parking area at night at the township government/fire department location, caused structural damage to the building. The board approved bids from VT Construction, LLC, to repair the damage for $5,300 and, at the same time, do some remodeling of office and kitchen areas for $9,650.
MDOT Traffic Lights:
It’s been suggested that the township put traffic signals at Reynolds Rd and Lake Ann/Bendon Rd on US31. The Michigan Department of Transportation (MDOT) is the agency responsible for such work. In a letter to the Township Chair David Davis, MDOT explained that they are planning to do work along US31 where the two intersections are located. They will create left turn lanes at the intersections in question, and are also currently evaluating traffic conditions to determine if signals are warranted as well.
New Business:
Hulbert & St. Johns graveling:
The Benzie Country Road Commission provided Inland Township with estimates for graveling Hulbert Road between US31 and Fewins Road, and St Johns Road between Bendon Road and Reynolds Road. The Road Commission will split the costs with the township. The township’s share of the cost will be $19,257.83 for Hulbert Road and $19,021.43 for St. Johns Road.
Township Committees Organization:
A suggestion as been made that perhaps there should be a Committee to help coordinate the other township committees.
MTA Online/webinars:
The Michigan Township Association (MTA) offers an Online Learning Center available to township officials. The various packages – Essential ($750), Plus ($1,000) and Premium ($1,900), progress in extensiveness and subject matter. Courses cover basics like accounting and payroll, revenue, taxes, ethics, planning, zoning, assessments and  progress to more extensive training and include election fundamentals, legal issues, energy, mining, and of course fire and safety services. The MTA also conducts online webinars.
The township board approved two millage proposals to be placed on the November 7th, 2023 election ballot. One millage is for funding township fire equipment (Resolution Number 2023-08), and the other (2023-09) is for fire protection services. No.08 will be levied for three (3) years and No.09 for five (5) years. They are really renewals of earlier millage proposals. There will undoubtedly be public information coming out about these millages.
MERS 457:
Michigan Employee Retirement Services (MERS) is exclusively for public service employees. Chair David Davis had picked up handouts about MERS at a meeting of other business and was presenting them to the boards members as sort of an FYI for their consideration.
Any other business to come before the board: None.
Public Comment:
A question was asked as to whether ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds were used in developing Lamb & Cinder Park. The park’s development is being done by volunteers and township funds. ARPA funding will be used to upgrade the Lake Ann Township Park located on Lake Ann Road. The township has until 2024 to finalize ARPA funding plans for the park, and then through 2026 to use the funds for the park.
Adjournment: 6:41 pm.
Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough
ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we ar


April 10, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Inland Township Meetings are held on the 2nd Monday of every month at
5 pm at the Township Hall, 19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI 49643

Call to order was at 5:00 pm, followed by an invocation (Pastor Collins), then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call:
David Davis (Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Therese Zielinski (Treasurer), and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee), and Mary Miller (Trustee)

Public attendance count was 15

Public Comment:
The board was advised to more thoroughly consider and present to the public the financing of the future fire hall to be located at Lake Ann Road and US 31.

It was suggested that future tax assessments notices should come with a township newsletter.

A complaint was made about the overnight lighting from the storage facility across from the township government building (nearby private residences are being affected).

Approval of Meeting/Consent Agenda:
The March 13, 2023, meeting minutes and financial reports approved.

County Commissioner Evan Warsecke (Inland/Colfax Townships):
Reported, as he did in March, on the status of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act, the Federal Covid-19 money) funds distributions in Benzie County. He mention broadband development and the Point Betsie Light House.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:
Provided March EMS statistics. He explained that EMS stats include not only incoming calls for emergency assistance, but also calls from Inland township to other townships, villages or cities for help, for emergencies inside or outside of Inland Township.

Parks & Recreation: Peggy Case, volunteer on the P & R Committee:
Requested that the board approve a new volunteer, Amy Hoxie, who wants to join the committee. The board approved. Case also expressed frustration about securing job estimates and/or commitments from excavation contractors, particularly for grading the entrance into the parking area of the Inland Township Park at Lamb and Cinder Roads.

Fire Association: No report.

Inland Planning Commission:
Fire Chief Dayton Pfost discussed communication concerns between himself and the Planning Commission regarding the new Township Fire Hall site to be located at Lake Ann Road and US 31.

Zoning/Blight Administrator, Jim Weller:
Reported a blight situation at Bendon and Cinder Road has been given a deadline of May 6 to be cleaned up. If it isn’t taken care of by then, the township will clean it up and charge the property owner by a tax lien/assessment.

