Benzonia Township Meeting Reports

September 11th, 2024 — Benzonia Township Meeting Report 

Present: Supervisor Jason Barnard; Diana Heller, Clerk; Trustee David Gardner, Trustee Alan Rose; Karen Burns, Treasurer

Others: Steve Adams, Fire Chief; Ronda Nye, County Commissioner; Katelyn County Administrator; Mary Pitcher assistant Zoning Administrator, Tom King, County Emergency Services Director, Chris Parrish staff of County Emergency Services, Brent Somsel of Spence Brothers CM, public guests.

Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Supervisor Barnard

Agenda: Motion to amend agenda to talk about the building project. Approved

Minutes of: August 9th, August 14th, August 23rd, 2024 accepted & approved.

Supervisor recognizes County Administrator Katelyn Zeits who states she is in attendance for answering questions. He also introduces two gentlemen from the County Emergency Services: Thomas King and Chris Parrish who spoke about the upcoming millage. They will answer any questions at (231)383-5779 and please leave a message if you get the answering service when you call.

Treasurer’s Report:

Note: Immediately preceding this meeting there was a Public Hearing for Truth in Taxation. The hearing communicated, the taxes will raise for 2025. .8605 mill for the first year, .83 adjusted for this year due to taxable value increases. They are also adding Bond money this year. The public was invited to speak with no comments submitted.

Karen explains that two signatures are required for building project change orders and that one must be the supervisor.

Motion to pay bills. approved

Clerk’s Report:

The early voting notification postcards are going out to notify electors of early voting times, location and dates. This is for the General election, November 5th, 2024. Early voting begins on October 26th, 2024, and ends on November 3rd, 2024.

Deposits of ballots will be received 8am to 4:00pm during those early voting dates here at the Benzonia Township Hall, 1020 MICHIGAN AVE., PO BOX 224, BENZONIA, MI 49616

Supervisor’s Report:

Jason has been shopping for the speed monitoring trailer and has a price of $11,800 so far. Post type monitors are less expensive than trailers. We need to do this before 2025 summer population arrives.

Fire Chief’s Report:

27 medical calls and 18 fire calls. Chief reports that a new leadership team has been assembled and asks for board approval. Approved

Chief Adams also asks for approval of 2 Laptops, and I-phone with phone services form the board. Approved

County Board of Commissioners (BOC) report from Commissioner Rhonda Nye:

The BOC is currently working on the budget.

Since the jail millage wasn’t renewed there will not be a replacement jail administrator. Dan Smith has retired.

NMC college has removed their item from the November ballot.

The failed Jail millage is back on the ballot for November.

Elmers is repaving near the Sherriff Department

Public Safety Tower is near Frankfort

There is some opioid mitigation funds available if anyone has ideas about projects or efforts that may qualify.

Commissioner Nye brought 3 new Benzie County informational flyers:

1)Making Sense of Ballot Questions and Election Info

2)Making Sense of the County Jail Millage Renewal

3)Making Sense of the Benzie County Advanced Life Support Services Millage

Administrator Katie Zeits further commented on jail revenues by renting rooms to other Counties. Also, that health insurance programs stop upon incarceration placing a burden on the County to provide.

She discusses the new Safety tower and how it was funded.

Zoning Administrator Report:

Jason indicates the ZBA meeting has been cancelled and the Township will do a partial refund.

ZBA has upheld the Crystal Drive decision.

Public Comments:

Claude Vanderploeg of Saint Andrews Church is bringing a request to fix Lincoln Rd. They have been trying to get it paved for 20 years now. The Benzie County Road commission recommends it to be paved. He will speak more on this at the public comment time later this meeting.


Parks and Recreation:

Jason announces the new Memorial Park hours of 5AM to 11 PM. He will make some phone calls to alert residents and sheriff. Supervisor will attend the parks Commission meeting. There has been a second brining completed and the paving of the trail is almost complete.


Love RD. Hill cut project due to extreme safety issues. They are lowering the hill 15 ft. Total project is $61,000 with multiple funding sources. Moves for board approval. Project Love rd. East approved.

