November 12th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting: (select Live if the meeting is in progress).
Public Hearing: Master Plan Update: The Michigan Planning Enabling Act (PA 33 of 2008) requires that we hold a public hearing at the end of the mandatory 63 day public review period for the Benzie County Master Plan.
Public Input: Will Zwicki, former president of the Platte Lake Improvement Association, Platte Township:
The Master Plan needs to include information about what phosphorus amounts should be allowed in the Platte Lake Watershed. He spoke about phosphorus samplings and the water quality monitoring program that has been going on in the Platte Lake Watershed since 1990. The Platte Lake Improvement Association and the fish hatchery are working well together now. (Listen to his detailed report/comments on the YouTube livestream).
Christina Trigg spoke about the good points of the Master Plan, but also feels there needs to be more focus on educational initiatives, talking about direct actions for educational improvements. We also need risk management around climate change adaptation and resilience, looking at renewable energy resources in that area. The US military incorporates renewable energy resources in their plan, so they are adaptable and nimble and ready to be prepared for anything, so too could we. We need to expand more on what was already written into the plan about affordable housing (listen to her whole presentation on YouTube).
Annie Browning, Village of Beulah, appreciated mention of diversity, diversity of housing and of people; intergovernmental cooperation; wants similar protections for Crystal Lake as mentioned in earlier report by Will Zwicki, dealing with Platte Lake Watershed.
Sandy Houghtaling, Benzie County resident, (former owner of Benzie County Courthouse in 1995), talked about her concerns for Benzie County.
Mentioned the Peanut Butter and Jelly Kook-Aid Community Picnic for Benzie County Residents that was held on October 19th. Presented some of the feedback she received from the individuals that attended the Picnic. (all her notes are in the packet).
Finance: Kelly Long, Benzie County Treasurer:
BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from October 18th-November 7th, 2024 for $474,228.12 (see packet for details).
Will be working on winter tax bills, that will be sent out in late December.
The department’s flex time scheduling has been working well. Kelly stated,
My girls have been working 4-10-hour days per week and they love it. Occasionally we have to work 5-8-hour days per week.
Kelly Ottinger, Benzie Senior Resources: Doug Durand is retiring at the end of year; they have some viable candidates that they are interviewing; Kelly will be helping and doing some transitioning training.
PRESENTATION: Sarah Garthe, Clinical Director of Children’s Services at Centra Wellness: Discussed children services that are available. SafeNet is a prevention program and is in all the elementary schools in Manistee and Benzie Counties. There is full time staff for this program and it’s available for all children.
Appointments and reappointments to the Benzie County Parks and Recreation Commission tabled at this time.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) delayed writing a letter of support for the creation of a Corridor Improvement Authority in the Village of Honor. The county is being asked to support this concept with a letter. There is a vision to extend this corridor through Beulah and Benzonia; it’s all about economic development. Ingemar Johansson spoke before the BOC about this issue today. Gary Sauer voiced opposition. In general, he does not like Authorities.
The BOC approved a budget amendment in the amount of $2,500 for Veterans Financial Aid; the donation was from American Legion Post 221.
The BOC approved the grant application for Tribal Council Allocation of 2% funding on behalf of Horse North Rescue; Barb Lee informed the commissioners that Horse North Rescue has been an operation since 2005 and has rescued 365 horses in that time. It’s run by volunteers, and survives on donations and adoption fees. Only the vet and the farrier are paid.
The BOC-approved the agreement for extension services provided by MSU to Benzie County for the fiscal year 2024/2025 in the amount of $47,084.
The BOC-approved the grant application for the Tribal Council Allocation of 2% funding on behalf of Benzie Senior Resources.
Commissioner Reports–highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township: Went to Vance Bates Memorial; Veterans Memorial was well attended; Dr. Don Schaffer did the presentation.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: see report in packet
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: see report in packet
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36)- meeting with MAC-(Michigan Association of Counties) legislative update; Benzonia Village -Severance Street variance was approved for BWAC(Benzie Wellness and Aquatic Center; discussing a tree replacement policy of 1 to 1, with any healthy tree that’s taken out; Village of Benzonia Master Plan draft is available for review and comment; attended the Water Smart Land Use Committee meeting-Bill Anderson is speaking at our study session meeting this afternoon(check out Study Session packet for more information and/or watch Bill’s presentation).
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd): not present
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31): had no meetings.
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: see report in packet.
Blaine township did pass their Hazard Mitigation Resolution.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:
Our MMRNA renewal came in with a 7% increase, we budgeted for a much higher increase.
We had our first Material’s Management meeting last Friday in Grand Traverse County. These meetings are open to the public.
We have the Opioids RFP(request for proposal) still out there.
Dave Shaffer is currently managing the Solid Waste Program and is managing the program very well. He is working with GFL and sprucing up the sites and getting new bins, etc.
The comments made this morning on the Master Plan will all be considered.
Please note that there are many county job openings on our website!
The need for a grant writer is very apparent. They will be working on how to move forward with this.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
October 22nd, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting: (select Live if the meeting is in progress).
Public Input:
Mr. Rineer: I am a big fan of public service and protection. We need our commissioners to look at a long term plan for inflation to protect all of us in the future (listen to entire input by Mr. Rineer on YouTube )
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources:
See packet for Executive Director’s Report. Doug is planning to retire at the end of the year. He is preparing “How To Manual” for his successor.
Bert Gale, Building Department Inspector:
Plumbing, Mechanical and Building report in BOC’s Meeting packet for October 8th. Things have been going pretty smoothly.
Kelly Long, Treasurer:
BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from October 4 – 17, 2024 for $580,501.42 (see packet for details). The State Land Bank signed a contract with the GTRLC, Benzie County has not at this time. Shelley Thompson is involved at multiple levels of the Land Bank, and it gets a little confusing at times.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved a one-time County FSA(Flexible Spending Account) Contribution for the fiscal year 2024-2025 for employees over 65 in the amount of $1,800 per account (three commissioners abstained from the vote).
The BOC approved the amendment to the agreement with Canteen Services for food supplies in the jail.
The BOC approved the use of $10,000 in funds from the Jail Commissary for training and equipment for Corrections Road Patrol Deputies and authorized the transfer of funds split equally in the jail Fund and Sheriff’s Office Department Fund.
The BOC approved the EMPG (Emergency Management Performance Grant) for Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division.
BOC approved the appointment of Steve Radionoff as the Village of Elberta representative to the Betsie Valley Trail Management Committee.
Commissioner Reports- All commissioner reports are in the October 22, 2024 packet.- some highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd) Township:
Veterans Affairs: Main topic the will be a Veterans Day celebration on November 11, at 1 p.m.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships:
Art is working with the Community Action Agency (Art was reelected as the CAA chair for 2025) . They are trying to reestablish a Head Start Program, which we haven’t had for a year.
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: see packet.
Attended the Village of Benzonia, Zoning Board of Appeals meeting, about the Benzie Wellness and Aquatic Center(BWAC). There are issues with the Crystal Lake Elementary School site regarding the steepness of the slope on one side of the property. Rhonda Nye spoke to some of the zoning restrictions, and ultimately about the concern for how it can impact Crystal Lake.
(Barb’s Note: at another meeting, people spoke in favor of this location for the BWAC, and some wondered why they haven’t explored the Benzie Central School Campus, as a possible location for the BWAC).
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36): see packet report
At the MAC Conference, Rhonda learned about have compiled all the State grants that are available and are now available at one source; Benzie Co. was well represented.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd):
Attended the Centra Wellness Network board meeting, MI Department of Health and Human Services. 7 out of 10 regents refuse to sign two sections of their contract(due to some lawsuit…tune to YouTube of meeting to hear Time explain the situation. Lots of people at the Village of Honor Council Meeting due to controversy over a gate that was put up in an alley way, behind the new apartments.
District VI-Comm. Evan Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31):
Problems with Oak Wilt in parks in Inland Township. Tim asked Evan, if Inland Township has approved the Hazard Mitigation Plan? Inland Township has not…
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: Contract with Dan Thorell has been approved by the Benzie Department of Health and Human Services. He has a 3-year contract and will start as our new health officer on November 26, 2024. Village of Elberta is still looking for a Clerk/Treasurer.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
Katie noted that there is a pot of money for cyber security out there, and we are not eligible for most of it, because we’ve already done most of the work!! She went to Colfax, Almira, Village of Lake Ann and Crystal Lake meetings over the last two weeks. She spoke to them about the millages.
Village of Honor is working on creating a Corridor Improvement Authority, similar to to DDA (Downtown Development Authority).
Katie was at Crystal Mountain, at a MERIT and Broadband Summit for two days; Benzie is leading the charge with broadband expansion. Mercury may be relinquishing their northern Michigan addresses. Looking at some Broadband grant.
She attended on site meeting at the Crystal Lake Outlet with the Spicer Group, planning engineers for the new park. There are several renditions for the park being considered.
We are looking for more resources for youth School Resource Officers.
Betsie Valley Trail RFP for the paving of the trail from Beulah to Case Road has been approved, so that project should move ahead in the spring.
Please note that there are many county job openings on our website!
The need for a grant writer is very apparent. They will be working on how to move forward with this.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
October 8th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting: (select Live if the meeting is in progress).
Public Input:
Javed Shah, is running for commissioner in District 7. One of his focuses, is to revitalize our forests in the way we manage them. Forest waste can be used for biochar.
Jim Evans, Joyfield township, reported that Betsy Coffia voted for HB 5120, that morphed into PA 233, which takes away local control of renewable energy. The bill goes into effect next month. He wonders what Betsy thinks about housing.
(Barb’s NOTE: Jim asks Betsy these questions later in the meeting and Betsy had very detailed answers to the questions).
Finance: Suzie Mills, Chief Deputy Treasurer. BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from September 20 – October 3, 2024 for $461,209.38
(see packet for details).
Paula Eberhardt, Registrar of Deeds for Benzie County:
There has been an increase in property fraud; keep an eye on your neighbors’ properties; it’s happening mostly with vacant land; FBI has reported that property fraud is up 500%.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved a County FSA(flexible spending account) Contribution for employees over 65, for up to $1800.
The BOC approved the purchase of exercise equipment for the County fitness center (current equipment is outdated and/or broken down).
The BOC approved entering into an interlocal government agreement/lease with the City of Frankfort related to the Emergency Communications Tower.
The BOC approved an amendment to the Services Agreement with Benzie Senior Resources to allow for remote participation in their meetings, subject to review by legal counsel and authorizes Chair to sign.
The BOC approved an amended agreement with Colligo for GIS Services for another year.
The BOC approved a 2% tribal grant for Hope House of Northwest Michigan, a non-profit Christian Ministry, ($34,900 for gently used passenger van); Hope House opened on March 1, 2024 for single, pregnant and homeless women. Robin Cuyler and Gary Holter presented to the BOC; the young women also get financial training; GED; job placement; how to care for her infant; a young woman and her infant can live at the Hope House for up to two years.
The BOC approved a request from Chuck Krause for support for the Thompsonville Area Revitalization Project to perform ongoing maintenance of the improved Betsie Valley Trail. Chuck gave an update on the project and its importance to the Village of Thompsonville.
The BOC approved the proposal from Steve Atwood of SDAtwood, LLC for Economic Development planning and strategy; not to exceed the amount of $25,000 with funds available from the General Fund..
Commissioner Reports- Commissioner reports are in the October 8, 2024 packet.- some highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township:
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: West Benzie Joint Planning Commission budgeted $5,000 for legal fees 3/15/24 – 3/15/25, have already spent approximately. $38,000 so far this year due to Sunkissed development.
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: see packet. Last night (10/7) was public hearing for Ironman at the Garden Theater: 60-70 people in attendance.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36)-excused.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd):
Attended the MAC (Michigan Association of Counties) conference.
District VI-Comm. Evan Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31):
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon- Went to MAC conference; Maples is doing a great job.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:
On 10/1/24, attended a Housing North discussion.
Next week, on Monday 10/14/24, there will be a broadband summit meeting at Crystal Mountain and Katie will be presenting. Also attended the MAC conference-interested in program- breakout for brain health for employees.
Betsy Coffia Update:
Appreciates the service of the commissioners; the State Budget cycle starts this month.
She mentioned the universal breakfast and lunch for all school children (there is a bill that would make this permanent and they are working on getting a boiler plate bill that would use more local food).
Bill for bus funding for rural districts stayed in the budget again for this year.
We put an additional 65 million for child care to support improved payment for staff.
Another 100 million added for a permanent housing fund in the budget.
Established an Office of Tribal Liaison in September.
Art Jeannot yielded his question time to Jim Evans and Jim repeated his question on renewable bill package and housing. Betsy Coffia reported that rural representatives worked in some specific language that protects local communities and gives them more control.
(Barb’s NOTE: I recommend listening to Betty’s very detailed response to Jim’s questions).
Chip Johnston, Executive Director, Centra Wellness Network:
Discussed the lack of professional staff to address the issue of 24-hour crisis response.
Professor Carolyn Sutherby, Ferris State University:
Reported on a two-year grant that is in progress to obtain data that will hopefully be useful in supporting the need to have a Benzie Behavioral Health Deputy. They are looking at what kinds of emergency mental health calls are coming into the police department. How can the police department interface with Centra Wellness/CMH (community mental health). Centra Wellness would pay for this individual. To avoid incarceration of an individual who needs rehabilitation has been proven to be cost effective.
Public Input:
Jim Evans:
Thanked Art Jeannot for allowing him to ask Betsy Coffia a couple of specific questions.
Christina Trigg-running for Commissioner for Frankfort and Crystal Lake Townships:
Thinks the universal breakfast and lunch programs are very good; thanks to all for today’s terrific meeting., there are many good things happening!
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
August 13th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting: (select Live if the meeting is in progress).
RE-HIGHLIGHTING FROM JULY 23 MEETING: “Gary(Sauer) is also concerned with the loss of revenue for the county. If the GTRLC’s (Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy) plan to buy, preserve and develop the 35 acres in Elberta becomes a reality, there would be a loss of approx. $50,000/year of revenue for the county. Some of the commissioners are wondering if there should be a limit to the percentage of property the county can have in conservancies.” (Barb’s Note: Just wanted everyone to be aware that this is what some of the commissioners are worrying about)
August 13th, 2024
Public Input: none
Finance: Kelly Long, Treasurer: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from July 19 – August 8, 2024 for $628,820.84 (see packet pages 12-29 for details).
OLD BUSINESS: The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved scheduling a PUBLIC HEARING to approve new Benzie County Master Plan on Tuesday November 12th, 2024 (Mark your calendars). The Draft of The Benzie County Master Plan begins on PAGE 32 in today’s packet!!
The BOC voted down, at this time, a one time allocation of $10,000 for Grow Benzie; Karen Cunningham made the motion; It will be addressed again in the near future (6 no’s, 1 yes); County Administrator Katie Zeits brought up that Grow Benzie helped secure an $800,000 grant for Broadband…. See Josh Stolz’s presentation on pages153-161 in today’s packet.
The BOC approved scheduling a Public Hearing for the 2024/2025 fiscal year Benzie County budget on August 27th, 2024 (Mark your calendar if interested in the county budget!)
The BOC approved ballot language to increase and extend the EMS & ALS millage (from .8 to .9 for seven years). (NOTE: Emergency Medical Services and Advance Life Support (EMS- ALS)—these are services provided to all citizens of Benzie County).
The BOC approved ballot language to renew the jail millage (NO increase this time; The .171 increase was defeated in August).
The BOC approved a budget amendment in the amount of $6,000 to extend the Marine Patrol program into September (needed for the Ironman event, the county will get much of the money back after the Ironman event).
The BOC approved committing $19,224.04 of defederalized CDBG (Community Development Block Grants) funding to home repairs for residents. (this money fixes roofs, replaces water heaters and furnaces , etc….for residents in need. It’s an excellent program)
The BOC approved authoring a service agreement for 12 months with Schaffer Company LLC (Dave Schaffer) for recycling coordinator(Materials Management Coordinator) duties at $6,000/month.
NOTE: We lost our recycling coordinator a couple of months ago; this is a residential program that is being abused by the local businesses-they put their cardboard in the residential bins; Also, many Short Term Rental agreements require renters to take their trash with them. The renters end up dumping their trash at our recycling sites.
Commissioner Reports- All commissioner reports are in the August 13, 2024 packet.- some highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd.) Township: Veterans Affairs; Sept 13th Benzie-Frankfort football game—Salute to Services (Military, EMS, Police Fire ….); several activities before the game.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: See packet; EDC will continue to look at what is the best agency to work with the county
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: MSU extension offers a lot of information on getting grants; see packet;
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36)- see packet report
Village of Benzonia- approved a new Deputy Treasurer, Michelle O’Kelly, working on an invasive species action plan for the Japanese Knotweed.
There is a man who has declared that he is a squatter and living on a woman’s property that she was willed, but doesn’t have the means to fight this man and get him off the property.
Tomorrow night, August 14th, Rebecca Hubers will instruct on how to administer Narcan.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships (Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd):
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31)
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: Met with BWAC folks who reassured him that there would be no millage ask in the future.
Maple’s meeting-found out that grab bars are pulling out of the walls.
Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy-Early stages of buying the 35 acres in Elberta, Gary still has concerns about where that project is going.
Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail—they are getting bids for two areas on the trail that need to be repaired.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:
Since 2015 Benzie County has received almost $1 million in grants just from the MMRMA (Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority).
Betsie Valley Trail, Beulah to Case section has been started; hopefully will be paved in the Spring.
Looking for volunteers at Animal Control to walk dogs and pet cats, just stop up at Animal Control.
MAC Conference is coming up at Acme Resort on Sept 24-26, 2024.
MERIT Conference is October 14-15, 2024 (broadband, telecommunications ).
Katie reports that she has been told that the GTRLC is full-speed ahead on the Elberta Project (35 acres); Katie is working on a letter to send to Mercury (Broadband) from Coffia, Roth and Bumsted to speed up their timeline on starting Broadband work in the southwestern townships in Benzie County
PRESENTATIONS: Tim Malone, Internet for All Benzie County, SEE UPDATE BEGINNING PAGE 297 IN PACKET:
Tony Radjenovich, about MERS (Municipal Employee’s Retirement System), gave a report to the BOC (see packet for report-starting on page 232)
Public Input: Josh Stolz, Grow Benzie; reinforced how Grow Benzie is a community development organization that focuses on community needs. He outlined four or five activities that demonstrate the return on investment that Grow Benzie provides as a community development organization. Grow Benzie received $75,000 from Rotary Charities to help promote Broadband in the county.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
July 23rd, 2024Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Public Input:
Judge John Mead: “I am your current elected Probate Court Judge; lifelong Benzie County resident”….(Judge Mead elaborated on his background and experience-watch July 23 Livestream of the meeting for his whole spiel).
Finance: Treasurer Kelly Long:
BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from July 4 – July 18, 2024 for
$586,056.59 (-see packet for details).
Rebecca Hubers, Office of Emergency Management:
August 14th at 6 p.m. at the Government Center, there is a presentation regarding dealing with overdoses…It is mainly for the CERT volunteers;(Community Emergency Response Team), but is open to the public.
