Betsy’s Advice for Action and Self Care

Friends, Trump back in office is really bad, as we knew it would be. It is frightening and dangerous.

Part of the path forward is us working together vs. in isolation. It also involves not believing Don and Elon’s gambit to convince us they are all powerful and resistance is futile. That is EXACTLY how they want us to feel and why they are using the time honored tactic of flooding the zone to keep us all swinging wildly at too many things and (they hope) giving up in despair.

Don’t. See it for what it is.

None of us is immune to feeling overwhelmed. BUT/AND… We have the ability and responsibility as people of decency and courage, to choose to recognize it for what it is: a deliberate tactic. We are responsible to put on our own oxygen mask and to take care of ourselves and each other, physically and mentally, so we can be in this vital fight for ourselves and the people and nation we love.


1) Check in with yourself to see what you need to regulate your nervous system andout on your oxygen mask.Take a walk or do some stretches, drink some water, listen to music, do a craft, make art, dance, connect with a friend.

For example, I got lunch with a dear friend and attended a free concert by TC Sings at the Unitarian Universalist Church.

2) Then, take 15 minutes to listen to this important  podcast episode “Don’t Believe Him,” from Ezra Klein.  It is both strategic and hopeful. We need strategy and we need hope. Please listen.

3) Plug into ways to push back strategically, in community. We need all of us and we need to work together. Doom scrolling, trying to do it all, tuning out…  all are understandable but counter-productive responses to the moment we are in. We need discipline and focus to combat the Elon/Don tactic of flooding the zone.”

So, here is where I would start: 

Rather than overwhelming yourself reading every news source,  sign up for historian Heather Cox Richardson, daily Letters from an American.  She provides both historical context and accurate, non hysterical reporting on what you need to know. She doesn’t spam you. Her livestreams on Facebook are also very helpful so give her a follow there.

Sign up for national Indivisible Guide e-mails AND join the chapter nearest you; search by zip code. The Indivisibles in Northern MI have been vibrant, vital groups of engaged neighbors since 2017. You will have greater impact joining than going it alone. Find your Indivisible chapter using their zip code tool here – Google and join your county’s s local Democratic party. This ISN’T the national Dems, the DNC, MDP, etc. It IS your LOCAL Democratic Party—volunteers who are your neighbors. The Benzie, Grand Traverse, and Leelanau Democratic parties’ efforts are a big reason I flipped my House seat to blue. GT Dems’ work is a huge reason we went from zero Democrats on the Grand Traverse County Commission in 2016 to FOUR and a Democratic vice chair in 2025.

Our local parties are also important hubs to organize pushing back on damaging Trump actions, advancing leaders who believe in democracy, and offering community support.

Okay. That’s it for now.

Courage, friends. This is OUR country, not Elon Musk’s or Donald Trump’s. We must fight for it now. We are stronger doing it together.

Sending each of you love and solidarity,


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