Jason reported the need for a flashing radar sign on Crystal Drive curve near Nichols Rd he is gathering information and prices.

Budget amendments:

Truth in taxation. Moved to adopt a resolution #091124 for .775 mills. Approved

Karen gives a report and moves to accept the budget as amended. Approved.

The personnel policy should include a maintenance person for the cemetery. There may be a need for a fulltime Zoning Administrator also. Further Discussion needed.

New Fire Hall:

David Garner discusses the specifics of a pay request for the Spence Brothers contract. Motion to Approve payment after waivers have been submitted. Approved

Motion to make Contract Documents available online. Approved

Motion to make “team meetings” open to the public. Not approved

Motion to change all door colors from red back to tan. Approved

Motion for Jason the deliver a payment of $650 to Jim. Approved

Zoning Board of Appeals:

Mary stated last month that there where 2 ZBA’s. One to revoke a permit and the other about a portable kitchen structure. RFQ needed for legal services.


Mary reported on an approximate cost to demo a house. A. J. has given an estimate of $18,000 to remove the structure without foundation or asbestos abatement work. Looking into State earmarked funds to demo. Mary reports a rumor that the house may be sold to a different party in Blue Water.

The Crystal Dr. property (move of a storage building) has been reviewed by the County Rd. Commission. There may not be encroachments in the right of way.

 Public Comments:

Claude Vanderploeg of Saint Andrews Church asks about the Benzie County Rd Commission funding process on selecting the roads paved in the County. He is concerned about paving Lincoln Rd. Supervisor Jason explains the approval comes through a roads committee which is a group of all township supervisors. There are formulas used for population number also. Claude asked if his church members contacted their individual township supervisors could that help? Jason said it couldn’t hurt.

Lisa J. Vogler stated she has requested FOIA documents regarding the new Fire Hall building project. She refers to her copies of the documents during this comment.

She stated that more communication is needed and that she is confused. Lisa offered to volunteer as a liaison between the Township board, the Construction Management and the public. Ms. Vogler referenced contract specifics which can be read in the Contract Documents. The Board approved those Contract Documents to be published on the internet for public review.

Jim Thompson stated the building is going up quickly, he is happy with the progress.

Bob stated there is a lot of change in the fire department, it is becoming a well-oiled machine. He thanked them.

Adjournment: 5:25 PM

Respectfully Submitted by Jim Thompson

We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

June 12, 2024 — BENZONIA TOWNSHIP Meeting Report

Present: Supervisor Barnard, Clerk Heller, Treasurer Burns, Trustee Gardner, Trustee Rose; Mary Pitcher; 6 visitors.

Treasurer’s report: Reported on funds needed to be moved to pay contractors and bills. Approved. [Further contractor discussion later in the meeting.]

Clerk’s report: Read bills received. Township cleanup cost was less this year because they got roll-offs instead of compacting trucks. Fire dept. got annual physicals & new radios. Three contractor bills for the new building were voted on separately. Gardner voted no, to paying the Spence Brothers progress bill due to a revised contract that is pending, therefore no board-approved building contract with them is in force. He referenced the Sunkist Hills development fiasco. Three motions to pay each contractor and passed with Gardner being the only dissenting vote on the Spence Brothers bill.

Supervisor’s report: The Township cleanup area [at Tri-Gas] was left a mess for a few days. They will select a new trash hauler and hold cleanup at the Township Park parking lot next year. Quote received for grass care/weed control in the park and walking path by Advanced Turf Solutions-approved. Crystal Lake Co-op Preschool requested a gaming license to hold a charity golf scramble-approved. The township does the signed applications for gaming licenses to the State.

Fire Chief: 6 fire, 42 medical, year to date total 185; chief Steve Adams attended a Homeland Security Conference for training. Needs to order updated medical equipment to replace outdated gear. Co-ordinating with Blaine Township to get the new medical truck licensed. Up to $9,000 expense approved. Will try to get a grant for a Lucas [chest compression] device.

