The Benzie County Democratic Convention will be held on Saturday, August 16 at our headquarters located at 9930 Honor Hwy (just east of the Cherry Bowl Drive In Theater in the Field Crafts/Bookwear building) at 9:00 a.m. Delegates to the County Convention shall be the Precinct Delegates duly elected in the August 5 Primary Election, the nominees for County and Legislative office and members of the Michigan Democratic Party whose membership was renewed on or before July 10, 2014. Precinct Delegates, Democratic elected officials, and Democratic nominees to partisan offices may become members that day when they register at the County Convention. The regular County Party meeting will follow the convention.
- Call to Order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Verification of Credentials
- Appointment of Temporary Secretary
- Election of Convention Chair
- Convention Chair conducts Election for Convention Secretary
- Consideration of Resolutions for Forwarding to the State Convention Platform Committee
- Discussion for the Good of the Cause
- Adjournment