Though it was a rainy day, December 9, 2023, brought out a crowd of generous, joyful, (and hungry) Dems and friends for our most successful Comfort & Joy Open House and Fundraiser ever.
We raised more than $2,000 for the Benzie Food Partners and filled their pickup truck with groceries of all sorts.
We also raised more than $1,800 for St. Philip’s Baby Pantry, and filled their SUV with baby items–from dozens of wonderful handmade blankets by the Days for Girls Quilters, to boxes and boxes of diapers.
And thanks to the food team who delivered the goods and our holiday-spirited crowd, we had lots of happy people and a wonderful spread of goodies all day long. Many thanks to Teresa and Tom for organizing the buffet!
Two trees and two piles of much-needed supplies for our community.