(Barb’s NOTE-CERT is always looking for new volunteers).
August 21st at 6 p.m. at the Government Center, there is a presentation for public awareness on frauds and scams.
Communications Tower (the structure) should be up within about 3 months; Hoping to be technically functional by January 2025.
Douglas Durand, Executive Director Benzie Senior Resources:
BSR is hoping to purchase a new grant funded delivery vehicle in 2025.
The BOC approved extending an annual maintenance agreement with Hurst Mechanical for heating, cooling and generator back up in Sheriff’s Department for $6,440 annually with funds available in the jail and general funds.
The BOC approved a Benzie County agreement with House Arrest Services, Inc. for an electronic monitoring programming. With this ongoing program, an inmate in the jail is allowed to be out to work, and is typically on a tether system.
The BOC approved change order #6 for $44,800 for the Point Betsie Shoreline Protection Project.
The BOC approved improving parking lot lighting at the Government Center. They will start by changing out the light heads, that have a wider cast, then reevaluate if that fixes the lighting problem. If not, they will consider adding another light pole.
Commissioner Reports- All commissioner reports are in the July 23, 2024 packet.- some highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township: Attended Ground Breaking of Communications Tower in Frankfort; planning to have Veterans Affairs float in Coho Festival Parade, August 24th at 1 p.m.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: see packet
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: see packet.
Our new Local Non-Profit Community Radio Station WUWU 100.1 is having a Community Potluck/Concert on July 31, in Elberta $10 Adult ticket 5:30 – 8 P.M.(Barb’s NOTE: Location 526 Lincoln Avenue, Elberta, come meet the folks behind this new station); all proceeds go to new radio station.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36):See packet
Benzonia Township: the Crystal Lake Watershed Overlay will be discussed at their next meeting in August; Centra Wellness, looking for masters level social workers-the state has approved bachelor level social workers for N31 grant funded positions, as long as they are enrolled in a master’s program while they are working.
District VI-Comm. Evan Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31:
Colfax Township meeting, business as usual; new cell tower installed at 669 and Milnichol Road.
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: Weldon Township held a public hearing about the Crystal Commons project and the board has now approved the Crystal Commons project. Platte River School is now completely torn down. The piles of concrete will be hauled away by the Road Commission, crushed and used in some of their projects. The Village of Elberta approved a resolution for deficit elimination plan to be debt-free in 5 years or less. Village is concerned with the Betsie Valley Trail crossings on M22-there have been two accidents. Vehicles are not required to stop for cyclists. Gary is also concerned with the loss of revenue for the county, if the GTRLC’s (Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy) plan to buy, preserve and develop the 35 acres in Elberta becomes a reality. There would be a loss of approx. $50,000/year of revenue for the county. Some of the commissioners are wondering if there should be a limit to the percentage of property the county can have in conservancies.
County Administrator Katie Zeit’s Report: Benzie County is quite dependent on grants. Manistee has hired a grant coordinator and Katie is reaching out to the townships to find out what grants they are working on, and whether or not it would be feasible for Benzie County to hire a grant coordinator. (Barb’s NOTE: FYI- our Benzie County Parks and Recreation Commission has wanted the county to create a Parks Director Position-writing grants would be part of that job. The BCPRC had a grant-funded feasibility study completed last year on a Parks Director)
Brooke Popp, Airport Director: See update on the 2024-2025 Budget report in packet, which includes history about the airport and the creation of the Frankfort City-County Airport Authority and on the request to increase the county support to the airport budget. There will be changes to the MOU and the increase will be considered at a later date. Brooke reported that they are planning to have rental cars available at the airport starting next spring.
Public Input: David Spragens, Crystal Lake Township appointee to the Frankfort Airport Authority, reported that Brooke is doing a good job at the airport.
Rhonda Nye, BOC Commissioner reported that an NMC pamphlet about the millage annexation has been made and is somewhat misleading; the millage language does not bind them to anything, but the pamphlet makes is sound like they are going to invest heavily in Benzie County right out of the gate.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected]
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
July 9, 2024–Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdaof each month. Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Finance: Kelly Long, Treasurer.BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from for June 24 – July 3, 2024 for $319,187.63. (see packet for details).
Bert Gale, Building Department: Presented Quarterly Report 2024, April, May and June, report in packet (lists all building permits issued for this quarter)
Greg Hubers, Benzie County Undersheriff:Fewer major incidents over July 4th weekend, despite larger crowds; two lake Michigan incidents/rescues; also capsized boat on Crystal Lake and rescue made. (All rescues were made by our BC Sheriff’s Department—Crystal Lake rescue by Undersheriff Hubers and EMS Rebecca Hubers!)
Master Plan Review & Discussion by Zack Vega of Networks Northwest:
Report in the packet to review. Some points made: does the county need to bring some roles like zoning and planning commissions, back to the county level? Generally speaking, it’s going to be harder to fill boards; (zoning administrators; planning commissioners, etc.) Volunteerism is down; And, things are getting more technical and often require a trained person to execute the job.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved adopting Resolution 24 -16, submitting the Road Commission Facility Bond Proposal for placement on the November 5th, 2024 General Election ballot and authorizing an engagement letter with Miller Canfield and Bendzinski and Co. for services related to the Road Commission bond millage.
Jennifer Patterson from Advantage Benefits Group: Insurance from Blue Care Network would be going up over 40%; Benzie County is now going to go with Priority with a 6% increase and a qualified plan, and an opportunity to have a HSA-Health Saving Account.
The BOC approved the Delta Dental renewal and transition to a $1,600/$3,200 high-deductible plan with Priority Health for 2024/2025 medical benefits with an employee HSA contribution of $900 for a single plan and $1,800 for two-person/full-family plan, and authorizes the County Administrator’s Office to sign the benefit provider agreements.
The BOC approved Benzie County applying for the Regional Collaborative MITTEN (Michigan’s Inclusive Training, Technology and Equity Network ) Grant on behalf of region 2 (Networks NW region-10 counties plus Beaver Island) for programs related to digital equity. It’s an $800,000 grant to help educate everyone to know how to access high-speed internet service and how to use the service.
The BOC approved the selection of the Gourdie-Fraser. (GFA) proposal as the prime professional for paving the Betsie Valley Trail (Beulah to Case Road).
Commissioner Reports- Some commissioner reports are in the July 9th, 2024 packet.- some highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township: The proceeds from the Lake Ann 5K Memorial Run ($5,500) was presented to the Benzie County Veteran’s Affairs, Wednesday, July 10th at 10:30 a.m. in the Govt. Building Commissioner’s Room;
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: see report in packet; the windows at the Maples all need to be replaced/repaired after only 7 years.
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships:
Karen was talking with Rick Schmidt at a recent council meeting. He reported that their solar garden was covering their electricity needs at Stormcloud; Two EV charging stations will be available behind city hall at the end of August: At AG Nessell meeting, Nessell was listening to all the presentations and concerns of the attendees (Amiee Erfourth, Chip Johnston and Katie Zeits), spoke at the meeting. Rhonda Nye and Karen Cunningham were also present). Senator Bumstead, Representative Roth and Karen were talking after the meeting. They are coordinating their efforts to try to create a link for Kinship programs and trying to get data so they can connect with the foster care system in a more official way. Frankfort apartments at Lake and Michigan are now accepting applicants through Homestretch.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36)- see her extensive report in packet;
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd): see report in packet.
There is a 21 County Alliance for a Drug—Free Northern Michigan focused on the dangers of high potency marijuana use with youths; It’s a media campaign.
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31)
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: Chuck Kraus has done a great job with the TARP project (Thompsonville Area Restoration Project) and raising money for the project.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:Tire collection event in Thompsonville this coming Saturday, July 13th. Remember TIRES ONLY! July 16th, at 10 a.m. is the groundbreaking ceremony for the Communications Tower in Frankfort. MAC Conference will be in Acme this Fall. Dan Hawkins, Lake Ann Village President, does a community coffee at Red Door once a month—45 minutes of talking about the good things going on in the community in Lake Ann. We received $200,000 more opioid dollars. We need to figure out how to use it (do we put out an RFP?).
PRESENTATION: Jennifer Berkey, District Director, MSU Extension: Presented the 2023- 2024 Annual Report: See pages 262 – 309 in packet for complete report: For every dollar invested in our MSU Extension, there are $6 dollars invested back into the county. Our youth soccer program grew this year. There were 150 youth enrolled in fall of 2023.
Public Input: Annie Browning, Beulah, so pleased to hear you talking about planning; so important to have a collective effort. John Ransom gave a great presentation about the health of Crystal Lake, (and other inland lakes), at our Village of Beulah meeting recently.
Dr. Donald Schaffer, Beulah was horrified that the Maples building has to have all it’s window trim replaced. Hope to have repairs done before the bad weather sets in. It’s going to be very expensive.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Public Input: Judge John Mead:
“I am your current elected Probate Court Judge; lifelong Benzie County resident”….(Judge Mead elaborated on his background and experience-watch July 23 Livestream of the meeting for his whole spiel).
Treasurer Kelly Long:
BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from July 4 – July 18, 2024 for$586,056.59 (-see packet for details).
Rebecca Hubers, Office of Emergency Management:
August 14th at 6 p.m. at the Government Center, there is a presentation regarding dealing with overdoses…It is mainly for the CERT volunteers;(Community Emergency Response Team), but is open to the public.
(Barb’s NOTE-CERT is always looking for new volunteers).August 21st at 6 p.m. at the Government Center, there is a presentation for public awareness on frauds and scams.
Communications Tower (the structure) should be up within about 3 months; Hoping to be technically functional by January 2025.
Douglas Durand, Executive Director Benzie Senior Resources:
BSR is hoping to purchase a new grant funded delivery vehicle in 2025.
The BOC approved extending an annual maintenance agreement with Hurst Mechanical for heating, cooling and generator back up in Sheriff’s Department for $6,440 annually with funds available in the jail and general funds.
The BOC approved a Benzie County agreement with House Arrest Services, Inc. for an electronic monitoring programming. With this ongoing program, an inmate in the jail is allowed to be out to work, and is typically on a tether system.
The BOC approved change order #6 for $44,800 for the Point Betsie Shoreline Protection Project.
The BOC approved improving parking lot lighting at the Government Center. They will start by changing out the light heads, that have a wider cast, then reevaluate if that fixes the lighting problem. If not, they will consider adding another light pole.
Commissioner Reports- All commissioner reports are in the July 23, 2024 packet.- some highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township: Attended Ground Breaking of Communications Tower in Frankfort; planning to have Veterans Affairs float in Coho Festival Parade, August 24th at 1 p.m.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: see packetDistrict III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: see packet.
Our new Local Non-Profit Community Radio Station WUWU 100.1 is having a Community Potluck/Concert on July 31, in Elberta $10 Adult ticket 5:30 – 8 P.M.(Barb’s NOTE: Location 526 Lincoln Avenue, Elberta, come meet the folks behind this new station); all proceeds go to new radio station.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36):See packet
Benzonia Township: the Crystal Lake Watershed Overlay will be discussed at their next meeting in August; Centra Wellness, looking for masters level social workers-the state has approved bachelor level social workers for N31 grant funded positions, as long as they are enrolled in a master’s program while they are working.
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31:
Colfax Township meeting, business as usual; new cell tower installed at 669 and Milnichol Road.
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: Weldon Township held a public hearing about the Crystal Commons project and the board has now approved the Crystal Commons project. Platte River School is now completely torn down. The piles of concrete will be hauled away by the Road Commission, crushed and used in some of their projects. The Village of Elberta approved a resolution for deficit elimination plan to be debt-free in 5 years or less. Village is concerned with the Betsie Valley Trail crossings on M22-there have been two accidents. Vehicles are not required to stop for cyclists. Gary is also concerned with the loss of revenue for the county, if the GTRLC’s (Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy) plan to buy, preserve and develop the 35 acres in Elberta becomes a reality. There would be a loss of approx. $50,000/year of revenue for the county. Some of the commissioners are wondering if there should be a limit to the percentage of property the county can have in conservancies.
County Administrator Katie Zeit’s Report:
Benzie County is quite dependent on grants. Manistee has hired a grant coordinator and Katie is reaching out to the townships to find out what grants they are working on, and whether or not it would be feasible for Benzie County to hire a grant coordinator. (Barb’s NOTE: FYI- our Benzie County Parks and Recreation Commission has wanted the county to create a Parks Director Position-writing grants would be part of that job. The BCPRC had a grant-funded feasibility study completed last year on a Parks Director)
Brooke Popp, Airport Director:
See update on the 2024-2025 Budget report in packet, which includes history about the airport and the creation of the Frankfort City-County Airport Authority and on the request to increase the county support to the airport budget. There will be changes to the MOU and the increase will be considered at a later date. Brooke reported that they are planning to have rental cars available at the airport starting next spring.
Public Input:
David Spragens, Crystal Lake Township appointee to the Frankfort Airport Authority, reported that Brooke is doing a good job at the airport.
Rhonda Nye, BOC Commissioner reported that an NMC pamphlet about the millage annexation has been made and is somewhat misleading; the millage language does not bind them to anything, but the pamphlet makes is sound like they are going to invest heavily in Benzie County right out of the gate.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
June 25, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617. Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Public Input:
Vince Palazollo, wanted to introduce himself. He is applying for the Veterans’s Board.
Finance Report by Treasurer Kelly Long: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from June 7th – 20th, 2024 for $269,990.04. (See packet for details).
Rebecca Hubers, Office of Emergency Management: On June 14th, they held an active assailant exercise, all local first responder agencies were invited and it was held at Homestead Hills. It’s important to be able to work together when it’s a practice session and they all got familiar with the layout of the new school. On July 16th at 10 a.m. there will be the groundbreaking for the new Emergency Communications Tower in Frankfort. On August 14th, the CERT(Citizen Emergency Response Team) volunteers are opening their naloxone training session up to the public. They are always looking for more CERT volunteers.
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources: Received a $17,000 grant from the Olson Foundation. Moving forward with Walkathon 2.0, the Blueberry Dash, on August 6th, 2024
Paula Eberhardt, Benzie Registrar of Deeds: Reported the first property fraud in county. We have a free property fraud alert for all the property owners of Benzie County. People are encouraged to sign up for this free service. GO TO WEBSITE, and there is a pop-up.
Tom King, Benzie EMS: They have been purchasing trucks on a regular basis, (5 years/250,000 mile). It’s cutting down on repairs, and keeping updated with the ambulances
Cory Ellis, 911 Director: They have one vacancy on the staff. They have two community outreach events coming up to educate the public (no dates given). There is a new program with 33 protocols for triaging medical emergencies, i.e. positive actions to emergencies they could not address in the past. In one week, they had 47 calls. This project included 200 training hours and the 911 teams will now have more training to address issues before the ambulance team arrives.
NEW BUSINESS The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved the appointment of a 3-member Ad Hoc committee to discuss grant coordination and administration for Benzie County.The BOC approved appointing the County Administrator as the grant coordinator.
The BOC approved a clinical agreement with MMR(Mobile Medical Response) to be an educational sponsor for their EMS programming.
The BOC approved purchase of a new furnace of EMS Station 3.
The BOC delayed any decision today on whether to go forward with a Road Commission Bond Millage on the November ballot. It will be discussed again at the next meeting. There was a presentation by the road commission team including Patrick McGow as bond council of Miller Canfield and Bendzinski and Company for financial consulting. A new building is needed and it would be projected to be an 18 million dollar project, with a 20-year bond, with a .61 millage. (See info in packet, beginning at page 69 which includes conceptual drawings) Paul Beechraft spoke out in support of this project.
COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS BOC will appoint an Ad Hoc interview committee to interview the two candidates (Vincent Palazzollo and Gary Sauer) who have applied to fill a recently vacated seat on the Veterans Affairs board.
Commissioner Reports- Some commissioner reports are in the June 25, 2024 packet, no oral reports today.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:
Afternoon of July 9th is a budget discussion meeting
Janie McNabb, new CEO of Networks Northwest: Networks Northwest is the leading workforce development agency serving job seekers and employers in northwest Lower Michigan; the region received $2.6 million to train the regional workforce, Benzie County received almost $300,000 and that money trained 151 people. 42 of those were apprentices. Networks Northwest is the intermediary between the employer and the US Dept. of Labor. Graceland Fruit was their Business of the Year in their APEX Accelerator program; In their Community Development work, they have worked with Almira Township on their Master Plan update; Village of Thompsonville Parks and Recreation Plan, Benzie County Parks and Rec Director Feasibility Study. They have also worked with our county on its hazard mitigation plan. See the packet for the Networks Northwest Presentation.
Dan Thorell, Health Officer and Michelle Klein, Director of Personal Health, BENZIE-LEELANAU HEALTH DEPARTMENT ANNUAL REPORT: The mission of the BLDH(Mobile Medical Response) D is to prevent disease, prolong life, and promote public health. School-based health programs improves mental health; School Wellness programs in our county schools are a very important service to our Benzie County students; There has been a decrease in Immunization rates, The Measles, Mumps and Rubella) (MMR) vaccinations are down about 6%; in the 2020-2023 periods; Increase in Community Connections referrals, it’s up 21% from 2021 to 2022; Increase in Children’s Special Healthcare enrollments ( from 84 to 107 children). They also do Well and Septic Evaluations; Food facility Inspections; Swimming beaches monitored…..see Complete Report in packet. Benzie County has a Point of Sale Septic inspection requirement. ( NOTE from Barb, Michigan does NOT have a state-wide code, like every other state.) In May, it was determined to go with a dedicated health officer for Benzie County. They have terminated the contract with the Health Dept of NW Michigan.
Public Input: Bob Roelofs reported the Lake Ann 5K had 290 participants. The profits from the event will go to the Benzie County Veterans Affairs.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected]
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
June 11, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Public Input:
Steven Quijas, graduate of Benzie Central, works for Gary Peters. He recently presented a certificate of Senatorial recognition, for the outstanding educator award to Jaelen Williams. Steven also wanted to introduce himself and let the BOC know that he is available to help with anything that they need regarding, letters of support, etc. ….His phone number is 231 209-0889;
Craig Campbell is living again in Benzie County. He is concerned with the increase in operating funds. He thinks the timing is very poor and will hurt the housing and employment issues of the county. He also brought up the NMC annexation millage. Randy Rice (member of the Tax Advisory Committee)stated a concern regarding the increase in the general operating fund millage.
NOTE: BOC stated that there will NOT be an increase in taxes for the county operating millage. It’s in the statutory language that is confusing the public—they can not ask for the increase, due to the Headlee override.
The county is levying the maximum allowable millage, but it is still a rollback (per the Headlee Rollback-in place for 42 years).
Finance: Kelly Long, Treasurer: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from May 24 to June 6, 2024 for $415, 534.20 -see packet for details.
Judge John Mead: Reported, “my lead district count magistrate is retiring. He guaranteed to me he would stay 5 years, he stayed 8”.