Event Committee:
The committee is still working on having a farmers market this summer.

Board Member Reports:
Some of the board members will be attending a Michigan Township Association (MTA) training at the Grand Traverse Resort, April 17-19.

Old Business: None.

New Business:
Road Brine:
The Benzie County Road Commission has notified the township of this year’s gravel road dust suppression applications. As usual, there will be scheduled at least two applications; Spring and Summer. Benzie County and the township will split the cost. There are 12.73 miles of township roads receiving the dust suppression, which will cost $8,138.93 (12.73 x $639.35/mile) plus a $691.81 County Administration fee (8.5%), for total cost per application of $8,830.74. The board approved the county’s proposal.

Street lighting at US31 & Blackford Blvd:
People are asking the township to consider putting up a street light (not a traffic signal, which is MDOT’s jurisdiction) at Blackford Blvd and US 31. Cherryland Electric will service the light, with an initial installation cost of $600. The board tabled the discussion for the May meeting.

Any other business to come before the board: None

Public Comment:
What is the status of Bendon Hall? The township is not aggressively selling the property; no real estate agency has yet been consulted. The board is more concerned at the moment about the blight problem that is nearby at Bendon and Cinder Road (see Zoning/Blight Administrator above).

Peggy Case, Parks and Recreation Committee:
Is wondering when the County will gravel the entrance to the Lamb & Cinder Roads Park entrance. Under wet weather conditions, vehicles can easily get stuck, especially when leaving.

Adjournment: 6:18 pm.

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

ALL TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at:
[email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

March 13th, 2023 — Inland Township Board Meeting
Call to order was at 5:00 pm, followed by an invocation, then the Pledge of Allegiance.
Board of Commissioners roll call: David Davis (Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Therese Zielinski (Treasurer), and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee).
Opening public attendance count was 10.
Public Comment: None.
Approval of Meeting/Consent Agenda:
The February 13, 2023 meeting minutes and financial reports approved.
County Commissioner Evan Warsecke (Inland/Colfax Townships):
Reported on the status of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act Money, the Federal Covid money) funds distributions in Benzie County.
Fire Chief Chief Dayton Pfost:
Provided February statistics: 20 EMS calls, 8 of them involving fires.
Parks & Recreation: No report.
Fire Association: No report.
Inland Planning Commission:
As reported in the February 13th meeting, a Dollar General store is to be located at US 31 and Reynolds Rd. Construction will probably start this Spring.
Zoning/Blight Administrator:
Building permits were announced. Also, the Inland Zoning Commission will hold a meeting on March 20, Monday, at 6 pm.
Event Committee:
A committee meeting will be held on March 22, Wednesday, at 6 pm to discuss the future of the township’s sponsored farmers markets. About a 100 vendors/farmers have been asked for input.
Board Member Reports: None.
Old Business: None.
New Business:
Clean up day May 6th:
The board finalized its agreement with GFL (Green For Life) Environmental (garbage pickup service). GFL will haul away trash brought to Benzie Township Clean Up Day by township residents. The event will be held on May 6, 2023 (Saturday) from 7 am to Noon at the Inland Township Park, 3531 Lake Ann Road.
Newsletter – mailing and payment:
Rose Wirth (Township Clerk) and Peggy Cass (Parks and Recreation Committee member) will work at writing up the newsletter and determining its cost.
General Appropriations Act Resolution 32023-06:
This is a resolution by the board agreeing to stipulations and procedures pertaining to adopting the 2023-2024 budget, scheduled to be looked at later this evening.
Approved sending Fire Department millage to renewal attorney:
A new millage is sought for updating Fire Department operating and equipment expenditures.  It will be put up for voters’ approval probably this August.
Any other business to come before the board:
The Lake Ann Elementary School PTA is asking the township board’s approval for procuring a gaming license for charitable raffles. The request is school policy, not a township one, and the process is a formality.
Public Comment: None.
The township board meeting recessed at 5:51 pm and reconvened at 6:15 pm to discuss the 2023-24 budget. The budget review meeting lasted more than an hour. The board determined that the budget contained questionable data and errors which would need more time to examine before finalizing it. The board meeting was then adjourned.
Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough


Sept. 12, 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting Summary

Meeting convened at 5:00 pm. All call to order was made, then Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Board of Commissioners roll call: present, Rose Wirth (Clerk), Therese Zielinski (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee/Temporary Supervisor).
Public attendees: 14
Paul Beechraft resigned from the Inland Township BOC and accepted a position on the Benzie County Road Commission. Rose Wirth (Clerk) will be leaving her position on the township commission after the November election.
Approval of Meeting and Consent Agendas:
The commission approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the August, 2022 board meeting minutes, and reviewed the August financial reports.
Public Comment:
Anthony Dutt commented on the cannabis ordinance and that there will be a cannabis issue voted on locally in August 2023. Rosemarie Swarthout felt that the township commission should provide clearer public notification about the replacements (Clerk and Supervisor) on the commission.
Country Commissioner: No report.
Fire Chief:
Fire Chief Dayton Pfost reported 49 callouts: 42 EMS and 7 fires.
Parks and Recreation Committee:
Nancy Pringle has been added to the committee.
Inland Planning Commission:
There was no meeting held in September.
Zoning/Blight Administrator: No report
Event Committee:
There will be a fall craft show on November 5, Saturday, from 7-4. Also, a  new chair cart was discussed.
Board Members Reports: None
Old Business:
Advertising to fill zoning commissioner & zoning commission administrator were discussed.  The deadline for application submission was September 23.
New Business:
Honor Building Supply Account:
The commission discussed establishing an account with Honor Building Supply.
The commission approved the purchase of two new shredders for the government center.
Rental Agreement:
The township requires that for events having a “bounce house” on township property, that the event holder carry their own insurance (“certificate of liability”)
Zoning Ordinance Amendment:
The township planning commission approved on August 16 a request to amend (ZA#04) parcel 10-08-010-025-21, 18639 Honor Hwy from Rural Residential to General Commercial. The township BOC approved the amendment.
Job Descriptions:
The board will look into the updating the job description for the zoning commissioner.
Public Comment:
Anthony Dutt commented further about cannabis.
Other Business:
There was a MTA (Michigan Township Association) meeting in Bellaire (Antrim County seat) on October 12th and 13th. The new Inland township Treasurer, Therese Zielinski, and her Deputy Treasurer (not chosen yet), will be attending and the township board has authorized to pay the cost for them to attend.
It is understood the Paul Beechraft, former township supervisor, will try to be accessible as a “consultant” to help whoever replaces him.
Meeting adjourned at 7:15 pm
Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough


August 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting  
Meeting convened at 6:00 pm.

A call to order was made, then Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Board of Commissioners roll call: Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Linda Wilson (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee) were in attendance.

Public attendees: 10

Approval of Meeting and Consent Agendas:
The commission approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the July 11, 2022 board meeting minutes, and reviewed the July financial reports.

Public Comment: Rosemary Swartout, who spoke during the July 11 public comment, requested that the July meeting notes reflect that her first name is not “Rose”, but Rosemary.


Country Commissioner:
Even Warsecke, County Commissioner from Inland and Colfax Townships, discussed the Benzie County survey for use of the $3.46 million from the American Rescue Program Act (ARPA). The survey will closes August 26. Also, the county
commission is looking for a new director for the Benzie Bus service, plus there is a vacancy on the county road commission. Opioid recovery funding is available.

Fire Chief:
Dayton Pfost reported 28 EMS calls answered to in July – 14 calls were fire related. Also mentioned were funding for new fire fighting equipment; purchasing new tires; and Michigan Township Association (MTA) training about emergency issues and services. Fire Chief Pfost is overseeing the building of the new township government center/fire station for which he sent out Requests for Proposal (RFP) to five architectural firms.

Parks and Recreation Committee:
Peggy Case, member of the committee, discussed the township 40 acre park located at Lamb and Cinder Roads. Remains found of a personal fire in the park prompted a reminder for the need of signs forbidding fires in the park. Also, there are several dead trees in the park that need removing. AJ’s Excavating will be at the Inland Township Park on August 11 to do a cost estimate for refurbishing the play ground area ground cover.

Fire Association: Copies of the association’s July 20, 2022 meeting minutes were available as handouts, and copied from the township website. The minute notes briefly remarked on the association’s funding of back-to-school supplies such as notebooks, backpacks and pencils.

Inland Planning Commission: Mary Miller (Township Trustee) announced that the commission’s next meeting will be on August 16 and 6:00 pm.

Zoning/Blight Administrator: Blight issue(s) have been turned over to the township attorney for litigation process.