Commissioner Nye: Benzie County held a public hearing for Truth in Taxation explaining Headlee. Jessie Zylstra resigned his position as Solid Waste/Recycling department head. The County is changing the Solid Waste and Recycling department to Materials Management and Handling and forming an inter-local agreement between Benzie, Leelanau and Grand Traverse. The state is incentivizing collaboration between counties for efficiency. A planning committee will be formed [volunteer opportunity] 3-year appointment. County supervisor’s office is handling recycling/hazardous waste collections in the interim. The infant in the workplace trial policy worked well and has been made permanent.

Zoning: [Mary Pitcher] 36 permits to date. Working on blight and zoning ordinance updates; suggested using a violation complaint form and submitted a draft document for board review.

1st Public Comment: Commissioner Nye strongly suggested that the park walking path be paved as soon as possible. Steve Stephens, Crystal Lake Watershed board, requests that the Overlay Ordinance for Crystal Lake that has been under review for 2 years be passed so it can be administered.

Pending Business: Received a quote for IWork software that would streamline zoning-planning-violations recordkeeping. Voted to form committee to research including someone from Platte Township. Working on quotes for website updates, one bid is local from Jim Stamm who maintains the website now; No updates on the new phone system.

Cemetery: Adjacent property owner on east side interested in selling to the township. Passed the correspondence on to the cemetery committee.

Parks: nothing new.

Building and grounds: Gardner restated his concerns about not having the revised contract with Spence Brothers in place; proposed a motion hiring a new attorney, Lisa Vogler, who has already reviewed the construction documents. Gardener suggested that it would be prudent to halt construction until the revised contract is received. The Maples construction fiasco was referenced. The board discussed; 4 no votes to hire Lisa Vogler, one yes vote [Gardner.]

Finance budget amendments: The Township auditor found some payroll accounting issues that needed a one-time adjustment. Large bill from the Township attorney for Sunkist Hills. There may be an insurance reimbursement coming for the [Sunkist Hills?] lawsuit settlement. Treasurer moved to make account adjustments and adopt a new budget. Passed. Auditor found adjustments to be made for West Benzie Joint Planning payroll. Motion for adjustments passed. Treasurer decided to have the County print and mail property taxes for Benzie this year. Delinquent property taxes that are uncollectable will be removed from the tax rolls.

ZBA: Mary Pitcher gave a blight report. One property has been mostly cleaned up. Other properties will be going to circuit court, some to municipal civil infraction.

New Business: Leo Hughes from Benzie Sr. Resources gave an update of needs & service increases [all on the rise,] funding sources, and their millage request increase of .15mils for operations.

2nd Public Comment: Steve Stephens asked about the road intersection at Crystal Drive and US-31 that has big holes with cones in it that needs repairs. Rhonda Nye requested that a sound system be installed in the new building and requested repeated updates on Sunkist Hills and Joint Benzie Overlay in the monthly pending business report until those items are resolved.

This meeting was unusually long at about 1 hour 36 minutes.

Respectfully Submitted by Kat Hibbard

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

April 10th, 2024– AGENDA AND (Unapproved) MEETING NOTES for Benzonia Township Regular Meeting

Call to Order: 3:01 PM


Jason Barnard, Supervisor; Karen Burns, Treasurer; Diana Heller, Clerk; David Gardner, Trustee; Al Rose, Trustee


Steve Adams, Fire Chief; Rhonda Nye, County Commissioner; Mary Pitcher, Blight Officer, Jim Clark, project manager, David Egeler, Assistant Prosecutor, and 8 public guests.

Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Supervisor Barnard

Agenda: Approved with one correction to remove “public hearing” from the top of the page.

Approval of Minutes for the regular meeting March 13th, 2024 and special meetings March 26th and March 7th. All minutes were approved

Treasurer’s Report:

The treasury “looks good.” All taxes collected and will be transferring the winter taxes soon. They are not yet reflected in the written report provided as a handout.

Clerk’s Report:

A motion to pay March General Fund bills of $27,294 was made and approved.

Supervisor’s Report:

The work on the new building is transitioning from pre-construction costs to final numbers from Spence Bros. The projected amount of $5,729,327 will include an allowance for some contingencies expected for “unknown costs’, and will require a “not to exceed” clause in the contract amendment. M/C to authorize supervisor Barnard to sign the amended Spence Bros. contract.