Greg Hubers, Undersheriff: Canine Omar and his handler, at a traffic stop, located and seized a good quantify of meth, fentanyl, cocaine and cash. Omar also helped locate a missing juvenile!
Brianne Lindsay, Equalization Director: They have completed their 2024-cycle state equalization report.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved making the Infant in the Workplace Policy permanent. ( Katie Zeits reports that Benzie County has become a trend setter, with policies like this!! )
The BOC approved the extension of the agreement with Venture North for the CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) loan management program—there is $106,000 still in this fund.. See packet for more information.
The BOC approved the amended agreement with Nationwide to add Income America as a voluntary employee benefit option.
The BOC approved a budget amendment in the total amount of $30,000 dollars to recognize revenues and expenditure related to the Crystal Lake Outlet project. This is funding to be expended this fiscal year.
Commissioner Reports- All submitted commissioner reports are in the June 11, 2024 packet.- some highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township:Veterans Affairs; Erik Florip celebration of life ceremony is July 13th, 2024.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: Art is concerned with ballot language, especially concerning the county’s general operating millage (NO increase).
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: see packet. FYI: As directed from Gov. Whitmer, there is lead pipe replacement for city water in Frankfort at no cost to the residents, this is a result from the Flint water crisis. Contact [email protected] with questions.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36)- see packet report. Village of Benzonia-dealing with Japanese knotweed around buildings, it continues to be a problem; road improvements on Walker street in progress.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd): Homestead Township board appointed Kit Wilson as the new township clerk; grand opening for Farmer’s market in Honor was Tuesday.
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31) Inland Township is updating their Master Plan
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: BVTMC(Betsie Valley Trail management Council)-working on a prime professional to engineer the Betsie Valley Trail to pave the section from Beulah to Case Road.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report: Emailed out a one-pager on the Jail Millage-educational in nature; check out the Animal Control’s new dog yard!! Recycling: GFL picks up recycling at Benzonia, Frankfort and Beulah on M, W and F; Elmira, Inland and Honor on M, Th and F and Thompsonville on M and Th. Cardboard and other business recycling is NOT allowed at these sites. This is a residential program only. ICMA (International City/County Management Association). reached out to Benzie County, The ICMA does many videos to promote a county, but it’s $26,000. That is money the county has to pay. They are checking around, but, it’s a lot of money.
Public Input: Judge Mead added additional comment on the magistrate position, anyone interested, must live in Benzie or Manistee county,
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected]
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
May 28, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Kelly Long, Treasurer: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills for May 2024, for $308,365.78 (see packet for details).
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources Director-report in packet
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff: New 24-hour road patrol is going very well.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved formally memorializing the easement with the Zetterberg Trust for existing property access points near Point Betsie
The BOC approved authorizing a letter of intent regarding working with Grand Traverse County and Leelanau County to create a Material Management planning process (there are incentives to regionalize and we need them)
The BOC approved agreement with World Triathlon Corporation for the Ironman event.
COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: BOC accepted Alice Wildie’s resignation and the appointment of Jim Gribble to the Betsie Valley Trail Management Committee
Commissioner Reports:
Some commissioner reports are in the packet, some highlights below.
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira Township (East of Reynolds Rd): report in packet
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira Townships (W of Reynolds Rd): report in packet
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships:report in packet
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 , east of Case Rd, 36): Jack Bergman informed Beulah Village president Geri VanDePerre that Beulah is on the short list for an infrastructure appropriation (re: sewer).
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia & Homestead Townships(Sect 31, 36, 35 (W. of Case Rd): report in packet
District VI-Comm. Evan Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31). Anne Noah is now on the Benzie Bus Board.
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: Weldon-Kerri Aldridge was appointed as the supervisor ; Health Board-moving forward with getting our own Health Officer; Maples census: 77 residents
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report: We are in the middle of budgeting; working on educational materials about the upcoming millages. Scheduled to get another $100,000 in opioid funds. After receiving the money, they will figure out how to spend it. Students are still talking about the speaker who came to speak at the school, funded with opioid money. Broadband expansion is still happening, Tim Malone has brought John Malcolm onto their team.. John is walking through neighborhoods where the broadband is coming and talking to people. Katie complemented the board of Commissioners on their decision making and that they are getting a lot done. Katie also reported that our county is getting a lot of good attention from Lansing! And the International City-County Management Association wants to bring attention to Katie and Benzie County. They annually feature about 12 communities internationally.
Jessica Carland, Chad and Sophia, Benzie Bus Resolution for Millage Proposal: Currently have a .5 mill; operating costs have gone up 38%; fleet is aging; over half of their passengers are over the age of 60 or disabled. 70% of all trips are for essential services. Asking for a 1.0 mill millage; The increased millage, if it passes, will add more services; more Saturday coverage and limited service on Sunday; focus on responding to later evening services. (Now open until 8, people want 10). If it doesn’t pass, will cut all non-essential services; airport trips; crystal lake express; Halloween and New Year’s Day services.
Laura Galbraith, President, Venture North Funding and Development:“We unlock the potential of under-resourced business owners and entrepreneurs through securing and deploying capital and technical support” .They are a mission lender. Betsy Evans is an independent contractor for Venture North-Business development and Coach and works in Benzie and Manistee Counties. See Presentation in Packet.
Broadband Digital Equity Taskforce Plan was presented by Pierrette Reneé Dagg, Director of Research, Merit Network. SEE PAGES 204—239 in Packet.
Definition of Digital equity: Digital equity, ensures, that everyone has the same opportunities to access and use digital tools like high-speed Internet, digital devices and literacy programs. This allows full participation in the digital facets of society, helping to turn technology into a bridge that enhances equality across civic involvement, employment, education, and healthcare access, rather than a barrier. Katie Zeits is on the Benzie County Broadband Task Force, (there are 15 local members on this Taskforce). Digital opportunity plan—what they have been doing for the last 8 – 10 months.
Barb’s NOTE: Benzie County has been working with MERIT-the largest running Research & Education network in the US. It’s an independent non-profit organization governed by 12 public universities and supported by over 370 affiliate Members and anchor institutions. This was a very informative presentation.
Public Input:
Bob Roelofs reported that the family of Erik Florip wants the funds from the Lake Ann 5K to go to Benzie County Veterans Affairs (Erik Florip, the LA Vet, died 12/31/23 of brain cancer. The Run was started for him last year.). The Lake Ann 5K, Erik Florip Memorial Run is Thursday, June 20, 2024 6:30 – 8:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected]
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
May 14th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdaysof each month. Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Public Tributes presented by board chair Bob Roelofs for National Correctional Officer’s Week, May 5 – 11, National Police Week, May 12 – 19; and National Emergency Medical Services Week, May 19-25.Thanking all the brave men and women for their service to our community.
See packet for entire tribute.
Finance: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from for $952,147.54 -see packet for details).
Nick, who works with Bert Gale from the Building Department: Gave an update that the Sunkissed issues have been addressed and taken care of. The Honor Dollar General lot had the proper permits from the county and it is now being addressed by EGLE. Jim Zimmerman, Building Department, seems to think it’s going to work out in Honor for Dollar General.
Rhonda Nye stated that she understood a study had been done on that Honor lot. But that wasn’t made available to the new buyers.
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff: Shared that we now have 24-hour road patrol in Benzie County; staff is on 12-hour shifts.
OLD BUSINESS The Board of Commissioners established the Tax Limitation Advisory Committee to discuss the possibility of resetting the general operating millage that was last set in 1982, 42 years ago. This committee felt that it was not the appropriate time to ask the community for any increase in the tax levy for general operating expenses. However, they did believe that Benzie County needs to revisit whether or not the general operating millage is still meeting the needs of our community going forward, and able to provide the needed services (including our new 24-hour road patrol) in the future.
Therefore: A General Operating millage will be put on the August 2024 Primary ballot, and if approved, the millage rate would remain the same and it would require a two-year timeline for Benzie County to approach this subject again. It can be brought up in 2026 to be reconsidered. The Headlee rollback has not been addressed in 42 years. Katie Zeits says we are OK for 2024 and probably OK for 2025. But we will not be OK if the rollback continues. We are one of two counties that has this indefinite status. If we want to maintain our current services to the residents of this county, this general operating millage will have to be addressed.
THE BOC approved the Ballot Language for this August millage: QUOTE: “ The Board of Commissioners adopts Resolution No. 2024-14. This resolution approves Ballot Language to Alter the Duration of the General Operating Millage for the County, Townships and Intermediate School District, which would replace the indefinite status of the County operating millage, on the August 2024 Primary ballot.”
The BOC approved the adoption of the Senior Services Millage Resolution for the August 2024 ballot
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved the 2% Tribal Grant Application on behalf of Benzie Area Christian Neighbors.
The BOC approved the reclassification results for Animal Control (administrative assistive and animal care) this is an economic change.
The BOC approved the reclassification results for the Sheriff’s Administrative Assistant (this is a change for the position).
The BOC approved an interlocal agreement with Frankfort for the use of an ATV and trailer. It’s housed in Frankfort, but e.g., is available to the Benzie County Sheriff, when needed.
The BOC approved the HMEP Federal Grant (Hazard Materials Emergency Preparedness) to be used for Emergency Management needs.
Committee Appointments:
Katherine Ralston was interviewed and was appointed to the EDC/BRA Authority. (Economic Development Corporation and Brownfield Redevelopment Authority) for a 6-year term.
Commissioner Reports- some Commissioner reports are in the packet.-highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynold Rd.) Township:
September 13th Frankfort/Benzie Football game 6:15 p.m.
Veterans honored on Memorial Day, May 27th, at 1 p.m. in Veterans Park-7276 Ole White Drive, Lake Ann, MI 49650. Sam McClellan former tribal chairman, will speak on the contributions of Native Americans to WWII.
June 20th, 5K Run in Lake Ann to support Benzie County Veterans Affairs in memory of Erik Florip.(it’s at 5 p.m.)
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: see report in packet
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: attended MAC conference, see report in packet.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36): Land Bank Authority; Habitat for Humanity built two homes last year on Land Bank properties and hopes to build three this year. Benzonia Village-submitted application for a water system improvement plan.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd): Platte River Park Grand Opening Saturday May 18, 1 – 3 p.m.
Platte Township Cleanup day is May 18th.
True North Gas Station in Honor hopes to be open before the snow flies.
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31): no report
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: Continuing to discuss the hiring of a full-time health officer. The Road Commission will begin demolition process of the Platte school soon.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:
EGLE has denied the permit for the Pt Betsie repairs to the Shoreline Protection System. They say we need to move the Lighthouse back. Benzie County is going to withdraw the permit and go up the chain from EGLE. Previously, both EGLE and SHPO had approved this project. But EGLE is blocking it now, because of some new leadership.
The Attorney General’s office contacted Katie Zeits and wants to do a round table event here in Benzie County on Friday, July 5th. They have heard about the great things we are doing with our Opioid dollars.
The Digital Equity Compus discussion will be happening at the next BOC meeting. How the county is moving forward with the broadband and also how the Digital Equity Compus will help people understand how to use the internet .(NOTE: get the latest information on the progress made with broadband…..) Lansing considers Benzie County a leader in its recent development of broadband!
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
April 23rd, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdaysof each month.
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Volunteer Recognition Week & County Government Recognition Month
Bob Roelofs announced that April 21 – 27, 2024 is Volunteer Recognition Week in Benzie County, and April 2024 is County Government Recognition Month; Bob read two proclamations.
Public Input: Mary Haan, commented on the reported increase in poisoning of our young children from gummies. Encouraged the county government to take this seriously and act on it.
Finance: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from for $210,235.63-see packet for details.
Rebecca Hubers, Office of Emergency Management: Acknowledged that volunteers are critical to her Department, and wanted to thank Bob for acknowledging them.
Doug Durand, Executive Director of Benzie Senior Resources:165 volunteers at BSR-meal delivery, and home wellness checks.
Big volunteer Recognition coming up -May 20-21.
Submitted BSR packet to BOC; BSR hired new fiscal manager, who started on April 16th, 2024; Commissioner Art Jeannot asked what BSR would do if they didn’t have the senior millage? Doug Durand said that they would have to dramatically cut services. AJ did report that what BSR does, are essential services for our seniors.
Kyle Mauer, Executive Director, Benzie Animal Control: Kyle reported that TB has been located in deer downstate. State tested in the county on Thursday, April 25, at 4 P.M in the Crystal Center Hudson Bay Room at Crystal Mountain. There will be a meeting for farmers and anyone interested in knowing what to do going forward. There has also been an Avian Flu outbreak downstate, 1 million birds had to be taken out, so there will be an egg shortage. Cows can also get avian flu. Some positive news: they have one puppy left and they are finishing up on the kennel fencing.
Their hours are 8 – 4 Monday- Friday.
Jon Stimson, Executive Director, HomeStretch:
Reported on the Frankfort housing project supported by ARPA; ARPA dollars are really helping to keep the project on time; the project is actually ahead of time; Graceland Fruit is allowing us to stage construction materials on their property (very helpful); Unfortunately they’ve had some theft on the site of tools and lumber. Update on Honor Project—100% occupancy. Tenants are working in Benzie County!
Maner Costerisan: Update of the Benzie County Audit Report. See Report in packet-starting at page 125 of packet, you can also watch/listen to the report on; Fund balance is in good shape.
Bond Attorney Robert Benzinski from Benzinsky and Co.: Led part of the discussion for the Road Commission regarding the Road Commission’s Bond Proposal. They are hoping to get the Bond Proposal on the November ballot. They are talking about a 20-25 year Bond, similar to the Maple’s Bond. This bond proposal is for a new building on the site of the old school. The old building would be destroyed. The old building is actually 5 different buildings from 1930, 1934, 1940 1965 and 1968—each on a different level. The current exterior that was added later, makes it look newer than it is. The doors are too small, there’s NO insulation, there are major roof issues so in the winter they have to keep the heat up. The problems are extensive!
OLD BUSINESS: Board Of Commissioners (BOC) approved funding of $36,000 from remaining ARPA dollars for the independent Early Childhood Programs at the Benzie and Frankfort Schools; and $4,000 for Whistle Stop Learning Center, for a security door.
NEW BUSINESS: BOC approved authorization of three budget amendments related to ARPA funding and capital funding in the total cash amount of $2,246,725.00 (these amendments allow the county to complete previously approved projects).
BOC approved a 4-year extension agreement with Manistee for the Medical Examiner Dr. Lois Goslinoski.
BOC approved accepting a $17,000 grant and authorized the related expenditures for Marijuana safety campaigns addressing—prevention, education and outreach program.
BOC listened to a discussion led by Frankfort Mayor Joann Holwerda on the proposed location change to the Frankfort Recycling.
BOC approved the Resolution supporting the proposed building shoreline protection system for Point Betsie Lighthouse.
COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: BOC established an Ad Hoc Interview Committee for the EDC/BRA . They have two positions that need to be filled. Kathy Ralston has applied for one of the positions.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: some commissioner reports can be found in the packet-highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township: Reported on the planned Memorial Day Celebration. A former tribal chair will be speaking at the ceremony.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships:EDC/BRA presentation from Jason Allen regarding incentives for Rural Development.
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: EDC/BRA Traverse Connect and Crosshatch presentation on micro loans for farmers and sustainability.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36):
Village of Beulah has completed all camera installations on Village property.
Village clean up day is June 8th, requires pass from village office.
Land Bank Authority created an Executive Director position and Michelle Thompson was appointed as the new ED.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd):
Village of Honor will have its Farmer’s Market on Tuesday in the park across from the Plaza-18 venders;
Homestead Township Clean Up Day is May 18 behind the Road Commission.
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31): not present today.
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: The three bailiffs have a lot of support from the employees. Update from Iron Man-voted by participants as the best location in the world. Maples: Megan Garza reported that over 80% of it’s residents over time have been Benzie County residents; BCPRC- BWAC has 90 days to make their purchase option on the Crystal Lake Elementary School property;
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:
Broadband update:
Some of the final connections are being finished up . It’s happening pretty fast. We have submitted 17 challenges, because these blocks of county do not have access to getting federal funding. All of the challenges have been accepted. Mercury Broadband -still in holding pattern, saying they won’t be here until 2027. Penalties to these companies need to be increased.
Public Comment: Eric Van Dussenen: Had question about the Road Commission Building and whether the Building Authority should be involved?
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
April 9th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdaysof each month.
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
It’s Animal Control Week and Telecommunication Week:
Animal Welfare was contacted regarding some ongoing renovations at the Animal Shelter and they donated $20,000 to help with the renovations.
Finance: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from for $2,920,164.53 -see packet for details). “The number is so high because we were reimbursing entities” per Commissioner Rhonda Nye. Katie Zeits explained the check paying procedure (April 9, 2024 Live Stream video for details)
BOC approved budget amendment for one additional Corrections Officer in the 23/24 fiscal year.
BOC approved creation of a small ad hoc committee to discuss early childhood funding from remaining ARPA dollars for both schools (Benzie and Frankfort) and community organizations(Whistle Stop).
BOC approved $2000 for the Early Childhood Fair from ARPA Funds (April is the month of the young child).
Ed Hoogterp-update regarding Point Betzie seawall and changes required by the State Agencies.
So far the State Agencies are denying permits because they say the shoreline protection system goes too far into Lake Michigan bottom lands. They want the plan changed; At a recent meeting with State Agencies, they again rejected the recent changes. There is a deadline of May 17, 2024 for permit approval or rejection. They are running out of time, but they are still working on trying to meet the deadline.
Brenna Dilts-Quality Assurance Manager, Central Wellness Annual Report:
Discussed overall services. They service three priority populations:
1) Individuals with a serious mental illness.
2) Individuals with an intellectual or developmental disabilities.
3) Children with severe emotional disturbances.
They also help those with mild to moderate mental health issues. (See Live stream video April 9, 2024 to watch presentation). Per Brenna and Chip Johnston, Executive Director—the agency is very proactive. They do a lot of prevention work and appreciate the support of our community.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved the reclassification results for the Register of Deeds.
The BOC approved the reclassification results for the Treasurer’s Office.
The BOC approved the required elevator upgrade project.
The BOC approved 2024 Equalization Report (see packet for report)
The BOC-approved applying for the Gary Sinise First Responder Grant for purchasing workout equipment for staff gym.
The BOC-approved the purchase request for new Dispatch radios.
The BOC-approved renewal request for the $3.00 surcharge for 911
The BOC- approved the Remonumentation contract with John Smendzuik, Crystal Surveying LLC.
(Remonumentation means all land surveying activities have been achieved and verified in order to perpetuate a previously monumented original Public Land Survey corner.
The BOC- approved the fencing for Animal Control, and added an additional thank you to the Animal Welfare League for their $20,000 donation that is helping to pay for the new fencing.
The BOC-authorized the approval of the Spicer Agreement for the Crystal Lake Outlet Project.
The BOC- approved an additional $3,000 of funding from the Opioid Fund, for a third presentation at Benzie Central for the 6th – 8th graders. (The Frankfort
6-8th graders will be bussed to Benzie Central). The School Presentations will be April 29, 2024 at Benzie Central and April 30, 2024 at Frankfort.