Event Committee: For revenue generating, the township is having farmer markets held at the government center on Wednesdays from 1 to 6 pm, August 16 through October 26. At this time seven vendors are scheduled. Also, there may be a fall craft sale at the center.

Board Members Reports: Rose Wirth, Township Clerk, reported that the August 2 election went very well. Teresa Zielinski, Treasurer, will be meeting with Honor Bank on August 31.

Old Business: None.

New Business: Discussion about advertisements in the Record Eagle and Record Patriot for zoning office administrator has been tabled. Should the ads be for a general office administrator, not just for the zoning office? Plus, should a new office administrator be worked into website training along with that of Treasurer Zielinski?

Public Comment: People offered input regarding the new fire station, the next township newsletter, and the advertising for the a new general office administrator.

Meeting adjourned at 6:02 pm

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

Allen McCullough
20359 Douglas Rd.
Interlochen, MI 49643

July 11, 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting Summary 

Meeting convened at 5:00 pm.

A call to order was made, then Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Board of Commissioners roll call: Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Therese Zielinski (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee) were in attendance.

Public attendees: 8

Approval of Meeting and Consent Agendas:
The commission approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the June 13th, 2022 board meeting minutes, and reviewed the June financial reports.

Public Comment:
Some one mentioned road blight. Another person expressed confusion about the activity at Bendon Hall Community Center and wanted updates to the Hall’s internet calendar of events.

Country Commissioner:
Evan Warsecke, County Commissioner from Inland and Colfax Townships, discussed county animal control completed measures, the Benzie Bus program, a feasibility study by the county parks director, and waste recycling events for tires and household hazardous material.

Fire Chief:
Dayton Pfost reported 20 emergency calls in June, 18 of them for EMS services.

Parks and Recreation Committee:
Rose Wirth, Inland Township clerk and Township Parks and Recreation Chair, had nothing to report for June.

Fire Association: No Report

Inland Planning Commission:
Mary Miller – Nothing to report; no meeting in June, but perhaps July 20.

Zoning/Blight Administrator:
An attorney fee of $1,853 was incurred to address blight issues.

Event Committee:
There were 29 players at Bendon Hall for euchre night. Therese Zielinski, Township Treasurer, was appointed to the committee.

Old Business:
Flag poles:
An invoice has been submitted from Bay Supply and Marketing, Inc., for removing and replacing old flag poles (does not include flags) – total $6,860.00. Job to be completed by 8-1-2022.

New Business:
Fischer LP Gas:
The township received an offer from Fischer Gas to provide propane service to the government center for June 1, 2022 – May 31, 2023 time period.

Cell Phones:
Township clerk and treasurer receive work calls on their private cell phones for which they are charged. The board approved that 1/3rd of the their monthly cell phone charges will be covered by the township, and the amounts paid will be available as public information.

New Building RFP’s (Request for Proposals):
Inland Township will be building within a decade, a new government center/fire station on property located at the northwest corner of U.S. 31 and Lake Ann Road intersection. The project will be headed up by Fire Chief Dayton Pfost. The township board and fire chief are submitting request for proposals from architectural and engineering firms. How to broadcast the RFP’s, both via general public means as well as direct contact with businesses was discussed.

Poverty Resolution #2022-05: Approved by the board

Fee waiver land use Resolution 2022-07: Approved by the board.

New Hire:
The hiring of Linda Wilson was approved, to provide, at $25/hr, extra training for the new treasurer, Therese Zielinski. Linda resigned as township treasurer as of July 1, 2022.

Signature cards:
The township needs signature cards for the new deputy treasurer, Gail Reese.

Any other business before the board:
The board approved placing an ad in the Record Patriot for the position of deputy clerk.

Meeting adjourned at 5:54 pm

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

June 13, 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting Summary

Meeting convened at 5:00 pm.

A call to order was made, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call:

Present were: Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth(Clerk), Linda Wilson (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee).

Public attendees: 9-10

Approval of Meeting and Consent Agendas:

The commission approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the May 9, 2022 minutes, and reviewed the May financial reports.

Public Comment: One speaker asked about the process for zoning property for commercial/medical marijuana. Someone else spoke about the status of blight legal action.


County Commissioner Evan Warsecke for Inland/Colfax Townships, briefly discussed the county sheriff contract.

Fire Chief: Chief Dayton Pfost reported that there were 16 emergency call outs, 5 of the them for fires in May. They had their first “structural” fire in three years.

