This Saturday we’ll hear from one of Benzie Dems’ dear friends, energy ace Jamie Scripps.
Jamie will bring a breath of fresh air to our first 2021 meeting, with lots of green good news. She joined the clean energy revolution as Gov. Granholm pointed Michigan away from coal and toward renewables. She talks green power policy in clear, inspiring language, and now she’s the top Midwestern person at U.S. Climate Alliance. In other words, she’s been a high profile green energy advocate in Michigan for more than a decade.
And now, with Joe Biden headed to D.C., former Gov. Jennifer Granholm headed to the Energy Department, and indefatigable clean energy advocate and former state rep. Dan Scripps (the other half of this power couple) chairing our Public Service Commission, the Mitten State will be going green big time, with lots of good new jobs.
So join us on Saturday, January 16! We’ll have our informal, virtual, bring-your-own-coffee klatch starting at 9:30 a.m. Jamie speaks at 10:30.
In between, we’ve got something important to do: Show you some projects we’d like your help with this year. Your Executive Committee’s has been working up a hearty advocacy menu. We’ll show you what we’ve got so far and how you can order up what looks good for you! We’ll also have info on how to sign up for Covid vaccines in Benzie and Leelanau Counties.
We look forward to seeing you on what will be a bright Saturday morning, no matter the weather.