COMMITTEE APPOINTMENTS: all openings have been posted
Betsie Valley Trail:
Reappointed Fran Griffin
Benzie Transportation Authority:
Reappointed Dorene Strang and Christopher Kitchen
Tax Advisory Committee:
Appointed Randy Rice as recommended by the Ad Hoc Interview Committee (there were 4 applicants)
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report:
Budgeting season is here; Master Plan review is this afternoon.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Highlights March 12th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
See March 12, 2024 Packet for agenda and item details.
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff: The sheriff’s office administrative assistant has transferred to the Treasurer’s office, but has continued to help out during the morning and at her lunch hour; the opening for the Administrative Assistant has been posted.
FINANCE: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from Feb.23 – March 7, 2024 for $594,598.01 -see packet for details). Kelly Long is the new Benzie County Treasurer.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36): Reported that at the Benzie School Board meeting, the sale of Crystal Lake Elementary to BWAC(Benzie Wellness and Aquatic Center) was approved.
OLD BUSINESS: BOC approved: adopting language for the Jail Operations Millage that will be on the August 2024 Primary Ballot
NEW BUSINESS: The Board of Commissioners (BOC) approved: Renewing various Recycling Site Lease agreements (7)
The BOC will address Senior Services Millage Resolution at April 9, 2024 meeting. Doug Durand Benzie Senior Resources Executive Director reviewed the services provided by BSR for our seniors in Benzie County. Heidi Gustine, Executive Director Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan, spoke highly of BSR and the great work they do and the excellent job Doug Durand does as Executive Director. A sad note: Doug also stated that their office is reeling from the death of long time employee, Sabra Boyle last week.
The BOC approved adopting an official policy regarding Financial Hardship. This policy allows a one -year hardship deferral from Foreclosure.
The BOC approved establishing an ad hoc interview committee to move through the process of evaluating our Administrator.
The BOC approved the proposal from ALLONE Health for the EAP (Employee Assistance Program). This will help support Benzie County staff, for mental health sessions, at a rate of $3,450/annually to the county (see detailed EAP Proposal from ALLONE HEALTH in packet).
The BOC approved an Interlocal Agreement with Grand Traverse County for inmate housing (we currently have 12 GTC inmates + 22 Benzie County inmates). It’s a 2-year renewal.
The BOC approved authorizing a budget (committing $70,000) for a mid-level IT support staff person. To date, IT problems have fallen on Rebecca Hubers to fix.
The BOC authorizes the County Administrator and the Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator to discuss regionalization with adjacent counties. They are planning on working with counties that are similar to our county. (Extensive information materials available for review in the packet).
The BOC adopted the New Government Building Fitness Waiver & Release -for employee’s only; a Gym Committee will be assembled for ongoing oversight.
No BOC Meeting March 26th, 2024. Cancelled due to a conflict with MAC (Michigan Association of Counties) Conference, in Lansing.
Benzie County Administrator Katie Zeits: Reported everything has been covered in the meeting. OOT from March 23 – April 2, 2024
Public Input:
Annie Browning, Village of Beulah: Having attainable housing is so important to the future of our county. She is hoping something can eventually be done with the old Brookside lower level. Village of Beulah had its first ZBA (Zoning Board of Appeals) meeting in 28 years. They resolved a new garage plan, by compromising.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected]
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Highlights February 27th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
ELECTED OFFICIALS & DEPARTMENT HEADS: Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Emergency Manager: Gave an update on the lower level expansion project. Also gave update on the emergency communication tower. It is 120’ high, and it’s construction will begin soon. No light on the tower because it’s under 200’ This will enhance radio communications for first responders in the Frankfort Area.
Megan Garza, Maples Administrator-Maples update: We are full; 78 beds filled. The generator is fixed. This repair cost will be about $100,000 (mechanic was over $46,000, cost of rental generator…); All 12 recent admissions to the Maples are Benzie County residents; between 85 and 90% of Maples’ residents are Benzie County residents. They are down to 3 contract staff employees.
Kelly Ottinger, Fund Development Director: There are two new volunteers for Meals on Wheels, but we still need more volunteers for Meals the on Wheels program; asking for about 2-hour windows (BSR vehicle is used). Thanks to Commissioner Jeannot for attending the Discovery Meeting in February; Their second Discovery Meeting was March 5. 60% of BSR’s budget is from the millage.
Kyle Mauer, Animal Control: AJ’s excavating will be starting on the kennel yard, hopefully next week. Will be transporting the 10 dogs out during this process. Putting out RFPs for fencing of the new dog yard. They are repainting the interior. Looking at getting new kennels for the dogs.
FINANCE: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from Feb.13 – 27, 2024 for $445,937.04 -see packet for details).
CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED- items B,C,D—see February 27, 2024 Packet for agenda and item details. The purpose of the Consent Calendar is to expedite business by grouping non-controversial items together to be dealt with by one Commission motion without discussion. Any item can be removed by a commissioner or staff member from the Consent Agenda for discussion.
The Board of Commissioners approved item A-budget amendments for Brownfield Grant of $650,000 for the True North Project in Honor. This grant involves a lot of reporting to EGLE in order to receive reimbursement.
The Board Of Commissioners approved item E-authorizing signers of financial documents for Benzie County: They authorized Kelly Long, Suzanne Mills, Tammy Bowers and Kimberly Childs to sign financial related documents for Benzie County.
OLD BUSINESS: There was a discussion of the Jail Operations Millage Resolution and discussion regarding the need for additional staff and how to fund additional staff; There is a sergeant retiring soon; These items will be on the March 12, BOC meeting agenda.
NEW BUSINESS: The Board of Commissioners (BOC) approved: change order for lower-level construction project contract to purchase regulators for the gas pressure into the buildings; $13,705.20
The BOC approved the combined Brownfield Re-development Authority and Economic Development Corporation master bylaws.
The BOC approved the reappointment of Donald Tanner and Paula McLain to the Manistee-Benzie Centra Wellness Board for three-year terms.
The BOC approved the reappointment of Mark Roper, Vincent Edwards and Susan Wenzlick on the Benzie County Land Bank Authority, contingent only on having a written note from each for three-year terms.
COMMISSIONER REPORTS: Some Commissioner reports are in the packet.
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township: attended the Domestic Violence Task Force meeting…
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships: attended EDC/BRA meeting; Housing North meetings; See report in packet.
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships: attended the Frankfort Business Accelerator Task force meeting; EDC meeting; Airport Authority meeting…. See report in packet
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36)- Village of Beulah meeting-what’s happening to the spoils from the settling pond in Beulah, that’s what you see from Highway 31.,Centra Wellness Board meeting; Benzie Watershed Coalition… See report in packet.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia & Homestead Townships (W of Case Rd): attended Networks Northwest meeting; Centra Wellness Community Relations Committee meeting, Village of Honor…
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax & Inland Townships (west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31)-no report
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon Townships- attended the Benzie Leelanau Health Depart. Meeting; The Maples meeting; Village of Thompsonville meeting; See report in packet.
County Administrator Katie Zeits: Reported that the Department of Health and Human Services is exercising their option to renew their 5-year lease until 2029 with Benzie County on the building space they are currently utilizing. Kelly Long was sworn in as county Treasurer on Friday, March 1, 2024. If an individual wants to be put on the RFP Notification List, they can contact the County Administrator’s office. Shout out to Jackie Palfrey, Human Resources, for coming up with creative ways to recruit employees. We are now recruiting on WTCM.
Public Input: Tammy Bowers, County Clerk, gave an update on Early Voting. The local Clerks did a great job handling Early Voting in their municipalities. Please thank them the next time you see them.
Michelle Thompson, County Treasurer, provided a history on the State of Michigan changes in the process of becoming an Assessor and the issues it has created. There is a shortage of Assessors.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Highlights for February 13th, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Public Input:
Deb Frisbie Human Services Collaboration Coordinator of Thompsonville Summer Fest, gave information about the Summer Fest and the services it provides; It’s held the third Monday in June (17th)
Doug Durand spoke in support of funding the Benzie County Human Services Collaboration that is on the agenda later this morning.
County Commissioner Roelofs: Read a letter from the Michigan Association of Counties. MAC is celebrating serving our Michigan counties for 125 years. Karen Cunningham spoke to the great support MAC offers to all the counties including podcasts that offer education about what the legislators are bringing forward.
Finance: BOC approved the payment of bills from1/28,2024 – February 12, 2024 for $716,242.23-see packet for details.
There’s an open house to celebrate Michelle Thompson’s retirement as the County Treasurer, on Friday, March 1, 2024 from 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. Michelle stated the she has been selected to become the Executive Director of the Michigan Land Bank Associations, effective March 4, 2024! She wants to thank the Board of Commissioners for paying attention to her suggestions and ideas over the past years. Michelle is pleased to announce that Kelly Long has been appointed to replace her.
BOC approved the amendment to the jail services mental health contract. This authorizes an amendment to the letter of agreement with the Manistee Benzie Community Mental Health Organization, aka Centra Wellness, for mental health services with the Benzie County jail to allow for a bachelor’s level clinician in the jail to act as a conduit between an inmate and and a master’s level clinician.
BOC approved the authorization of a $3,000 contribution to the Benzie Human Services Collaborative with funds available from general fund contingency. Sarah May, coordinator of the Human Services Collaborative was present to answer any questions before their vote (6 ayes-1 Nay-Sauer)
Tim Malone, Cherry Capital Connections, LLC presented an update regarding the Internet for All Benzie County and was available to answer any questions. Mitch Shapiro was available on zoom to answer any questions; End-date of all installations is by the end of 2026, hopefully sooner.
BOC adopted resolution approving the Hazard Mitigation Plan. Rebecca Hubers, Emergency Management was present to answer any questions before the vote; (7-0)
BOC approved three additional requests for Opioid funding:
1.$4,465 to Benzie County District Court and Central Wellness for substance abuse assessment, testing and monitoring programs.
$6,900 to Almira Township Fire and EMS for the purchase of 1 airway trainer and 2 full set of CPR/AED training manikins.
$9,200 to the School and Youth Resource Officers to have Tony Hoffman go into the schools for two speaking engagements with the students regarding mental health, addiction and recovery challenges.
BOC accepted the recommendation from Hon David A Thompson, Circuit Court Judge, that Dawn Olney be appointed to the Benzie County Jury Board, to fill the unexpired six-year term vacancy. Term to expire on April 30, 2027.
The Township Supervisors have chosen Jason Barnard to represent them on the Tax Advisory Committee
Katie spoke at the Chamber Summit on February 9th on what the County has been doing over the last year and what we are looking at for the next year. Talked about how the county has used some of the ARPA dollars.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Highlights January 23, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Meetings are held at the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah Michigan 49617
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Sheriff Kyle Rosa:
Introduced Omar, new K-9 dog and his handler, Deputy Dumond, Omar is 18 months old. Sheriff Rosa is running for re-election; There is a target date of mid-May for 24-hour road patrol .
Megan Garza, Maples Administrator:
Gave update; for past 9 months every admission to The Maples has been a Benzie County resident or a loved one of a Benzie County resident. The Maples census is full; there is a 12-person waiting list; Contract staff is down from 20 in August to 6 contract staff currently. Megan explained the expense issues with their generator. Don Shafer explained the issues with the generator.
Kelly Ottinger, Fund Development Director Benzie Senior Resources:
Numbers of individuals being served by BSR is up an average of 10-12 % across all services; fully staffed except for homemaking positions; working with a firm to identify the needs of our Benzie County seniors and how we can best meet those needs.
Finance: BOC approved the payment of bills from1/5/24 – 1/18/24 for $614,718.14-see packet for details.
Consent Calendar approved:
Items B – E. See packet for details. Item A was removed and discussed.
BOC approved amending the campus cleaning contract to include the lower level expansion project.
BOC approved adopting a resolution to start the Headlee reset process—Resolution 2024-006 to Alter the Fixed Separate Tax Limitation and to Create a County Advisory Tax Limitation Committee; Ayes 5; Nays: Roelofs; Sauer
BOC approved authorizing up to two additional corrections officers subject to funding.
BOC approved authorizing ballot language for the August 2024 ballot-Resolution 2024-005 submitting to a vote of the electorate reauthorization of the telephone surcharge for continuing enhanced emergency telephone services (911)
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
Reported that the Digital Equity Task Force meets regularly to talk about digital equity and what it means for Benzie County. There is a lot of funding coming from the State and Federal level for digital equity.
Tim Malone’s update on the Internet for All Benzie County is in the packet.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Highlights January 9, 2024 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah, Michigan 49617
Public Input: David Engle introduced himself; he is running for Benzie County Probate Judge. He was born and raised in Benzie County. He feels the court resources are underused. He would use the resources, including having a sobriety court.
Finance: BOC approved the payment of bills from 12/12/23 – 1/9/24 for $1,553,324.30 -see packet for details.
Michelle Thompson, County Treasurer, stated that two Land Bank demolitions in Thompsonville have occurred and they are working on a third. They are working on getting funds for renovation of a home in the Village of Benzonia.
Michelle announced that she is retiring February 29, 2024. Michelle is looking for support for a 30-day transition period, for training the new person.
Sheriff Kyle Rosa: January 9 is National Law Enforcement Officers Appreciation Day.
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Emergency Manager: gave an update on the lower-level construction project—Open House is being planned for the middle of February.
Bert Gale, Benzie County Building Department: provided the Quarterly report for Oct-Dec, 2023, on the Benzie County Building Code and Safety Enforcement -detailed report in packet.
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources Director: provided a written report (in packet);
CONSENT CALENDAR APPROVED: it included item B-that Resolution 2024-004, declaring up to $625,000 in DTRF (Delinquent Tax Revolving Funds) surplus for the lower-level expansion project be adopted.
NOTE: Consent Calendar agenda item D was removed from the Consent Calendar-the BOC then discussed and then amended their July 26, 2022 motion; the new motion will now allow for flexibility in the allocation of funding for the broadband expansion initiative. The BOC approved this motion.
PRESENTATIONS: Jon Throop, Executive Director, Conservation District presented their annual report (see packet for details)
BOC approved a Change Order for the Pt. Betsie Shoreline Protection Project: change order #5 to the Pt. Betsie Shoreline Protection Project agreement with Barr Engineering in the amount of $89,300 for the project to allow for reimbursement of revenues from the Friends of Pt. Betsie and payment of invoices by the County.
Katie received an email from Jackie Borozan and shared it with the commissioners. Jackie is helping them with the digital equity task force.
Platte Township, Crystal Lake Township, Inland Township, Benzonia Township and Lake Township all have provided resolutions in support of the Headlee reset.
They are planning to put the Jail millage, EMS/ALS (Emergency Medical Service /Advanced Life Support ) millage and Benzie Senior Resource millage on the 2024 ballot.
Respectfully submitted by,
Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
Highlights, Nov. and Dec. 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meetings Nov.14, Nov. 28. and Dec 12, 2023
Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah, Michigan 49617
If you wish to see the full minutes and/or the meeting packets, go to:
November 14, 2023
Finance: BOC approved the payment of bills from Oct. 24 – Nov. 14, 2023 for $1,356,948.79 (see packet for details.)
Michelle Thompson, County Treasurer, stated that the Land Bank is looking for a third round of funding. The funding is restricted to only renovation or acquisition for the sale of low to moderate housing. She also attended the Housing Conference.
The Board of Commissioners (BOC) approved the annual service agreement for MSU Extension services.
The BOC approved the re-appointment of Coury Carland to the Frankfort Airport Authority with the term expiring December 31, 2027.
The BOC approved the re-appointment of Dr. Mark Kuiper to the Benzie-Leelanau District Health Dept.
The BOC approved the re-appointment of Annie Browning to the Solid Waste Advisory Committee.
The BOC approved the purchase of a police K9 dual purpose do.
The BOC approved adopting a resolution to accept the $400,000 SPARKS grant for the Betsie Valley Trail paving- Phase 1, Beulah to Case Road.
Commissioner Reports:
All commissioner reports are in the November 28 packet.
Katie Zeits: County Administrator’s Report: The Headlee Reset Information has been placed on the website
PRESENTATION: Kelly Tomaszewski, Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital Community President, and Kristi Johnson, COO, gave a presentation on the future changes with POMH; they are Healthcare Centric; Increase access to visiting specialists; their job is to keep the community healthy; They reported 163 rural hospitals around the country have closed in the last 10 years; Primary Care is provided by the Frankfort Medical Group; POMH has State of the Art equipment in almost every department.
Final Public Input: Tammy Bowers, Benzie County Clerk, gave a report on the November 7, 2023 election and on moving into 9-day early voting in 2024.
November 28, 2023 Meeting
BOC approved the payment of bills from Nov. 10 – Nov. 17, 2023 for $498,135.96 (see packet for details.)
Sheriff Kyle Rosa introduced Michael Hearn and Gary Miles, who will handle the duties of Bailiff, court security and building security, and Greg Johnson, the new Correction Officer.
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources Director: provided a written report (in packet). He reported they have secured 6 snow removal contractors; Robert Manilla is the new board member.
Commissioner Rhonda Nye stated that the Board of Commissioners wanted to recognize our Administrator Katie Zeits for being named in the Record Eagle as one of the most Influential Women of Northern Michigan for 2023. They presented her with a framed copy of the announcement for her office.
Commissioner Gary Sauer (Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon) reported that at the DHHS meeting the Maples Board officially appointed Megan Garza as administrator, and that the Village of Elberta sewer project is completed.
The Board of Commissioners (BOC) approved awarding and fully funding the Centra Wellness request for Opioid Funding.
The BOC approved the adoption of a resolution related to the placement and function of the Emergency Communication Tower
Final Public Comment: Lisa Trombley introduced herself as a Republican candidate for the 103rd MI House District Representative seat.
Tammy Bowers, Benzie County Clerk, reported that the Early Voting Grant application has been approved. The Early Voting Electronic Poll Books (EPB) have all been received. The new tabulators will be delivered on Monday, December 4, 2023.
December 12, 2023 Meeting
Public Input:
Karen Mallon, Homestead Township, stated that as an employee she is excited about how the year has been going, thanks to Katie and her crew. Jon Throop, Executive Director, Conservation District, presented the Benzie Conservation District Annual Report for 2022-2023.
BOC approved the payment of bills from Nov. 28 – Dec. 11, 2023 for $900,052.29 (see packet for details)
Michelle Thompson, County Treasurer, reported that demolition is slated to occur at two locations in the Village of Thompsonville, as part of the Round 1 funding of the Blight Elimination Grant.
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Emergency Manager:
The completion and move-in date for the Sheriff Dept. lower-level construction project should be at the end of January 2024. They are on schedule and budget.
Rebecca also recognized Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) members Dave and Deb Hanchett for their above and beyond dedication and commitment to community safety! Dave has just stepped down from his role as CERT coordinator. Deb has been extremely committed. She has been at every training and deployment, and she is trained in search and rescue management.