Parks and Recreation Committee: Signs were discussed for the 40 acres township nature park at the northwest corner of Cinder and Lamb Roads. Peggy Case and Jeanne Peters, two committee members addressing the park’s layout, presented to the township board the proposed park signs and design. There are eight of them. The board approved the design and messaging of the signs and the cost of $1,770, which also includes shipping and installation.

Fire Association: No Report

Inland Planning Commission: No report

Zoning/Blight Administrator: No report

Event Committee: Anthony Dutt is stepping down as chair of the Event Committee. The township board accepted his resignation.

Board Member Reports: Paul Beechraft, Board Chair, reported that there will be a round- about in Bendon.

Old Business: The township has not yet received quotes for new flag poles.

Burn Ordinance: The board will delay finalizing a decision about the ordinance (commercial use) until further public comment.


New Business:

A newsletter will be sent out in August. The board approved $407 toward the purchase of a table cart for use at the Bendon Hall center.

The site of the future township government center, located on the northwest corner of US 31 and Lake Ann Road, needs 30 acres of “brush hog” mowing. This is to get a clearer picture of what leveling needs to be done for future construction. Two mowing’s will cost $5,250. The board approved the funds.

The current Township Treasurer, Linda Wilson, is retiring at the end of June. Teresa Zelinsky will become the new treasurer.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost will be attending the planning board for the new township government center on June 21.

Meeting adjourned at 6:23

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

June 13, 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting

Meeting convened at 5:00 pm.

A call to order was made, then the Pledge of Allegiance.

Board of Commissioners roll call:
Present were: Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth(Clerk), Linda Wilson (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee).

Public attendees: 9-10

Approval of Meeting and Consent Agendas:
The commission approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the May 9, 2022 minutes, and reviewed the May financial reports.

Public Comment:
One speaker asked about the process for zoning property for commercial/medical
marijuana. Someone else spoke about the status of blight legal action.

County Commissioner Evan Warsecke for Inland/Colfax Townships, briefly discussed the county sheriff contract.

Fire Chief:
Chief Dayton Pfost reported that there were 16 emergency call outs, 5 of the them for fires in May. They had their first “structural” fire in three years.

Parks and Recreation Committee:
Signs were discussed for the 40 acres township nature park at the northwest corner of Cinder and Lamb Roads. Peggy Case and Jeanne Peters, two
committee members addressing the park’s layout, presented to the township board the proposed park signs and design. There are eight of them. The board approved the design and messaging of the signs and the cost of $1,770, which also includes shipping and installation.

Fire Association: No Report

Inland Planning Commission: No report

Zoning/Blight Administrator: No report

Event Committee:
Anthony Dutt is stepping down as chair of the Event Committee. The township board accepted his resignation.

Board Member Reports:
Paul Beechraft, Board Chair, reported that there will be a round- about in Bendon.

Old Business:
The township has not yet received quotes for new flag poles.

Burn Ordinance:
The board will delay finalizing a decision about the ordinance (commercial use) until further public comment.

New Business:
A newsletter will be sent out in August.

The board approved $407 toward the purchase of a table cart for use at the
Bendon Hall center.

The site of the future township government center, located on the northwest corner of US 31 and Lake Ann Road, needs 30 acres of “brush hog” mowing. This is to get a clearer picture of what leveling needs to be done for future construction. Two mowing’s will cost $5,250. The board approved the funds.

The current Township Treasurer, Linda Wilson, is retiring at the end of June. Teresa Zelinsky will become the new treasurer.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost will be attending the planning board for the new township government center on June 21.

Meeting adjourned at 6:23

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

May 9, 2022 –Inland Township Board Meeting Summary 

Meeting convened at 5:00 pm.

A call to order was made, then Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Board of Commissioners roll call: present were Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Linda Wilson (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee) absent/excused.

Public attendees:10

Public Comment:
Teresa Wirtz of Traverse City felt that the Inland Township cemetery needs improved upkeep.

Approval of Meeting and Consent Agendas:
The commission approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the April 11, 2022 minutes, and reviewed the April financial reports.


Commissioner Evan Warsecke of Inland and Colfax Townships, did not attend.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost reported there were 18 emergency call in April, 13 of them involving fires; emphasized that the fire season has begun.

