Our regular February Zoom meeting will feature guest speaker Lavora Barnes, Chair of the Michigan Democratic Party. Elected in February 2019, Barnes is the first Black woman to hold this post. Prior to being elected Chair, Barnes was the Chief Operating Officer for the MDP, a post she held since 2015.
Barnes is a political veteran with extensive experience in field operations, communications, and fundraising and has implemented a year-round, full-time organizing strategy in every corner of Michigan. She is chief architect of MDP’s Project 83, named for our 83 counties in Michigan. Since its inception in 2017, Project 83 has become the blueprint for a successful organizing model, and is now being adopted by other states.
Barnes is a sought-after political consultant on a national level, and has appeared on MSNBC, C-Span, CNN, and all of the major news networks. She has a strong network of colleagues on the national stage and is one of the go-to Democratic leaders in the country.

Barnes is a graduate of the College of William and Mary in Virginia. Born in North Carolina and raised in Virginia, Barnes now lives with her family in Ann Arbor.
Mark your calendars for our Saturday, February 19 Zoom and sign-up HERE. We’ll start with our virtual coffee klatch at 9:30 a.m, followed by Party announcements at 10 a.m. and our guest speaker at 10:30 a.m.