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff stated that Northwest Michigan College has a 16-week Police Academy program. The first class graduated on Saturday, Dec 9. Morgan Cook was sponsored by Benzie County, and a member of that first class. The target date for 24-hour road patrol in Benzie County is to begin in May 2024.
Bert Gale, Benzie County Building Department provided the Quarterly report for July – Sept. 2023, on the Benzie County Building Code and Safety Enforcement (Detailed report in packet. )
Tim Maylone, Cherry Capital Connection LLC, gave an update on the Internet for All of Benzie County: 230 miles of fiber; 5100 homes.
103rd State Representative Betsy Coffia provided a legislative update. This includes: working on a Statewide Septic Ordinance; repeal of the Retirement Tax; 700,000 working families will get tax refund checks starting in February 2024 (Working Families Tax Credit, also known as the Earned Income Tax Credit, EITC); the Missing Middle Housing Bill has made it through committee; they are working on a package of 5 guardianship reform bills in order to create an Office of State Guardian in Michigan, and more…
The Board of Commissioners (BOC) approved the software agreement to enhance delivery of information to Fire and EMS First Responders.
The BOC concurred with the Parks and Recreation Commission and accepted the proposal from the Spicer Group, not to exceed the amount of $89,500 for design and engineering services for the new Crystal Lake Universal Access Park at Mollineaux Road and the Crystal Lake outlet.
The BOC approved the budget amendment recognizing an additional $125,000 in Land Bank Authority Fund revenues and expenditures for Blight Elimination Grant.
The BOC approved the appointment of Cory Brown to a three-year term on the Solid Waste Advisory Committee.
Commissioner Reports:
All commissioner reports are in the December 12 packet.
Katie Zeits, Benzie County Administrator:
We are officially now. She received an email from the State of Michigan stating that about $17,000 has been awarded to Benzie County for education about marijuana.
Respectfully submitted by,
Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
October 24, 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 am on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays
of each month.
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
Meeting held in the Frank Walterhouse BOC Room 448 Court Place, Government Center, Beulah, Michigan 49617
Finance: BOC approved the payment of bills from Oct. 10 – Oct 24, 2023 for $354,489.27. -(see packet for details).
Michelle Thompson, County Treasurer stated that her office has been working with the auditors on the year-end audit.
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Emergency Manager:
Reported the Bomb Swatting Training will be this week. FYI: Bomb swatting is a dangerous hoax where emergency services are informed of a threat such as a shooting, bomb, or hostage situation at a specific location. The lower -level construction at the Sheriff’s Department is moving along. The local planning team and the local emergency planning committee are helping with major updates to the County Emergency Operations Plan.
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved the Break Time for Nursing Mothers Policy to replace the old one in the Staff Policy Manual.
The BOC approved the adoption of the Conflict Resolution Policy to be added to the Staff Policy Manual.
The BOC approved the adoption of the Drug Free Workplace Policy to replace the old policy.
The BOC approved the authorization of the Priority Dispatch Agreement for Emergency Medical Dispatching.
The BOC approved the Benzie Senior Resources 2% grant application to the Grand Traverse Band for the Home-Delivered Meal Program.
The BOC approved grant from Two Seven Oh, Inc with Animal Control for payment of $32,074.15 for outdoor kennel yard turf installation.
The BOC DID NOT approve loan to Frankfort Airport Authority from the DTRF(delinquent tax revolving fund); watch Airport Authority Chair, Cory Carland’s presentation to the BOC starting at 1 hour 27 minutes of the livestream for October 24. Vote was 3-3 (yes-Sauer, Cunningham, Markey; no-Warsecke, Roelofs, Nye- Jeannot absent)
Commissioner Reports- All commissioner reports are in the October 24, 2023 packet.-a few highlights below:
District I-Comm. Bob Roelofs Almira (East of Reynolds Rd)Township: Mike Clark speaking (spoke)at the Veteran’s Day Event in Benzonia.
District II-Comm. Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds Rd) Townships:
Met with staff from NW MI Community Action Agency to look at potential sites for Head Start programs beginning school year 2024-2025.
District III-Comm. Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Townships:
Donna Norkoli, Health District 10 gave a presentation on reducing stigma against mental illness.
District IV-Comm. Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township (except for sections 31, 35 ,East of Case Rd, 36):
Benzie School Board-SafeNet services are in every elementary school in Benzie County; Beulah Village has been awarded a 2 Million Dollar grant for their Sewer Project.
District V- Comm. Tim Markey, Sections of Benzonia and Homestead Townships(Sections 31, 36, 35 (West of Case Rd):
Platte River Park is a great asset to our community—come and check it out!
District VI-Comm. Even Warsecke, Colfax and Inland Townships (except sections 1 – 6, section 7 lying west of Maple City Hwy and North of US 31)
District VII-Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon- DNR held a public hearing in Benzonia about creating a NO-wake ordinance on the Betsie River along Grace Road. 12 people attended. MAC Conference-went to a session on Building an effective Multi-generational Workplace-working with many different view points and getting this done
Katie Zeits County Administrator’s Report:
Representatives from Paul Oliver Memorial Hospital will be at the next meeting on November 14th. They are working to make it more of a community hospital.
PRESENTATIONS: (starts at livestream-minute 26)
Josh Stoltz, Executive Director of Grow Benzie, gave a presentation on Grow Benzie moving forward as a Rural Prosperity Incubator. There is a need to service the 180+ Non-Profits in Benzie County. GB’s Rural Prosperity Incubator’s current services are: Volunteer Recruiting, Fund Development and Grant Writing; Communications; Coaching/Advisory; Program Space; Fiscal Sponsorship & Bookkeeping;
(Starts at livestream minute 37)
Marilyn Passmore-Charter Communications Government Affairs Director:
Charter RDOF (Rural Digital Opportunity Fund) in Benzie County-awarded 1335 addresses, have build over 1900 addresses; their construction is complete, as related to this RDOF project. They will continue to build in Benzie County.
Go to Spectrum Rural Expansion to check your status
Public Input:
Josh Stoltz asked the BOC: “What is your support of social infrastructure? How do we figure out the value of the social infrastructure of Benzie County”?
Meeting adjourned at 12:04 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes and/or the meeting packets, go to:
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
October 10, 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 am on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting: and
Public Input: Karen Mallon-attended the MERS conference and was very appreciative of being sent to the conference as an employee delegate. She hopes they encourage the young employees to learn more about investing in their future. She wants to share what she learned with the Human Resources Committee.
Finance: BOC moved to approve the payment of bills from Sept 22 0 Sept 30, 2023 for $119,573.25 (for this last fiscal year). BOC moved to approve the payment of bills for Oct. 1 – Oct. 5, 2023, for $317,540.10 (for the start of this fiscal year -see packet for details).
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved Apportionment Report. Brianne Lindsay, Equalization Director, was present to answer any questions.
BOC approved the reappointment of Laurence “Camp” Bailey to the Veterans Affairs Committee.
BOC approved the Fiber Optic Broadband Network Construction Agreement for support of the public safety tower with Cherry Capital Connection and expansion of broadband internet. Tim Malone was available to answer questions. (See detailed report in the packet with pictures and diagrams).
BOC approved amending the employee roster to add a Paramedic position and remove an EMT position (this is a benefit for Benzie County citizens since Paramedics have much more training); Our current budget can support this change.
BOC rescinded the approval of the Sept 26th proposal with AJ’s excavating (not to exceed $74,905), and approved a new proposal from Kirby Backhoe, not to exceed $52,000 for Animal Control Water/Sewer Project.
With funds available from ARPA and Capital Funds
Commissioner Reports highlights below: (Full commissioner reports are in the October 10th packet on website).
Commissioner Art Jeannot, Platte, Lake and Almira (W of Reynolds) Townships: Art accepted an invitation to meet with Nick Nissley, President of NMC and others on October 19 to learn more about annexation to Grand Traverse County for the purpose of assessing a mileage to subsidize tuition for Benzie County students (Art also invited Rhonda Nye to this meeting).
Commissioner Karen Cunningham, Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township: Sara May, Benzie Human Services Collaborative inquired about opioid moneys. The County to date has received about $100,000. $15,000 has been allocated to the Drug Court Program.
Commissioner Rhonda Nye, Benzonia Township: BLDHD-FY 2024 Budget Approved. Dodie Putney gave a detailed and informative fiscal presentation; Benzie School Board-SafeNet services are in every elementary school in Benzie County.
Commissioner Gary Sauer, Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield, Weldon: MAC Conference-Cyber security program put on by KARHU CYBER, they will present at our October 24, BOC meeting.
County Administrator Katie Zeits Report: Benzie County is the recipient of a $400,000 Sparks Grant to pave a one-mile portion of the Betsie Valley Trail to Case Road.
PRESENTATION: Kathy Rhodes from the Northwest Food Coalition, (MWFC): Christina Barker from Groundwork Center for Resilient Communities, and Taylor Moore from Goodwill NMI/Food Rescue explained what they do. Their mission is to achieve regional food security; In Benzie County 1700 residents are below the poverty line. 36% of the households meet the ALICE requirement for poverty. ALICE = Asset Limited Income Constrained and Employed. The report starts at 1:00.00 (one hour) of the video of the meeting, and the slides are in the packet.
Public Input:
Sheriff Rosa introduced Victor Moore, the new Deputy of Corrections.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes and/or the meeting packets, go to:
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
September 26th, 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting- Highlights
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Go to YouTube channel to live stream the meeting:
September 26th, 2023 Note: No live video of this meeting-equipment problems-no audio
BOC moved to approve the bills for Sept 8 – 21, 2023 for $541,110.41 as presented (see packet for details).
There were reports given and questions answered by:
Greg Hubert, Undersheriff;
Bert Gale, Building and Electrical Official;
Tom King, EMS Director;
Doug Durand, Executive Director Benzie Senior Resources and Sabra Boyle, Fiscal Manager, BSR;
Complete reports can be found in the September 26th packet:
The Board of Commissioners(BOC) approved a Letter of Support for Platte Township for a Consumers Energy Grant.
The BOC approved a proposal from AJ’s Excavating, not to exceed $74,905 for Animal Control water and sewer connection to the Village of Beulah, water and sewer, with funds available from the ARPA funding.
The BOC approved a resolution from Dave Wynne for support for a project to continue addressing swimmer itch in Crystal Lake. Resolution 2023-001 Benzie County Merganser Control Program in support of the trapping and relocation program by the MDNR.
Commissioner Reports- All commissioner reports are in the September 26th packet.
Commissioner Nye, Benzonia Township:
Reported from the BLDHD meeting that Health Officer Dan Thorell discussed a handout from the Office of the Governor which updated the changes in Emergency Powers to protect the public’s health.
Benzie County and Manistee County Public Defender Committee discussed the resignation of Chief Public Defender, Jared Henry. Committee approved the recommendation of Jan Johnson as Interim Chief Public Defender. Jared Henry has been appointed as Probate Judge by the Governor and will also be an 85th Circuit Court Judge.
Land Bank Meeting-Blight elimination grant rounds-Lions Club in Frankfort will be coming down as soon as Consumer Energy disconnects their lines.
County Administrator Katie Zeits Report:
Has turned in documents to the State for funding for the Emergency Communications Tower project; prepared a Headlee booklet for review and eventual publication; will attend the MERS (Municipal Employees Retirement System) conference-October 10-11 and will attend the MAC (Michigan Association of Counties) conference-October 1-3, 2023
Tim Malone, CEO and Managing member of Cherry Capital Connection LLC provided a handout and gave an update on INTERNET for ALL Benzie County.
Public Input:
Michelle Thompson gave a report on the Land Bank Conference she attended in Flint. She learned about an amazing new park in Flint that was created because of large former business parcels (later brownfields) that were originally obtained by the Land Bank. Since 2015, this area has turned into the Chevy Commons and is being completely renovated. Eventually it will become our state’s 83rd state park!!
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes and/or the meeting packets, go to: You can attend these meetings in-person or go to their new youtube channel to live stream the meeting:; you can now view the meetings anytime
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
May 23, 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month.
Go to youtube channel to live stream the meeting:
Bob Roelofs recognized National EMS Week, May 21-27, 2023.
Public Hearing: on Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan:
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Central Dispatch Director, and Stephanie Marchbanks, from Networks Northwest were present to answer any questions regarding the Hazard Mitigation Plan (see packet for details of plan). Benzie County has been working with Networks Northwest for two years in order to update its hazard mitigation plan. Hazard mitigation is defined as any action taken before, during or after a disaster or emergency to permanently eliminate or reduce the long-term risk to human life and property from natural, technological and human-related hazards.
Here are some examples of what was addressed in this plan:
Flood risk reduction, extreme winter weather, lightning and hail, enforcement of soil erosion control permitting to prevent soil erosion during construction, enforcement of building codes (permits and inspections based on State Building Code); tree trimming by power companies….. Rebecca Hubers and Stephanie Marchbanks said that extreme weather and flooding are the most likely hazards. The plan has been online and available for the public to review since April and Networks Northwest has received no comments. Commissioner Cunningham stated she has heard from the public, re: “on going enforcement of soil erosion, permitting “… People have asked if there is anyone to follow through. Rebecca Hubers stated that we do not enforce this, that would be the building department for soil erosion, and it may be different for each township.
Board of Commissioners approved the draft Hazard Mitigation Plan for review by the Michigan State Police and FEMA.
Public Input:
Richard Haan, Honor, stated that they own Sleeping Bear Riverside Cabins and the Frankfort Laundromat, requisition $28,450 of the ARPA funds to replace 3 washing machines with two 40-pound washing machines. Chris Kitzman, Benzonia Township, had two comments. She is recommending publishing an approved synopsis from BOC meeting minutes in the Record Patriot; and is encouraging this board to be working to enhance the zoning communication and coordination throughout the county.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Central Dispatch Director & Coordinator for Office of Emergency Management:
If anyone wants to see the drawing of the lower-level expansion plans, come and see her. She also introduced Jacob Balhorn, who is the summer Criminal Justice Intern for their building.
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources Director:
Reported that they have started new foot care clinics. They were at Michigan Shores for two clinics. Reported they were having a golf outing on June 11.
Nate Loop, Maples Administrator:
Reported he will be providing a written report to the board every month. The written report is called Operations Dashboard (check it out on pages 182-183 of the packet).
Jesse Zylstra-Benzie County Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator:
See report in packet
Action Items:
2021-2022 Audit: Approved
Benzie County Strategic Priorities and Goals were adopted:
Discussion requested by Commissioner Cunningham to discuss three issues:
1. Headlee Issue: We must educate and share info on Headlee with the public.
2. Internet: (Administrator Katie Zeits has applied for a $5 million ROBIN (realizing opportunity with broadband infrastructure network), and reported on the internet consortium that does not include Spectrum, because Charter/Spectrum does not want to come to the table.
3. Childcare: Cunningham was wondering if Benzie could be an example of offering childcare as a benefit for our employees. Zeits said childcare, as an employee benefit, is a difficult issue.
Commissioner Reports
Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Rd):
Stated he was invited to and attended the New Covenant Christian Academy first graduation ceremony and the Agenda Review meeting.
Art Jeannot(Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township):
See report in packet
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
See report in packet; She also reported that Michigan is the only state without sewer inspection regulations.
Karen Cunningham(Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
See report in packet
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
Reported on meetings attended.
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland Townships): on vacation
Tim Markey (Homestead Township):
See report in packet
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
She has sent out the bids received for the lower level expansion to all the Commissioners. She attended the County Administrative Conference at Crystal Mountain.
Public Input:
Annie Browning, Village of Beulah:
Stated that what she is hearing today is the importance of planning commissions and emergency preparedness.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes and/or the meeting packets, go to: You can attend these meetings in-person or go to their new youtube channel to live stream the meeting:; you can now view the meetings anytime
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
May 9, 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Go to youtube channel to live stream the meeting:;
Chair Roelofs presented a tribute to our local Benzie County Law Enforcement and Correction officers. Sheriff Kyle Rosa thanked everyone for recognizing their efforts; Benzie County Sheriff’s Office has received a Certificate of Achievement for 100% compliance with Local corrections Officer In-Service training requirements for 2022. Officer of the year award to Deputy Richard Beilfuss for his ongoing respectful treatment of inmates with compassion and dignity. Many former inmates have commented over time on the respectful treatment they received as inmates.
Public Input:
Mary Haan supporting ARPA funds being used for private business.
Jeb Maker, Chairperson of Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail:
Requesting that the county be their applicant for a $400,000 SPARKS Grant. They have a 3-phase plan for paving the trail from Beulah to Thompsonville. Phase 1-pave to Case Road; Phase 2-fix all culverts Case Rd. to Thompsonville; Phase 3 -pave Case Road to Thompsonville.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Polly Watson Cairns, Equalization Director of Record; page 54 in packet.
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resource Director page 38 in packet provided written reports.
Action Items:
Ballot language for County Road Millage (1.000 mills for 5 years) approved.
County Road Commission has a $2 million fund balance; half will be spent on summer road projects; Three new trucks will cost upwards of $600,000.
Matt Skeels, manager of the Road Commission was present to answer any questions.
New per diem policy approved.
At 9:32 a.m. the Board of Commissioners entered into a closed session to discuss the settlement in connection with the Estate of Shane Sena-Richey vs. Benzie County. Also discussed was the collective bargaining strategy as authorized by MCL 15.268©
At 10:14 a.m. the BOC re-entered the open session
Action Items Continued:
Board of Commissioners (BOC) approved allocating up to $20,000 for Drug Court Program from Opioid Funds.
BOC approved summer road patrol contracts with Lake Township, Village of Beulah and Crystal Beach Cottage Association for the summer months
BOC voted to disband the EMS Advisory Committee (the committee has served its purpose) and move forward the the County Public Safety Entities workgroup
BOC voted to disband the Housing Committee and authorize an agreement with the Northwest Michigan Community Action Agency (NMCAA). Kerry Baughman, Executive Director, NMCAA. Leah Moskovitz, Financial and Grant Manager, NMCAA and Tish Staves, Housing and Energy Efficiency Services Director, NMCAA were all there to answer questions. SEE May 9, PACKET PAGES 86 AND 87 for Memorandum from Katie Zeits to BOC, May 4, 2023.
BOC authorized a Memorandum of Understanding with the Benzie County Fire and EMS Association to provide Emergency Medical Technicians training in Benzie County.
FYI: A memorandum of understanding is an agreement between two parties; a more formal alternative to a gentlemen’s agreement.
Commissioner Reports:
Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Rd):
Attended Ad Hoc Housing Committee Meeting and the Veterans Affairs Meeting.
Art Jeannot (Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township):
His report is found in packet on page 13.
Provided additional report regarding the MAC Finance and General Governance Committee
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Rhonda encouraged everyone to check out the new 1/2 trail @ Veterans Park. Rhonda attended the MAC Health and Human Services meeting, several meetings involving the Village of Beulah and their sewer system, the FCLT groundbreaking, Centra Wellness mtg, Benzie Central School Board mtg, and the Benzonia Township meeting.
Karen Cunningham (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township): See report in packet on page 14. Requested that everyone take the MI Infrastructure survey, the link is contained in her written report.