Rose Wirth, Clerk and Chair of the Parks and Recreation Committee, reported on the P & R Committees April 16th, 2022 meeting. Five new volunteers have been added to the P & R committee’s Lamb Park task force. The BOC approved adding volunteers and giving them township government insurance coverage while working in the park. Local Boy Scouts are also sought for voluntary help with Lamb Park development. Lamb Park, located at the northwest corner of Cinder and Lamb Roads, needs trails created or improved, graded entrance roads and parking accommodations, and debris removed such as fire circles and a deer blind. Hunting is forbidden in the park, as well as unauthorized camp fires. Signage explaining park rules will be added.

The Inland Township Park, located at 3531 Lake Ann Road, will have two pickle ball courts and one additional basket ball court for the summer season. AJ’s Excavating will be installing the courts, which will have concrete foundations, the total cost being around $68,000. The committee is looking into having two pavilions near the new courts. Money will be provide by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.

A 9-hole disk golf course is also scheduled.

Three new porta-johns – one each at the Lamb Road Park, the Inland Township Park, and the Inland Township cemetery – are being installed.

Fire Association:
The Fire Association had a meeting on April 20th, 2022. Hard copies of the meeting minutes were available at the township BOC meeting. The fire department has a new refrigerator; soft drinks that are currently in the refrigerator are available at no charge.

Inland Planning Commission: No report

Zoning/Blight Administrator: No report

Event Committee: No report

Board Member Reports:
BOC Chair Paul Beechraft frequently fields calls of a township business nature on his personal cell phone and they are impacting his phone charges. To avoid having to get an additional cell phone for just personal use, he would like to have the township cover about 35% of the monthly bill. The board approved the measure.

Beechraft reported that the Inland Township Clean-Up Day on May 7, 2022 raised $2,290. He wants the township to hire GFL (Green For Life Environmental) to clean up left over debris in the park after future clean-up days. The board approved the measure. The event is held annually on the first Saturday of May at the Inland Township Park on Lake Ann Road.

The township government center electric sign-bulletin board needs repair. The board approved $1,000 for repair work.

Township Treasurer Linda Wilson is retiring as of July 1, 2022. Application notices will be announced for her replacement.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost reported that the government center has new security cameras and alarm system.

Old Business:
The township will be building a new governmental center on a 30 acre parcel at the intersection of U.S. 31 and Lake Ann Road. Public input is sought, so there will be meetings held on Tuesdays at 11:00 am starting May 24. 2022. Public notifications of the meetings will be sent out.

There was a discussion of having a government center pole barn erected on the new property.

New Business:
Some of the trees at the Inland Township cemetery need removing and the stumps ground. Bid from two companies were considered. Also, the cemetery needs a new sign.

The governmental center carpets need cleaning. The board approved $430 for the work.

Public Comment:
Peggy Case, Parks and Recreation member reminded the board about the need for a sign at Lamb Park.

Any Other Business to come before the Board:
Rose Wirth, Township Clerk, will be attending training on May 24th.

Adjournment: 6:17 pm

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

April 11, 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting Summary 

19668 Honor Hwy, Interlochen, MI, 49643

Meeting convened at 5:00 pm.

A call to order was made, then Pledge of Allegiance followed by roll call: present were Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Linda Wilson (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee).

Public attendees: 11

Public Comment:
Gunnar Brow, Inland Township Assessor, reported that in March a review was conducted of various appeals for township property tax evaluations and exemptions. A brief summary was provided to the BOC of the exemptions’ impact on the total of assessed properties in the township. Twenty-one appeals were reviewed, 17 exemptions were approved and 2 denied, and 2 evaluations appeals were denied.

Anthony Dutt hopes to establish a medical marijuana processing and dispensary business in Inland Township. He expressed frustration about the receiving little or no updates from the township zoning commission concerning a ruling on zoning for marijuana businesses.

Approval of Meeting and Consent Agendas:
The board approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the March 14, 2022 minutes, and reviewed the March financial reports.


County Commissioner Evan Warsecke (Inland and Colfax Townships), reported that a new gas station is going to be built in Honor; funding is available for County Emergency Management search and rescue training; the county’s website is getting a “revamping”.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost:
There were 14 emergency calls in March, 5 of them for fires. $1,895 was approved for new fire department computers. Pfost will be attending an arson trial this month. Pfost presented to the board the township’s new, fully qualified fireman, Riley O’Conner – congratulations! The BOC approved the purchase of 20 new fire fighter helmets for a total of $7,240, the old ones being nearly ten years old.

Parks and Recreation:
The committee plans to meet the third Saturday of the month; the committee’s existence will extend until October. If the committee wants to have volunteers participate in park development and maintenance, the volunteers need to be committee members approved by the BOC.

