Betsy’s Having a Party Monday, January 20!

The Grand Traverse Dems and I are co-hosting a Joyful Resistance Party on InUGHuration Day! Together, let’s send a message to Donald Trump and the MAGA Movement that our resistance has the antidote for their darkness: joy. RSVP Here

Potluck What better way is there to be with our neighbors than over delicious food? Sign up to bring a dish to pass if you are able, or just come as you are and enjoy what others bring. A variety of flavored seltzer water, sodas, and limited alcoholic beverages will be available at no charge.

Community Art Project Facilitated by Heather Spooner of Ampersand Lettering Lab, guests will have the opportunity to participate in a community art project that will be a reflection of our shared values and how we are all connected as we continue the work of promoting and sustaining those values.

Music Nothing like a good song– that makes you want to dance– to help shake us into action! We will be playing music all night, and yes, there will be a dance floor. Be sure to request your favorite jams to add to our joyful resistance playlist when you RSVP.

Bonfire Weather permitting, we will be having a bonfire with all of the makings for s’mores provided! If you play the guitar, please feel free to bring it for some campfire songs!

Camaraderie Have feelings about the inauguration and don’t want to be alone? Come be in community with others who are feeling the same and engage in small acts of joyful resistance that will prepare us for the years to come. We know that building strong supportive resilient communities that stand up for each others’ rights and dignity will be the brightest light for the path ahead.


See you there!!!


– Betsy

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Benzie Democrats Calendar