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
Attended the Road Commission meeting and MAC Conference; Maples mtg; BLDHD mtg; Betsie Valley Trail mtg;….
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland Townships):
Attended the BC Parks and Rec Commission meeting.
Tim Markey (Homestead Township) report in packet page 254:
Attended Centra Wellness mtg; Benzie Senior Resources mtg; Village of Honor mtg.….
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
The bid opening for the campus expansion project is this Friday. She is interviewing for the open position in the Equalization Department.
Public Input:
Josh Stoltz, Executive Director for Grow Benzie:
Grow Benzie completed their strategic plan in November 2022 and they are looking at being a Rural Prosperity Incubator. They are working on early childhood plans and they have been talking with Katie Zeits about early childhood programs. Josh will be back next month to leverage the ARPA funds.
Don Schafer, Benzonia Township:
A written report is important and a good reference for the public to refer to. But we must remember, people understand and learn by two methods, hearing and seeing.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
Looking Ahead:
Benzie County has been working with Networks Northwest for some time to update its Hazard Mitigation Plan. On Tuesday, May 23, 2023, Stephanie Marchbanks of Networks Northwest and Emergency Management Coordinator Rebecca Hubert will be present to answer any questions the board may have. Page 16 of May 23, packet
Benzie County Board of Commissioners Strategic Priorities, Goals & Actions:
See May 23 PACKET page 187
Networks Northwest 2022 Annual Report:
See May 23 PACKET page 261
If you wish to see the full minutes and/or the meeting packets, go to: The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. Committee of the Whole and special Study Sessions meetings scheduled Tuesday afternoons at 1:30 P.M. You can attend these meetings in-person or go to their new youtube channel to live stream the meeting:; All meetings since January 24, 2023 can now be viewed anytime.
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
You can now view the meetings anytime-see link on Benzie Dems website! Just scroll down and look for the link on the left side of the home page.
Karen Cunningham (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township): her report was omitted from the packet; she reported that she toured the jail recently.
CLARIFICATION: Use of the word “omitted” was incorrect.
Karen is one of two Commissioners who routinely submit their meeting reports to Tammy Bower for inclusion in the BOC Meeting Packet of information. Karen forgot to submit her report. She apologized for thinking she had submitted the report.
In clarifying this situation, I accidentally retrieved the April 11th, 2023 afternoon YouTube Board of Commissioners Study Session Meeting. (Study sessions are special meetings that are called by the Board of Commissioners to gain in-depth understanding of certain topics). I proceeded to listen to a very in-depth report and fund request from Ken Hilliard, the 19th Circuit Court, Drug Court Coordinator. (start at minute 1:12)
There was a second enlightening report from the Benzie County Jail physician Michelle Kuster, D.O. with some history of the opioid problem. She also explained the Medication-Assisted Treatment Program (MAT). (Start at minute 1:45).
Partial Agenda from the Board of Commissions Study Session April 11th, 2023
Topics for continued discussion:
a. Trial Balance review
b. Headlee – updates
c. Discussion regarding mileage restrictions for Board of Commissioners members
d. Opioid Funding Discussion, including Ken Hilliard and Dr. Michelle Kuster
e. Strategic Plan/Goal Discussion
Here’s the latest DIRECT LINK for the BOC Meeting agendas and minutes; and packets:
Go to youtube channel to live stream the meeting:
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
April 11, 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Go to youtube channel to live stream the meeting:;
The next Board of Commissioners meeting is Tuesday, May 9, 2023 at 9 a.m.
There will be no Board of Commissioners meeting on Tuesday, April 25, 2023. Several commissioners will be attending the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) Legislative Conference April 24-26 in Lansing. The MAC, founded in 1898, is the only statewide organization dedicated to the representation of all county commissioners in Michigan. MAC is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that advances education, communication and cooperation among county government officials in Michigan. MAC is the counties’ voice at the state and federal level, providing legislative support on key issues affecting counties.
Public Input:
James Petak asked:
Who is in charge of the fiber optic project, and is Adams Road part of it? Who is funding the private road next to the launch site?
Sheriff Kyle Rosa:
We are celebrating National Public Safety Telecommunicators Week; hats off to Krista and Cory and the whole 911/Dispatch staff.
Cory Ellis:
Honored Krista Ketz, retiring Benzie Dispatcher with the inaugural Dispatcher of the Year Award. She has 24 years of service to Benzie County!
Bob Roelofs recognized retiring Officer Mark Ketz with his service dog Rexo.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Building Official for Benzie County Bert Gale:
Building Department Quarterly Report, see report in packet; Gary Sauer asked him to enlighten us on Sunkissed Hills. Bert Gale said that the soil erosion fence did fail, “there was a lot of silt that went over the fence, a lot”, but the remaining problems don’t rise to the level of issuing citations. Sunkissed Hills were very quick to react to getting it cleaned up.
Kyle Mauer, Animal Control:
The last storm destroyed the tunnel yard trail that they had created that meets up with the Betzie Valley Trail. Their new vehicle is working out great and they are purchasing a new mobile radio for that vehicle.
Nate Loop, Maples Administrator:
Asked the BOC to make available the maximum funds to the Maples because the quotes for capital investments are high; e.g. paving for the parking lot because of a sink hole that was caused by run off from the additional roof space; removal of the existing parking lot; the Heating and Cooling that was originally supposed to cost around $200,000, is now estimated to run close to $600,000. Bob Roelofs asked what amount of money the tax payers pay to support the Maples (M and O millage)? Nate did not know, but Shelley Thompson was able to answer that it’s just under $600,000. NOTE: Nate was asking for an additional $75,000 to the $225,000 that the board had already agreed to provide, even though Nate originally asked for the full $300,000.
Cory Ellis, Central Dispatch:
We were able to maintain operations when a lightening strike took out Dispatch, Animal Control, and the Government building.
Action Items:
Sargent Ketz’s weapon was declared surplus, in order to give the weapon to the retiring officer (traditionally what is done).
Approval for payment of $225,000 to Maples for Capital Projects: Despite Nate Loop’s plea for the $300,000, the BOC approved the $225,000 amount. NOTE: The Maples is our Benzie County Medical Care Facility. Please read the April 19th, 2023 Record Patriot that the “County officials push The Maples toward self sufficiency.” What does that really mean? Megan Garza is the operations director at the Maples, give her a call. She would be happy to talk to you! Maples # is 231 352-9674 ext 2544
BOC approved the purchase of a body scanner for the jail. They will enter into a lease option towards the purchase of a Sotor RS Fuel Body Scanner for a period of 7 years. The cost of the machine is $125,000 and they will be working to receive grants. The benefits of this machine includes employee safety and decreased liability for Benzie County.(more info in packet)
Frankfort Area Community Land Trust Update from Liz Negra:
Foundations are in place at 40 and 50 Grove Place; this is part of Phase I-the first of two homes.
Commissioner Reports
Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Rd):
Veterans Affairs looking to buy a small equipment trailer.
Art Jeannot(Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township)-see report in packet: Art reported that he is running for the Michigan Association of Counties board.
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Village of Benzonia is applying for a SPARK grant for possible refrigerated ice rink in Academy Park. Someone is looking at the old high school for a possible distillery. Benzie Schools are looking at a new math teaching system. West Benzie /Platte Planning Commission—RE: Sunkissed Hills-35 foot vegetative buffer must be maintained.
Karen Cunningham(Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
Her report was omitted from the packet. She reported that she toured the jail recently.
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
Betsie Valley Trail Council: Approved Benzie Sunrise Rotary annual Bike Benzie Tour for trail use on June 4th.
The Maples Meeting: Covid guidelines will end May 11th. The Maples tested negative for Legionella bacteria.
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland Townships):
Disposal of Hazardous Waste date set for June 3rd in Frankfort.
Tim Markey (Homestead Township):
Village of Honor is investigating the possibility of work force housing at the Platte River School. The village approved that possible use.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
Reported there was a lightning strike at the Government Center Campus (the Campus includes the Sheriffs Department, Animal Control and the Government Building). It caused a lot of damage ($150,000 is estimated). The staff response was great to the emergency!
Katie is going to the Michigan Association of Counties Legislative Conference.
Sunkissed Hills:
Permits were based on unimproved road (she said, ordinance is 18 years old, ??). Katie stated that she wanted to stop the rumors about the permits; the permits were pulled in the correct order.
(NOTE: Opponents of Sunkissed Hills don’t believe that to be true. Katie Zeits is going on what Bert Gale told her).
Warsecki, Nye, Markey and Zeits are working on the Master Plan for the Benzie County with Networks Northwest.
Committee Appointments:
Anne Noah and Sara Heins were re-appointed to the Benzie Transportation Authority.
Public Input:
Michelle Thompson reported that there will be another round of ARPA funding in 2024.
Respectfully submitted by, Barb Skurdall
ALL COUNTY COMMISSIONER POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/County Commissioners/Scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2023 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month.
You can attend these meetings in-person or go to their new youtube channel to live stream the meeting:
March 28, 2023 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Go to youtube channel to live stream the meeting:;
March 14, 2023 –Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Go to youtube channel to live stream the meeting:;
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff:
Thanking commissioners for their support; reported 24/7 road coverage should be happening by mid summer.
Brianne Lindsey, Equalization Director:
Reported that the Equalization Report has been printed.
Action Items
The board is considering committing up to $350,000 of ARPA (American Rescue Plan Act) funds to the Emergency Communications Tower
Cory Ellis, 911 Director; Luke Wassink, National Parks Service representative; Mike Cedarholm, City of Frankfort Fire Chief; Rob Lozowski, City of Frankfort Police Chief; Steve Adams, Benzonia Fire Chief; Derek Smith, Almira Township Fire and EMS Assistant Chief; Sheriff Kyle Rosa:
All of these individuals spoke in support of ARPA funds being allocated for the emergency tower.
Rebecca Hubers, Emergency Manager:
Was present to answer any questions regarding the emergency tower and its needs (location, space required for the tower); Chair Bob Roelofs commended Rebecca Hubers for her dedication top responder safety.
The BOC voted to commit up to $350,000 of ARPA funds to the Emergency Communications Tower, when appropriate documentation regarding the use of the funds is provided.
The BOC voted to commit $250,000 to the Point Betsie Preservation Project.
The BOC voted to allocate up to 30% of its ARPA funding for the Internet for all project.
Consider committing $80,000 of ARPA funds to Crystal Lake Outlet Project: tabled until next meeting. (Ed Hoogterp, Chair of the Benzie County Parks and Recreation Commission will speak to the board about this request at the next meeting)
Commissioner Reports
Art Jeannot (Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township)-see report in packet; Also reported that there are plans to move Sutter Road to the east; it’s on private property, and will sell lots to members only.
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Reported that a Sewer Authority has been formed in the Village of Benzonia.
Karen Cunningham(Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
See written report in packet;
Karen attended a Betsy Coffia Coffee hour. Karen also attended a March 7th meeting about the Kinship Coalition, which advocates for children who are living with people other than their parents because of detrimental home lives. Kinship providers are often relatives or friends. There are 54,000+ documented children in kinship situations in Michigan. Benzie and Manistee Counties are coordinating efforts to support these families and children.
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
The Maples is still using contract staff; also reported that there are zero foster care homes in Benzie County at this time. Attended Frankfort Ironman update meeting.
County Administrator Report Katie Zeits was absent.
Jackie Palfrey, Human Resource Manager:
Reported that the Broadband ROBIN grant is being submitted today. NOTE: ROBIN: Michigan invested the resources provided by the federal Coronavirus Capital Projects fund into the Realizing Opportunity with Broadband Infrastructure Networks(ROBIN)
The Board of Commissioners from six Michigan counties sent Resolutions to Benzie County regarding their actions in Honoring the Michigan Association of Counties 125th Anniversary, including Lapeer County.
NOTE: in addition to these six letters, there was a Lapeer County Board of Commissioners #2023-R02 ”Resolution to Instruct our (Lapeer’s) Representatives to Oppose all Firearms Control Legislation.” Nothing was addressed during our BOC meeting regarding any of this correspondence. See these letters in the packet for the March 14, 2023 meeting.
Public Input:
Dan Hawkins, Village of Lake Ann President, wanted to thank the commissioners and other officials for supporting the community.
Annie Browning, Beulah, is happy that everyone is interested in investing in safety.
Respectfully submitted by, Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/County Commissioners/Scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2023 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd & 4th Tuesdays of each month.
You can attend these meetings in-person or go to their new youtube channel to live stream the meeting:; you can now view the meetings anytime (starting with the January 24, 2023 regular board meeting and the Committee of the Whole meeting.
Please note: You can now watch Benzie County Board of Commissioners meetings online.
Tune in each 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 9:00 a.m. to view board meetings. Those who are unable to attend meetings or view the livestream can now view meetings at their convenience!
Subscribe to Benzie County’s YouTube Channel at Benzie County – YouTube! (
January 24, 2023 –Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Public Input:
Ed Hoogterp, chairman BCPRC: encouraged commissioners to expedite appointment/reappointment of four Benzie County Parks and Recreation Commissioners, so that the BCPRC can get on with their business.
Joann Holwerda, Mayor of Frankfort-$192,066.45 is allocated for Student Resource Officers, encouraged patience, they have been very busy (the city government).
Matt Rush, Advocate for Benzie Wellness and Aquatic Center
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff:
Employees are doing outstanding work. There were catalytic converters stolen-two individuals caught.
Tom King, Director of Benzie County EMS: reports “Covid 19 is down”.
Action Items
Carly Baily-Child Care Fund, they usually receive $15,000 but this year they are receiving a $56,520 grant.
Laurie Wade is the new full-time Contract Social Worker for Benzie and Manistee counties.
BOC approved a contract with the Grand Traverse County. This contract stipulates that for each Grand Traverse County inmate housed at the Benzie County Jail, Benzie County will receive $35/night. Commissioner Nye said,” we are doing what the jail was designed to do” (i.e. housing outside Benzie County inmates as needed).
Katie Zeits reported the Jail budget is 2 million/year.
Discussion of grant application for DOT funding for Betsie Valley Trail: Potential for being an applicant for up to $4 million with NO match required. The problem is that the county would have to pay up front and wait to be reimbursed. ‘We can’t sit on $4 Million. Plus is takes staff time to manage the grant and we don’t have the staff capacity at this time. Commissioner Art Jeannot asked if we could do it in phases? Administrator Katie Zeits said we could figure out a phased approach, if that was allowed.
Cole property acquisition for Railroad Point. Ed Hoogterp reported that the GTRLC is asking the county to pay a percentage of the taxes on the newly acquired property (which GTRLC bought). It would be a good faith deal with the GTRLC (Benzie County % about $20,000 in taxes, one time only, for this expensive piece of property) .
Ad Hoc Interview Committees formed for EMS Advisory Board, Benzie County Parks and Recreation Commission and the Benzie Bus.
Veterans Affairs Contracted Coordinator, Karen Korolenko, was recommended to be hired for the coordinator position. It was also recommended that it become a full-time position. 10% of our county population are veterans. (I believe the BOC approved these recommendations).
The BOC are considering appointing Brianne Lindsay to the Equalization Director position.
Commissioner Reports
Art Jeannot(Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township)-see report in packet on benzie at
Platte township has signed contracts for Ironman 2023.
Lake Township conducted interviews for a new supervisor on January 26th.
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Village of Beulah: Cory Carland has resigned as zoning administrator and Tim Cypher has been hired.
Benzie Housing-Jon Stimson-Honor housing $950/month. EDC-do they need a contract person focused on Benzie?
Rhonda has been appointed to the MASC-Health and Human Services Committee.
Karen Cunningham (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
Attended the Spectrum Charter presentation at Grow Benzie; she had introduction meetings with Frankfort Fire Chief Mike Cederholm, Police chief Rob Lozowski and City Superintendent Joshua Mills; Karen attended the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC) in Grayling; Frankfort dog park is a go.
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
Reports that Gilmore Township is concerned about the prospects of 24-hour road patrol; reported on Road Commission plans for road paving; price of asphalt shouldn’t be too bad this year. Village of Thompsonville-water advisory triggered; Village of Elberta-working on Master Plan with Networks Northwest; looking at doing “Christmas in the Park”; new clerk-Nora Corwin;
Tim Markey (Homestead Township):
Centra Wellness, SUD Funding (Substance Use Disorder)-all county programs and dollar amounts will be provided.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
Benzie County Budget at a Glance-applied for $100,000 Funds(would receive $50,000/year for two years).
Benzie County will be moving to from; (stay tuned).
Reported on UpNorthMedia-League of Women Voters had panel on ARPA; we are doing the ARPA process the right way.
SRO Funding-Schools had to apply for funding-choose NOT to apply; we have a SRO committee and Rebecca offered to administer it, but the schools didn’t apply. Next time we must be more encouraging to apply. Rebecca said Amiee Erfourth was concerned it would cost money; Rebecca told her it would NOT cost the schools, but they still didn’t apply for the SRO Funding.
Committee Appointments:
Andy Miller to EDC. Kenneth Laurence to Airport Authority. Annie Browning to the Betsie Valley Trail.
Public Input:
Ryan King: why is public not allowed in buildings (??schools).
Respectfully submitted by, Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/County Commissioners/Scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2023 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or go to their new youtube channel to live stream the meeting:; you can now view the meetings anytime (starting with the January 24, 2023 regular board meeting and the Committee of the Whole meeting.
Next meeting on February 14, 2023
September 27, 2022 –Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
Public Input:
Kay Bond, Executive Director of Advocates for Benzie County, thanking BOC for providing $500,000 for Homestretch and hoping they continue to support the Frankfort Area Community Land Trust (for $120,000). Annie Browning supports the Frankfort Area Community Land Trust. Jill Marble asked the BOC to support the Frankfort Area Community Land Trust in regard to affordable housing.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Central Dispatch Director & Coordinator for Office of Emergency Management:
Emergency Management Performance Grant Agreement with the Michigan State Police, and the Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division, was approved by the Board of Commissioners.
Dawn Bousamra, Benzie Senior Resources Assistant Director:
Provided a written report. They still need a couple more Home Health Aides.
They had a record number of medical rides provided to Traverse City by the Benzie Bus.
Kyle Mauer, Animal Control:
New Cat Condos are in and look good; they have 25 cats and 6 dogs.
Chip Johnson Centra Well Network, Manistee and Benzie Counties:
Presented agreement for jail services for the two counties $253,000 Motion carried. 6 ayes, exc; 1. Discussion on feasibility of having a Juvenile Detention Center but due to our pod system and the liabilities, it is not feasible; BOC agrees.
Commissioner Reports:
Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Rd):
Reported that at the BC/Kingsley football game the players had the name of a Veteran on each of their jerseys.
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
EDC Meeting-$200,000 toward a project manager, Mitch Shapiro will be a consultant, not a project manager.
In the Village of Benzonia, the Marijuana Challenge will not be on the ballot.
Andy Miller (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
Reported that the Crystal Lake Township Clerk agreed to stay through the election, but then resigned again.
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
Attended the MAC (Michigan Association of Counties) Conference in Port Huron, didn’t report on the Conference. The Maples has a few staffing shortages.