Fire Association:
At the March 16, 2022 meeting, the Association approved up to $2,500 toward the purchase of a refrigerator for the fire department. There was discussion for new jackets for FD members; bottle collection will start as soon as Turtle Lake Campground opens. There will be no propane fundraiser for the year; and possibly no blood drive.

Inland Planning Commission: No report

Zoning/Blight Administrator: No report

Event Committee:
Thursday nights is euchre time at Inland Township Bendon Hall,19971 Kent Street, Interlochen, MI 49643.There’s a $11 cover fee.

Board Member Reports:
Paul Beechraft (BOC Chair) says that Inland Township is the only Benzie County Township putting money this season into dirt/gravel roads; the other township are focusing on upgrading and repairing paved roads.

Old Business
Permit Fees:
The board approved the Land Use Permit Fees; approving the Burn Ordinance is being tabled for two months in order to clarify the word “nuisance”.

New Business:
Security cameras and lights are needed for the Township Government Center in order to help monitor against pilfering the fuel tanks, and for voting security.

The manner of disposal of Bendon Hall old furniture is being left up to the discretion of BOC Chair Paul Beechraft.

Within about ten years, the Inland Township government center is planning to be moved to a 30 acre site located on the northwest corner of the Honor Highway (US-31) and Lake Ann Road intersection. Rose Wirth (Township Clerk) and Mary Miller (Trustee) are developing a building plans workshop. Public attendance and input will be sought when the workshop takes place.

The board approved a $4,000 bid from Lake Michigan CPA Services, to perform an audit that is due completed by June 30.

Public Comment:
Anthony Dutt reminded the board about his concerns mentioned in the meeting’s first public comment period.

Any Other Business to come before the Board: None.

Meeting adjourned at 6:25 pm

Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

Allen McCullough
20359 Douglas Road
Interlochen, MI 49643
231 955 6665







March 14, 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting Summary 

Meeting convened at 6:00 pm. 

A call to order was made, then Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Board of Commissioners roll call: present were Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Linda Wilson (Treasurer), and Mary Miller (Trustee) and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee).

Public attendees: 13

Public Comment: 

Rebecca Hubers, Director of Benzie County Emergency Management, asked for public input regarding the updating of the county’s hazard mitigation plan. The updating is done every five years, which when approved by the Federal Emergency Management Administration (FEMA) makes the county eligible for federal funds to implement hazard mitigation measures for reducing life and property losses occurring from natural disasters. Anyone interested could meet with her after the board meeting.

The commissioners approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, approved the February 14, 2022 minutes with minor changes, and discussed financial reports.

The board meeting went into recess at 6:14 pm. Paul Beechraft, Commission Chair, went over the township budget and the how it was scheduled for balancing during the fiscal year of April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023.  After 12 minutes, he called for public comment. None was offered.

Monthly board meeting resumed at 6:27.


Benzie County Commissioner Evan Warsecke, for Inland and Colfax Twp., reported that the county will be receiving several new ambulances this month. Law enforcement personnel training for search and rescue missions and active shooter (in schools) crises continues.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost, provided February emergency call stats, and announced a new fire department employee has completed and passed training and is starting to work for a probationary period.

Rose Wirth, Parks and Recreation Committee Chair, had no official report to give to the board.

There are now plans to lay out a disc golf course at the Inland Township Park, 3531 Lake Ann Road, the financing for which will come from the township general fund. Two pickle ball courts and another basketball court will be built this spring/summer. They will be funded by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) grants.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost discussed funding for new jackets for emergency personnel.

Inland Planning Commission: 

There are no meetings planned for March and April.

 Zoning/Blight Administrator: 

Blight letters/notices have been mailed out. The township will work with letter recipients, but they must have the situation remedied by May 8.

Old Business:

Permit Fees: The topic of land use permits was pushed from the February meeting to the March meeting. Fee increases were discussed at length by the board and approved.

New Business:

Resolution 2022-05: Resolution Adopting Poverty Exemption Policy and Guidelines.” The resolution enables the township to permit partial or total tax exemptions for property owned and lived on as a residence by the owner(s) applying for and presenting financial documentation pertinent to the exemption.

Resolution 2022-06: 

Inland Township 2022-20232 General Appropriations Act. A statement of the financial responsibilities, duties and functions of the Inland Township Board of Commissioners’ in regards to township budget oversight, handling of revenue, paying bills, and making periodic adjustments necessary to maintain a balanced budget throughout the fiscal year.