Habitat for Humanity:
Glen Tracy presented and requested funds for a joint housing project with Habitat for Humanity and Graceland. They are requesting $850,000 form the ARPA funds for infrastructure development for this housing project. Commissioner Gary Sauer expressed concern that the parcel had environmental and water issues.
Frankfort Area Community Land Trust (FACLT):
Presentation and request for funds by Tim Jones, Doug Taylor Jay White, Liz Negrau and Yarrow Brown. They are looking for a letter of commitment for $120,000 for the building of four new homes on Grove Place in Frankfort. Commissioners voted on a motion by Andy Miller and seconded by Rhonda Nye. Ayes, Miller and Nye; Nays; Jeannot, Markey Roelofs and Sauer. Motion failed.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
She said her office is working on ARPA and Capital item list. She reported that the Governor signed the bill regarding funding for Secondary Road Patrol.
Public Input:
Annie Browning, Village of Beulah Council Woman, stated the Village of Beulah is working on a Master Plan.
Susan Wenzlick, Benzonia Township, reported that the State is not going to help us out on housing, it will have to be done on the local level. She encouraged the Board of Commissioners to support these housing projects.
JoAnn Holwerda, City of Frankfort, said, we have a shovel ready project. Can the FACLT group come back and ask for the $120,000 again?
Yarrow Brown, Executive Director for Housing North, oversees the 10-county area, wants to thank the commissioners for being one of only a few counties that are at least developing a process regarding housing. She hopes that you approve a portion of the ARPA funds for all these projects.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/County Commissioners/Scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually(not allowed Public Input, if attending virtually.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
Sept. 13, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Summary
Public Input:
Jim Evans from Joyfield township, representing himself only, presented a resolution template regarding optimizing election integrity as it pertains to the acceptance of unregulated private monies for funding elections along with supporting documents for ERIC(Electronic Registration Information Center), and request that the Board of Commissioners review.
Michelle Thompson, County Treasurer reported that there are 62 parcels in forfeiture at this time. This is lower than usually reported in February prior to the March foreclosure. Sold 4 parcels at the land auction totaling $352,5000.00. Three out of the four bids were sold to local people.
She is requesting a motion for the County Treasurer for an interfund transfer of up to $1,000,000.00 to balance all budgets in September 2022. Motion carried.
(An Interfund transfer is any transfer of funds, other than a transaction originated by check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated through an electronic terminal, telephonic instrument, computer, or magnetic tape so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit or credit an account).
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff:
Deputy Miller and Deputy Maul are back in the schools. Deputy Miller will be transferring out of that position, so there is a posting for a 2nd School Resource Officer.
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Central Dispatch Director & Coordinator for Office of Emergency Management:
The 2022 Ironman 70.3 was a great success! The 2023 Ironman70.3 will be held on September 17, 2023.
Action Items
Establishment of School and Youth Resource Advisory Committee:
The Board of Commissioners voted to establish the School and Youth Resource Officer Advisory Committee with existing representative agencies including the Emergency Manager.
Consideration of Letter of Commitment to support a grant application for Homestretch:
Jay White, Jon Stimson of Homestretch, Katie Condon of the Frankfort Housing Commission and JoAnn Holwerda Frankfort mayor, were present for questions.
Homestretch and the City of Frankfort are partnering for this workforce housing project. They asked for $720,000.00. The Commissioners passed a motion to provide a letter of commitment for up to $500,000.00 for this 12-unit project. The money is contingent upon Homestretch receiving a grant.
Discussion and Adoption of 2022/2023 Budget:
County administrator Katie Zeits is still working with the City of Frankfort on the surplus funds regarding the School Resource Officer (SRO)budget. Motion was passed to adopt the 2022/2023 budget.
Commissioner Reports
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Ad/hoc EDC(Economic Development Corporation) Broadband meeting-a Private/Public partnership with MERIT is a possibility.
Andy Miller (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
Andy attended the Frankfort School Board meeting; Frankfort will be bringing back building trades.
Committee Appointments:
Sally Bobek was appointed to the Benzie County Housing Committee and Lee Ferguson was appointed to the Benzie County Parks and Recreation Committee.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
August 23, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
Setting of the 2022-2023 Budget:
There was a Jail budget discussion regarding a request from Dan Smith, Jail Administrator, to move a Correction Officer position to a Sergeant position, thereby eliminating one Correction Officer position. It can be done within the budget.
Administrator Katie Zeits presented the draft 2022-2023 budget to be adopted at the September 13, 2022 BOC meeting.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources Director:
Health Ride had 46 seniors utilizing it for medical appointments in Traverse City. It’s an increase in ridership at BSR’s expense. Walk-A-Thon had great Business Sponsorship this year. Number of walkers were down. Made $20,000.
Greg Huber, Benzie County Undersheriff:
Reported they have 28 inmates as of that morning. CoVid cases are up and they are keeping a close eye on it.
Action Items:
Point Betsie Shore Protection System:
Chuck Clarke and Ed Hoogterp presented Change Order #2 in the amount of $82,500.00 to the BOC for their approval. The increase was necessary due to safety issues and needing to change the wall structure. Motion was approved.
Road Commissioner Vacancy: (for Ted Mick’s board position)
5 letters of interest were received prior to the deadline, plus 2 late applications. BOCs moved to accept ALL the letters of interest and will set up a special meeting for Road Commissioner interviews.
Maple Capital Expenditures-MOU consideration for releasing of funds: $325,000 will be released for capital projects being finished on old building. Motion carried.
Commissioners Bob Roelofs, Rhonda Nye, Gary Sauer and Art Jeannot attended a Spectrum Event at Grow Benzie. Some thought it was going to be a type of town hall where questions could be asked. It was an event attended by the local politicians and Spectrum presented Grow Benzie with a $1500 check. Art Jeannot reported it was a PR event for Spectrum.
Commissioner Reports:
Art Jeannot (Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township)-see report in packet:
Benzie County Economic Development Corporation is hiring Mitch Shapiro as a broadband consultant, to help guide the county’s next steps.
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Benzie School Board meeting -need 15 bus drivers, they have 12 at this time. Centra Wellness meeting-18% increase in health insurance costs.
Andy Miller (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
Frankfort City Council-debating whether they should allow golf carts in Frankfort. Crystal Lake Township clerk Sue Sullivan resigned.
Gary Sauer (Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
Village of Elberta-Tire Clean Up was very successful. Commissioner Sauer wanted to give a big thank you to Jesse Zylstra for going above and beyond regarding the tire clean up.
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland Townships):
Benzie Bus meeting-Jessica Carland is the new director.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
Benzie County will be receiving the first round of Opioid dollars soon.
Farm Stress Management Program-presentation given by Remington Rice, MSU Extension: This program is funded by grants, to help reduce suicide rates among farmers. State of Michigan loses 4 acres of farm land every hour. Younger and older farmers have different ideas about how to run farms.
Action Item:
School Resource Officer Changes continue. To date, we have had two School Resource Officers funded by a millage. Benzie County just passed the SRO millage, good for six years. At this meeting, the commissioners approved a motion to have the Benzie County Sheriff’s office oversee the two school resource officers. The SROs will be involved with all Benzie County Schools, including Fresh Winds. (NOTE: See article, August 31, 2022, in the Record Patriot, “Benzie County makes changes to school resource officer management”)
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
August 9, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
NOTE: I was not in attendance at this meeting. Highlights from the posted minutes.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Jared Henry, Chief Public Defender (MIDC-Michigan Indigent Defense Commission):
Stated that they have submitted their grant application for funding for the 2023 fiscal year. That budget was approved by the MIDC in June.
Kyle Rosa, Benzie County Sheriff:
Thanked everyone for getting out and voting and passing the millages countywide.
Matt Skeel, Road Commission:
Wanted to come by and express appreciation for Ted Mick for his service on the Road Commission Board. Ted recently resigned from the Board. Matt also provided an update on paving projects and bridge maintenance projects.
Kyle Mauer, Animal Control:
The Cat Condos are being built and they have lots of kittens and cats awaiting adoption.
Nate Loop, Maples Administrator:
In July, Covid outbreak at the Maples; 9 residents tested positive and all have fully recovered. They received 4 stars in Health Inspection and they are working to receive a 5 star rating. Other areas are already 5 stars. The second Memory Care household at the Maples has opened. Also Nate thanked the community for supporting the millage.
Bert Gale, Associated Government Service:
Presented the Quarterly Report regarding the Building Code and Safety Enforcement for April, May, and June 2022. The department is fully staffed.
Kinship Care Coalition Presentation:
Jeanne Strathman, Deb Frisbie and David Berns provided information on the Kinship Coalition. They shared the difficulty they have experienced regarding guardianship vs. foster care of their grandchildren. People taking in children in the foster care system are supported much more financially. Grandparents taking in their grandchildren are often in need of financial support, but have difficulty finding it. They are requesting some of the OPIOD money to provide them with some financial support. Commissioner Miller invited them to be his guest at the next Health and Human Collaborative Board meeting on August 24, 2022.
No Commissioner reports or County Administrator report today.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
July 26, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Central Dispatch Director & Coordinator for Office of Emergency Management:
They are switching to First Net from Verizon. First Net is a first responders priority service that will prioritize services to our ambulances, fire vehicles and police vehicles. On August 2 and 3 there was a Campus Active Shooter Training at the Frankfort-Elberta Area High School.
Doug Durand, Benzie Senior Resources Director:
They are working on this year’s budget. 2 hogs have been donated and were processed. Walk-A-Thon was on August 6, 2022 at Bellows Park.
Tom King, Director of Benzie County EMS:
Benzie County EMS is working with Paul Oliver Hospital regarding an ambulance remaining staged at the hospital at all times.
Action Items:
Benzie County Board of Commissioners approved the purchase of MERS service credit for William Johnson. They also approved the Benzie Transportation Authority Resolution to amend the Bylaws and Rules of Procedure for the Benzie County Transportation Authority. Gary Sauer commented that, “We’ve had issues with authorities, the board has too little oversight. We appoint the board, but have no checks and balances”.
EDC/BRA Authority agreement with telecommunication entities:
Made recommendations to hire a project manager. Tim Maylone, from Cherry Capital Communications was available to answer questions. From county notes: “Motion by Miller, seconded by Jeannot to concur with Economic Development Corporation and authorizes a public private partnership with Cherry Capital Communications, with consideration of other partnership if they arise”. Motion carried. Motion by Nye, seconded by Jeannot, to support a contracted broadband project manager position in the not to exceed amount of $200,000 over a four-year period with funding available from ARPA(American Rescue Plan Act) funding. Motion carried.
At 10:00 a.m. 34th District State Senator Jon Bumstead introduced himself to the Board of Commissioners; with redistricting he is running for the 32nd District State Senator Seat. He gave out his phone number.
Marilyn Passmore and Harold McNeil-of Spectrum Charter gave a presentation regarding the RDOF, the Rural Digital Opportunity Fund. This was in the FLASH UPDATE sent out in August; Have you seen Charter trucks putting down optic cable? If you are in a NO INTERNET zone, you can find out if those cables will help you. Go to the website below, to check the availability of internet to you household through the Spectrum Rural Expansion.
Commissioner Reports:
Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Rd):
Reported that Lake Ann now had its third village president in 6 months.
Art Jeannot (Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township)-see report in packet on website:
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Attended Benzie Housing Collaborative meeting; EGLE- the Betsie River needs more regulations (NOTE: The Betsie River is part of Michigan’s Natural River Program).
Andy Miller (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
CLT-RV park expansion was approved. Andy attended Homestretch meeting.
(HomeStretch is an organization that guides working homeless families toward permanent housing and lasting stability.
Gary Sauer (Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
The Road Commission now owns the Platte River School building and property.
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland Townships):
Succession planning in progress at Benzie Bus.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
ARPA survey will be published; Benzie County’s new website is up with new pictures and a goal to make it more user friendly
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
July 12, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
Public Input:
Annie Browning Village of Beulah Councilwoman, shared that she is working on the Village of Beulah Planning Commission and the Master Plan. She wants to get back to making people aware of individuals with disabilities.
Action Items:
Budget Amendment:
Building Department Revenues and Expenses: $60,000 needed for the remainder of the fiscal year. BOC passed motion to approve this budget amendment. Discussion: Commissioners Sauer, Nye and Jeannot all stated that Building Official Bert Gale should be reporting to the commissioners, Commissioner Nye thought he should report monthly.
Child Care Fund:
Connie Krusniak 19th Circuit Court Friend of the Court/Juvenile Referee, requested that the BOC approve the 292 Child Care Fund Budget of $169,836.00 today. Request was approved. It was reported that there are kids on the street; they can’t buy a bed; our kids are running loose and that weapons and drugs are a problem.
MSU Extension officer Jennifer Berkey:
Presented 2021/22 Annual report; SEE REPORT in PACKET pages 131-139. Mission: Improving the lives of Benzie County Residents! There were 175 programs accessed by our residents, again-see the report on the website.
MSU 4-H Program Coordinator Allison Olson:
Reported that there were 150 youths ages 5 – 14, that participated in 4-H soccer program!! Note: Allison will be connecting with the Juvenile court people to see how they can deepen their partnership with the Juvenile court in order to better serve these youth.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Benzie County Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator, Jesse Zylstra :
Reported that they are working with Conservation District and EGLE regarding old tires being in the water along the Betsie Valley Trail.
Register of Deeds Paula Eberhart:
Gave an update on her office; busy with house sales.
Commissioner Reports Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Rd): Went to Veterans meeting; also reported that he met with O’Malley regarding election activities and strategies (NOTE: Hmm, that is different than meeting with Senator Peters to talk about broadband).
Art Jeannot-Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township, Platte Township:
See whole report in packet on website.
Continues to attend meetings regarding broadband funding.
EDC/BRA (Economic Development Corporation/ Brownfield Redevelopment Authority), have applied for grant to do a phase 1 and potentially a phase 2 environmental study at the old Benzie High School ($45K); a prospective buyer requested help with the “soft costs”; if the sale does not go through, the county will own the study for future opportunities.
Update: Just learned that the grant went through.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
June 28, 2022 — County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
NOTE: Check out the meeting packets for all the BOC meetings to see minutes and financial reports, etc. My reports are ONLY highlights.
GO TO: Elected Officials/ County Commissioners… Or go to an occasional meeting in person or virtually by zoom.
Maples Capital Improvement Projects Update by Nate Loop and Karen Felty:
Re: funding to Maples over the next few years; the Board of Commissioners has to release funding to the Maples regarding capital items for the old building. Commissioner Art Jeannot asked if they were staying within the budgeted amounts. Answer: No, due to all the increases. Art Jeannot replied, we can’t spend more than we have. (NOTE: please remember that last year(September 28, 2021) the BOC voted to decrease the 20-year millage rate that was passed in 2010; they wanted to give the “surplus” back to the people of Benzie County).
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Benzie Senior Resources Director, Doug Durand:
They are still struggling with staffing. Their fleet expenses have doubled.
Benzie County Solid Waste and Recycling Coordinator Jesse Zylstra:
Gave an overview of a written report that is in the packet(BOC packet of information for June 28, 2022 meeting). He reported that we need a Solid Waste Management Plan. They are working on it.
Action Items:
DTRF(Delinquent Tax Revolving Fund):
There is a $300,000 surplus in the General Fund for Capital improvements for Animal Control: BOC voted to authorize Two Seven Oh, Inc. a grant application for purchase of new cat condos at shelter. (The mission of Two Seven Oh Inc. is to lend a helping hand through financial support to small, Michigan, 501(c)(3) organizations that primarily focus on the improvement of the environment and the well being of animals)
Commissioner Reports:
Art Jeannot(Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township, Platte Township):(from Art’s written report)(Economic Development Corporation/ Brownfield Redevelopment Authority) “EDC/BRA informational workshop was held regarding current broadband initiatives.
Cherry Capital Communications explained their current plans to build out of their acquired market within Benzie County. Eclipse Communication also gave a brief update. The manager of Connecting Michigan Task force also joined the conversation. All of this continues to help the committee make a recommendation to the Board of Commissioners for a solution outline from Merit’s survey. One take away from the discussion was that potentially up to 70% of the community may still be underserved even after all approaches are implemented.” Art also reported that he was attending a meeting sponsored by Senator Peter’s office to discuss potential funding for broadband in real communities.
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Benzie Leelanau Distrist Health Department Dan Thorell, is the interim Health Officer. Lisa Peacock was awarded a distinguished service award; there was no exit interview scheduled for Lisa Peacock.
Andy Miller (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
Reported Benzie Wellness Aquatic Center, (BWAC), is putting on a free 4-week swimming program at Bellows park.
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
Road Commission is hoping to get Platte River School building transferred; when transferred, they will chain the doors(too many keys out in the community).
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland Townships):
Benzie Bus has updated their Articles of Incorporation & the job description for New Director.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
ARPA dollar spending will be in accordance with community feedback. Katie handed out a draft pamphlet and needs input by Friday for educating the community on property taxes, Proposal A and Headlee.
Dan Kelly-Crystal Lake Watershed Presentation
Public Input:
Seven individuals spoke to issue of treatment of milfoil-see June 28 minutes on
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
June 14, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting Highlights
Setting of the 2022 Summer Tax Rate:
Tom Longanbach, Equalization Director provided information on how the 2022 Tax Rate is calculated. Katie Zeits, County Administrator, will prepare a pamphlet to help explain how the tax rate is calculated and have it available for the public.
Resolution 2022-017 Truth in Taxation Resolution to adopt millage rate as presented, was passed.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Kyle Mauer, Animal Control:
The new dog run behind the center has been completed. Kyle also reported they have a lot of kittens available for adoption. Donations made to the Animal Welfare League do not come directly to the Animal Shelter. If you want your money to go to the animal shelter, send your donations directly to the animal shelter.
Paula Eberhart, Registrar of Deeds:
Paula reported that Zillow is trying to get bills passed in the Michigan House of the Representatives (House Bills 4729,4730, 4731 and 4732) that gives Zillow free access to all property deeds records. Beware, that people are receiving offers from companies like Zillow to get a copy of a property deed for $99.00. It is important to note that don’t need companies like Zillow to get you a property deed, you can get a copy of a property deed from your registrar for a $1. (Also a sidebar, there is bigtime property fraud going on in Florida).
Lauren Harris of Advantage Benefits Group, gave a benefit presentation(see presentation in packet on Benzie County website,
Commissioners voted to approve and authorize the Chair to execute a contract with ABG for insurance broker/agent services for 3 years beginning July 1, 2022 to Sept. 30, 2025. The County Administrator will provide the required 60-day notice of termination to 44North, (Advance Benefit Solutions), no later than August 1, 2022.
Frankfort Community Land Trust:
Liz Negrau and Tim Jones gave a presentation regarding their program for affordable housing in Benzie County. They will come back and give updates on their progress periodically.
Commissioner Reports:
Art Jeannot(Almira Township, west of Reynolds Rd., Lake Township)-see report in packet on website.
Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
We do not have 24-hour road coverage by police.
Andy Miller (Frankfort, Crystal Lake Township):
Went to the Benzie Human Services Collaborative Meeting at Grow Benzie. Frankfort’s summer school started with double the usual enrollment.
Gary Sauer(Gilmore, Blaine, Joyfield and Weldon Townships):
From attending the Benzie Leelanau District Health Department meeting, he reported that ticks are getting worse and there is a new disease. He reported that the Maples seems to be doing well and that they have had increased occupancy since March.
The Maples will be turning the entire second floor into a memory care unit (half is memory care now).
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland Townships):
Reported that the Benzie Bus is looking for a new executive director.
Tim Markey (Homestead Township):
Attended the 3-day Community Mental Heath Summer Conference June 6-8, 2022
Area Agency on Aging of Northwest Michigan has submitted their Fiscal Year 2023 Annual Implementation Plan. This 66-page report is in the packet on the Benzie County website;
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
Reported that “The Michigan Supreme Court has ordered that all courts will be closed in observance of Juneteenth (June 19, observed June 20). I have obtained clarification that this does not simply mean there is no court, Benzie County is required to give the day off, paid, to all court employees. For Benzie County this is seven individuals with the day off, with pay. There is no room for us to negotiate this, it is an order from the Michigan Supreme Court specifically for court employees.”
Katie also reported the the administration has hired a new assistant, Rose Lynn.
They are working with EDC (Economic Development Corporation) on a grant regarding the old High School in Benzonia.
Meeting adjourned 12:26 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review. The MERIT Report can be found in the 5/24/22 packet, starting on page 110. There you will find business not included in this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
May 24, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting- Highlights
Public Input:
There were 7 speakers who addressed the need for good access to Broadband throughout Benzie County.
Jim Dulzo reported cable company was going door to door trying to get more subscriptions, but are not talking about speed or price.
Ingemar Johansson reported he has limited, very poor or NO access.
Marcia Curran spoke about the rural electrification project in the 1930’s and how everyone needed it. Now, everyone needs Broadband.
Karen Cunningham said we need speed, dependability and affordability.
Mike Ross reported on very spotty internet.
Tom Reichard said the whole county needs access. MERIT must communicate with us.
Shauna Leno reported that she needs it for her work; our county depends on it.
NOTE: Thanks to all for speaking out for the citizens of Benzie County!!!
Today’s meeting featured the MERIT Network presentation of the Broadband Survey they conducted. First of all, Merit Network is a nonprofit internet network and data collection organization that partners with universities. This organization runs the Michigan Moonshot, a statewide broadband initiative (it is not a residential service provider). Merit reported that with Broadband Internet the Fixed Connection speed should be a Minimum 25 mbps(megabits) download; 3 mbps upload. The optimal speed is 100 mbps download; 20 mbps upload.
NOTE: I recommend you go to: and test (and repeat the test) to find your internet speed.
The Michigan Moonshot is Merit’s commitment to ending the digital divide, by leveraging public and private partnerships to connect everyone in rural Michigan. Merit was extremely happy with the countywide participation. There was a 22.71% return of the countywide survey. This percentage is very high. Merit found that 72.8% of the responders did not have 25mbps download/3mbps upload speeds. 98.10% did not have 100mbps download/25mbps upload speeds.
The Merit Survey confirmed that Broadband Density is MUCH less throughout Benzie County than reported earlier by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Our connectivity data indicates a problem much more stark than established by the FCC. Much of Benzie County is unconnected or insufficiently connected.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review. The MERIT Report can be found in the 5/24/22 packet, starting on page 110. There you will find business not included in this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. You must be present to participate in public input. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
Elected Officials Department Head Comments:
Dawn Bousamra, Benzie Senior Resources Assistant Director: They have started their spring clean up program and they have 4 contractors signed up; They are waiting for the Senior Project Fresh to begin. Seniors will get coupons for fresh produce.
Dawn Olney, Benzie County Clerk: has announced her retirement effective June 1, 2022, after 35 years of service. We will miss her!
Action Items
Budget Amendment-Jail Medical:
Was approved 7-0, for up to $60,000 to come from the General Fund. This is needed for medical expenses for inmates on an as needed basis for 2021/2022.
Budget Amendment-Sewer Feasibility Study:
Was approved 7-0, for $40,000 of marijuana excise tax funds as a contribution to cover the sewer feasibility study. Commissioners Art Jeannot and Gary Sauer didn’t like the process, but voted to approve.
Brownfield Plan Approval:
True North Project: the Benzie County Brownfield Redevelopment. Authority Plan was approved 7-0. Susan Wenzlick is the Brownfield Authority Senior Consultant. This is moving the True North Project forward.
Audit Presentation by Maner Costerisan:
Gave a report on County Audit ending Sept. 30, 2021. For more information on this presentation see pages 209 – 211 in the meeting packet (on the officials/ Agendas, Minutes and packets-Current)
Committee Appointments:
Betsie Valley Trail:
Roberta Benedict is the Village of Elberta Representative to the Betsie Valley Trail Management council for 3 years.
County Administrator Katie Zeits: ( this is old news)
The Merit presentation to the Board of Commissioners (BOC) was moved to May 24, 2022. Katie further explained that “The State of Michigan has allocated funds for broadband and we expect programming to access those funds to be out in May. There is a great deal of money at both the state and federal level and broadband is a priority of both the Governor and the President. I will continue to follow this topic.” This will be reported on in greater detail in the May 24, 2022 highlights.
She attended a Faith in Action meeting with Commissioner Jeannot to discuss broadband and housing. The group is eager to assist with both efforts in our community.
Katie also reported that “I recently met with Senator Jon Bumstead. Pending the November 2022 election, he would be our Senator in Benzie County. Senator Bumstead and I have a good history. Him and I discussed various monies at the State level and how we can potentially benefit from them, including broadband, sewer, trails and brownfield. I brought Senator Bumstead around the building to meet with additional staff.” Direct quote from Katie’s report.
Note: Terry Sabo should be introduced to Katie and meet the staff. I have also noted that Bumstead has a lot of signs up already (I’m writing this in late June); Isn’t it a bit early?
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review. There you will find business not included in this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
April 12, 2022 — Benzie County Board of Commissioners Meeting
NOTE: Check out the meeting packets for last meeting’s minutes and financial reports, etc. There are many details of the meeting that are not highlighted in my report. GO TO: then Government then county commissioners… Or go to an occasional meeting in person or virtually by zoom.
Elected Officials & Department Head Comments:
Rebecca Huber’s, Benzie County Central Dispatch Director & Coordinator for Office of Emergency Management:
April is National Public Safety Telecommunications Month. She was encouraging people to thank the dispatchers for their work. On the emergency management side, there are many trainings, exercises and exams going on in April and she has an Ironman meeting next week.
Kyle Maurer, Animal Control:
They will be getting grant money to update the cat cages. The main goal of the Shelter Attendant is socialization of the animals. NOTE: they have a boa constrictor at the shelter!!
Action Items:
Com Van Radio Repeater:
The commissioners approved the purchase of the enhanced repeater system to extend portable radio coverage. They will use funds from the 911 Emergency Fund. The Com Van Radio Repeater is used at events like the Ironman 70.3.
Art Jeannot brought up how the Ironman gave out their charitable donations last year. He was told that of the $26,000 given out, only 1/3 of the donations went to Benzie County. In 2019, $70,000 went to Grand Traverse County.
Benzonia Township-Sewer Project Proposal:
Jason Barnard, Benzonia Township Supervisor made a request for a portion of the Marijuana proceeds to partially fund the sewer feasibility study. The sewer study will cost approximately $100,000.00 This cost will be shared by Benzonia Township, Benzonia Village, Beulah Village and Benzie County. Commissioner Sauer does not think it is a county responsibility. He feels the four townships he represents will not benefit from this project. Commissioner Nye wants to get this on the ARPA matrix. She also thinks the County is charged to have a larger view of this whole project and to be open to the larger view.
Commissioner Reports:
Commissioner Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Rd):
There will be a Memorial Day celebration at Memorial Park in Benzonia.
Commissioner Andy Miller (Crystal Lake Township and Frankfort):
Frankfort has hired a new fire chief. The Airport Authority will be removing more trees. BLDHD-has a part-time school nurse now. He reported on the Benzie County Human Services Collaborative, Josh Stoltz is head of the collaborative. The Collaborative has created the Benzie County Resource Directory. NOTE: Call 211 from any landline to connect with these local resources. From a cell phone, call 800 887-1107.
Commissioner Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township):
Benzie Central School Board-update on Homestead Hills Elementary (groundbreaking that afternoon). They have scaled down bus garage. The school is looking for vintage Benzie shirts for a quilt for the school entrance (turn in to school or contact Rhonda). Beulah is rezoning some properties and contributing $10,000 to sewer feasibility study.
Evan Warsecke (Homestead Township): BCPRC:
The Kayak Launch Site is being scaled back due to decrease in projected grant funding. They are looking into possible Parks director for Homestead Township.
Commissioner Gary Sauer (Gilmore, Joyfield, Blaine and Weldon):
DHHS-plans at the Maples are to change another floor to memory care.
The Ironman 70.3 will be held on September 11, 2022.
County Administrator Katie Zeits:
All mileages have been approved to be on the August 2022 ballot.
Katie has been attending village, township and other meetings to get to know the people who are leaders in Benzie County.
Public Input:
Annie Browning spoke in support of the sewer study. She reminded everyone, that we all have clean water, let’s keep it that way.
Respectfully submitted by Barb Skurdall
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Government/county commissioners/scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review. There you will find business not included in this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually. The link is at the top of the meeting agenda.
This is our 17th report from the County Commissioners’ bi-monthly meetings. Big thanks to our own Barbara Skurdall for doing these reports for us since April 13, 2021.
March 15, 2022 — Benzie County Commissioners
Today’s BOC meeting started with two public hearings.
Jim Gribble, Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail director of marketing, reported on the plan to pave the BVT from Beulah to Thompsonville. FBVT have been collecting resolutions and letters of support for the project. They will apply for three different Trust Fund Grants totally about $900,000. Ed Hoogterp, chair of Benzie County Parks and Recreation Commission, spoke in favor of the project. The BCPRC has already voted to submit a resolution of support. Annie Browning commented that there will be more trash to deal with and more need for bathrooms. Others spoke in favor of the project.
The amendment would raise Brownfield cost estimates, amending the original Brownfield plan for the site. Susan Wenzlik, senior brownfield consultant, reported there are several concentrations of contaminants including ground water contamination. Mindy Walters gave a history of the site, which was the old Buds in Honor; the site was a gas station until 2007. True North Energy (an Ohio-based company, founded in 1999) owns the Shell station in Honor and wants to develop this Honor brownfield site into convenience store with easily accessible gas pumps. The downtown Honor station would be taken out. No public comment was made
Michelle Thompson Benzie County Treasurer, reported that the Land Bank has six parcels and recently sold one to Habitat for Humanity of Benzie County (HFHBC). HFHBC recently had 50 applicants for a house (up from zero applicants; maybe in part because of our posting it on our Facebook page?!). HFHBC wants to build two homes, if possible.
Rebecca Hubers, Benzie County Central Dispatch Director & Benzie County Office of Emergency Management, reported on the CERT program and reviewed the monies received to supply various services and trainings for heart saver and CPR programs. (NOTE: CERT stands for Community Emergency Response Team.) Department is still down one position.
Nate Loop, The Maples Administrator, gave general operations report;: 70 residents; 121 employees; 99% of staff are vaccinated. The work on the roof replacement on old portion of facility and replacement of heating and cooling system has started. There is still an opening for a Nurse Manager position. They are working on a lot of cross-training of staff and are looking to achieve best practices with the use of consultants. They are applying for the LeadingAge Michigan Program. (NOTE: “LeadingAge Michigan is a leader in representing the full continuum of mission-driven senior care. Founded in 1968, they represent a new era of integrated services, innovation, and collaboration to enhance member value and improve the lives of Michigan seniors.”) Nate continues to state that more memory care is needed in Benzie County.
Authorize Central Dispatch expansion to lower level of Benzie County Sheriff’s Office.
ACO-Cares Act Fund: when additional funds are needed for the Benzie County Animal Control and Shelter, the funds will come from the Cares Act Funds. Bob Roelofs (commissioner for Almira Township, east of Reynolds Road) reported “we will do everything needed to fund the ACO.”
Bob Roelofs reported that the Memorial Day Celebration at the Veterans Memorial will be a 1 p.m.
Rhonda Nye (commissioner for Benzonia Township) reported that Benzonia Township supports the paving of the Betsie Valley Trail. Beulah has a water leak (40,000 gallons); Rhonda is a new member of the Natural Rivers Program.
Tim Markey (commissioner for Homestead Township) reported that Frankfort is looking for a full-time fire chief. (Tim is Homestead Township Fire Chief.)
Evan Warsecke (commissioner for Colfax and Inland townships) reported that Inland Township’s clean-up day is May 7.
Gary Sauer (Blaine, Gilmore, Joyfield, and Weldon townships) reported that Weldon Township endorsed the Betsie Valley Trail paving.
Katelyn Zeits, Benzie County administrator, reported that Benzie County EMS millage will be less (0.95). Benzie County website is dated, and they are looking at updating the website. On April 12 (next BOC meeting), commissioners will continue to talk about ARPA funds and how they can be used.
Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department Board (BLDHD): The commissioners voted 6-0 (one absent) to reappointment Dr. Mark Kuiper to the BLDHD board.
Betsie River Zoning Board of Appeal: Rhonda Nye, to be appointed; 2 alternate seats open (NOTE: Fun Fact- The Betsie River is 54.0 miles long.)
Land Bank Authority-tabled
Benzie Transportation Authority (Benzie Bus)-: candidate interviewed
Mike Ross spoke in support of the Honor Brownfield Project; it is important to invest in the thorough clean-up of this site in order to protect the river.
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review. There you will find the business that I don’t report on.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually.
NOTE: This was the only meeting in March. (On the third Tuesday, rather than meeting on the second and fourth Tuesdays, per usual…)
February 25, 2022 — Special Meeting to Discuss Open Position on Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department
Board of Commissioner Chair Bob Roelofs (Almira Township, east of Reynolds Road) and commissioners/BLDHD board members Gary Sauer (Blaine, Gilmore, Joyfield, and Weldon townships) and Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township) met to discuss the three applicants for the open board seat on the Benzie Leelanau District Health Department.
The meeting was led by Katie Zeits, Benzie County administrator. After the three commissioners each discussed the three applicants, Gary Sauer made a motion to recommend the reappointment of Dr. Mark Kuiper to the BLDHD Board. This recommendation will be presented to the whole board at their next meeting on Tuesday, March 15, 2022, and they will vote at that time. All applicants brought different skills to the table. The commissioners expressed hope that the two who are not selected will pursue other areas/boards in order to serve the community.
February 22, 2022 — Regular Meeting:
Mike Ross talked about Dr. Mark Kuiper and encouraged the Benzie Board of Commissioners to reappoint him to the Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department board.
Tom King, Benzie County EMS, reported that the new ambulance will arrive in March. Station 3 furnace failed recently, and he had to act quickly to get a replacement, due to the fact that the station is staffed 24/7. Our EMS was compensated $4,000 for covering an All Terrain Vehicle Race in northern Manistee county ( TWISTED TRAILS OFFROAD PARK). Tom King reported we need another ambulance, we need more staff, and we need 3 additional EMTs.
Amy Bissell, Registrar of Deeds, is retiring as of April 30,2022; Amy supports Paul Eberhart, who is the Chief Deputy Registrar, to replace her. Paula has been there 29 years.
Nate Loop, administrator at The Maples, reported that COVID-19 continues: year-to-date, 30% of the staff has tested positive for COVID. Currently, no residents are positive. To date: 98% of the staff are vaccinated, and 94% of the residents are vaccinated. Currently, there are 68 residents and 119 employees; they still need 1.5 full-time floor nurses. Nate Loop reported there is going to be a need for more memory care; they have a waiting list for memory care patients. They are looking to convert a second household to memory care.
The Maples is working on the millage language for submitting bids for capital improvement.
Commissioner Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland townships) has inquired about whether or not Benzie County residents are given priority for admission to The Maples over out-of-county individuals. Nate Loop gave a very detailed answer, which included the fact that 75% of the residents are Benzie County residents or have local relatives. (NOTE: I was very impressed with Nate’s whole report; I look forward to talking with him and meeting him).
Administrator Katlyn Zeits reports there has been $37,760 paid out in COVID-19 Sick Pay to the government employees and Benzie County Sheriff’s Office employees to date.
The Board of Commissioners acted on a Resolution to Support Paving the Betsie Valley Trail from Beulah to Thompsonville presented by Susan Wenzlik. There are new surfaces that stand up to snowmobile use. The board voted to support the resolution. (Of interest to Friends of the Betsie Valley Trail)
Bob Roelofs (commissioner for Almira Township, east of Reynolds) reported that there are two board openings for the Benzie County Economic Development Corporation Board, as Ed Kowalski recently resigned.
NOTE: FYI, the EDC, from their website: ”What we do: Benzie Economic Development Corporation provides a broad range of services and solutions to help new and existing businesses facilitate change, achieve their vision and optimize performance and productivity. This is achieved through partnerships with state, federal, and local agencies.”
Evan Warsecke (Colfax and Inland townships) reported that Benzie Bus is working on board member recruitment. Benzie Conservation District is looking to add staff, and Tad Peacock wants to retire by the end of the year. Someone asked about the BCD seedling sale, and Benzie County Administrator Katie Zeits reported the orders are due by Friday, April 8, and can be picked up Friday, April 22, 2022.
Just before the meeting ended around 12:30 pm, it was brought up by Art Jeannot (Lake, Platte, and Almira township, west of Reynolds) that no one had mentioned the next step in the Benzie-Leelanau District Health Department board position appointment process, which had first been brought up at the meeting on January 25, 2022. There were three interviews on February 11, 2022. There will be an open meeting on Friday, February 25, 2022, at 9am at the government building. Bob Roelofs, Gary Sauer (Blaine, Gilmore, Joyfield, Weldon townships), and Rhonda Nye (Benzonia Township) will discuss the three candidates and come up with an individual to recommend to the whole Board of Commissioners. There is no public input at this meeting. (NOTE: I learned today, February 23, in a conversation that I had with Katie Zeits,that she told the board to post the at-large position. And it is true, that Dr. Kuiper completed Dr. Ryckman’s term and had never been interviewed.) They will make their recommendation to the other commissioners at the next BOC meeting on March 15, 2022. The meeting starts at 9am.
(NOTE: For the record, Dr. Mark Kuiper, who is board certified in internal medicine and pediatrics, is also board certified in Emergency Medicine. He is highly regarded in Benzie County. Who better to serve on the BLDHD Board? )
If you wish to see the full minutes, go to: Scroll down to “Agendas, Minutes and Packets (Current),” then scroll down to “2022 Minutes”, open it, and go to the minutes you wish to review. There you will find business not included in this report.
The Commissioners meet at 9 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of each month. You can attend these meetings in-person or virtually.