Clean up day: 

The annual township clean up day (township residents only) is scheduled for Saturday, May 7, 2022.

Road Brine: 

The Benzie County Road Commission is providing townships a different dust suppression brine solution for the coming spring/summer season. The Road Commission thinks that the solution, which cost more, will be more effective and lessen the need of another application later on in the season. The first application is offered to the townships at a discount based on the old brine cost. For Inland Township, the scheduled roads (11.63 miles) will cost  $4,900 for the first application, for which the board approved funding. First application will be mid-May to early June.

Publish 2022-23 meetings: 

Township monthly meetings will start at 5:00 pm beginning in April.

 Office Computers: 

The board approved the funding for purchasing two new computers for the township government workers.

 Public Comment:

Anthony Dutt (Event Committee Chair) inquired about the status of the township zoning of marijuana businesses. The board explained that the zoning commission is still working on it. Dutt expressed frustration at the delay. Commission Trustee Sheri Poulisse stated concern that Dutt would like to expand his projected medical marijuana dispensary processing business into a recreational one a well. Dutt sees such a move as okay.

 Meeting adjourned at: 7:43 pm.


Respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough

Allen McCullough 20359 Douglas Road Interlochen, MI 49643 231 955 6665


January 10, 2022 — Inland Township Board Meeting Summary 

Meeting convened at 6:00 pm.

A call to order was made, then Pledge of Allegiance followed by a Township Board roll call: Paul A. Beechraft (Chair/Supervisor), Rose Wirth (Clerk), Linda Wilson (Treasurer), Mary Miller (Trustee), and Sheri Poulisse (Trustee) were in attendance.

At one, point there were eight public attendees.

The Board approved the meeting agenda and the consent agenda, with minor changes to the latter; received and approved the December minutes; and discussed financial reports.

Reports to the Board: Benzie County Commissioner Evan Warsecke reported that a county-wide survey is being conducted about the availability of broadband internet service–private and commercial–in Michigan. He is urging Benzie residents and businesses to take the five-minute survey. People with internet access can complete the survey at web page MichiganMoonshot/BenzieCo, or with cellular browsers text @moon to 1-231-855-613-1746. To request a paper survey, call 1-231-882-0035.

Fire Chief Dayton Pfost provided December emergency call statistics. At his recommendation, the Board approved expenditures for updated fire suites/gear. A fire suite can cost $2,000-plus.

Parks and Recreation:
Rose Wirth (Committee Chair and Township Clerk) provided recommendations to the Board about pavilion designs for the Inland Township Park on Lake Ann Road, and further developments at the 40-acre park at Cinder and Lamb roads. She also shared the vision of the property’s bio-diversity enhancing recreational and educational activities like hiking, skiing, sledding, school outings.

Event Committee
Anthony Dutt (Committee Chair) reminded everyone about the Inland Township Fire/EMS Department “Soup’r Bowl Chili Cook-Off” on Saturday, February 12, 2022. Various silent auctions items will be available as well. Contact Tanya at 231-275-7216 or Linda at 231-325-6192 information about the chili contest and entry fees. Flyers are available at the Inland Township Government Center.

Mari Dew, yoga instructor, gave a brief summary of the community activities she leads at Inland Township’s Bendon Hall, located at 19971 Kent Street, Interlochen. For each of the months of January, February, March, and April, there will be three events:
1. Women’s Circle and Meditation
2. Community Building Circle
3. Inland Township Speakers Series.
For more information, visit: or email [email protected].

New Business:
Some discussions and actions taken were the following:

a. The implementation and training for the BS&A software, a public database of township statistical and tax information.
b. The hiring of a new propane provider for township government center.
c. Updating the burn ordinance.
d. Budget of summer township roads maintenance.
e. Upgrades/adjustments of 2022 salaries and wages for township government employees.
f. Upgrading office lighting in the township government center.
g. Preparation for attending the Michigan Township Association (MTW) in February.

Public Comment:
Anthony Dutt (Event Committee Chair and prospective medical marijuana business owner) thanked the Board for its recent considerations (November 2021 board meeting) of recommendations to the township zoning administrator regarding the potential of a business district that is specifically zoned for the cannabis trade.

Because of the beginning-of-the-year business items, the township meeting was longer than usual. Meeting was adjourned at 7:45.

Notes respectfully submitted by Allen McCullough.

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