Bonds were sold for the new building with a 4% interest rate on 4/9/2024. They are held in an account at Central State Bank.

The Fire & EMT contract for Blaine Township seems to be going well. There were two calls in March. [Note: A two-year contract based on 1 mill of current fiscal year tax base. Joyfield township still contracts with Benzonia also for 1 mil annually.]

The township received $30,000 from the Michigan Fire Grant.

One quote for a revised website has been received and two more are expected.

Spring Clean up day is May 11th, 7-11 AM and will be in the local paper.

Fire Chief’s Report:

27 medical calls and 6 fire calls, bringing YTD to 106. (For comparison, totals in 2023 were 112 and 137 in 2022.] Chief will be attending a Great Lakes Homeland Security session.

County Board of Commissioners (BOC) report from Commissioner Rhonda Nye:

There was a presentation by Centra Wellness at the April 9th BOC meeting.

The 2024 Equalization Report was accepted with an increase in Taxable Value of 9.3%.

Randy Rice was appointed to the Headlee Advisory committee, tasked with moving forward with the education of a possible Headlee reset ballot question this year.

Network Northwest will help update the Master Plan which is done every 5 years.

All Board of Commissioners minutes are posted after approval

Zoning Administrator’s Report: None

Zoning Board of Appeals: Next meeting; May 2 at 5 p.m.


Mary Pitcher reported on the Eden Hill at Blue Water site: a citation was issued 30 days ago and the owner has paid the fine but has done no cleaning up. Owner will be asked if volunteers can mow. The Narrow Gauge and Platte Rd. sites are still being worked on.


The Metro Act renewal for AT&T needs to be updated. A decision to allow a permit extension of five years with AT&T was unanimous.

Pending Business:

FOIA process is still being updated. Diane Heller shared forms used by many municipalities. Gardner and Heller will offer a new policy at the next meeting.

Public Comments:

Benzie County Assistant Prosecutor, Dave Egeler, announced his intention to run for Benzie County Probate Judge and shared several of his planned initiatives: reinstating a sobriety court; transitioning courts to paperless records.

Committee Reports:

The board membership of the standing committees has been revised.

The Cemetery will open before Memorial Day, likely by Mother’s Day, May 11th, as there are some requests for visits that day.

Public Comment:

Lisa Vogler stood to express support for David Egeler for Probate Judge. Gary Sauer offered support for trying to get Hoadley Rd fixed. Joe (?) questioned why the new Dollar General was planned for Honor rather than in Benzonia Township.

Adjournment at 3:35.

Respectfully Submitted by Lookout Sub, Chris Kitzman

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

March 13, 2024 — AGENDA AND (Unapproved) MEETING NOTES for Regular Township Board Meeting

Call to Order: 3:03 PM

Present:Jason Barnard, Supervisor; Karen Burns, Treasurer; Diana Heller, Clerk; David Gardner, Trustee.

Others: Steve Adams, Fire Chief; Ronda Nye, County Commissioner; Mary Pitcher, Blight Officer, John Axe on zoom call, Colleen Gerace, Pace North, Probate Court Judge John Mead, and public guests.

Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Supervisor Barnard

Agenda: approved


Supervisor Barnard introduced their bond council, John Axe, as in attendance on a conference telephone call. Also that the board will be taking action on bond resolutions today.

Minutes of 2/14/24 & special budget meetings of 2/13/24 & 2/14/24 & March 7th, 2024 approved

Treasurer’s Report:

Have settled accounting with the County, all taxes are completed until July. The bonds for the new Fire building should be providing funds by May 1st, 2024. approved.

Clerk’s Report:

Read the Fire Department Invoices. The new fire truck invoices of $11,610.77. She spoke about the election invoices. Move to pay February bills, approved.

Diana Heller spoke about 4 budget resolutions up for approval.

1. For Scheduled Board meetings for the 2024/25 years. Approved.

2. Budget Board meetings for the 2024/25 years. Approved.

3.Meeting locations for board meetings for the 2024/25 years. Approved.

4.Treasury bonds & funds investing for the 2024/25 years. Approved.

Near the end of the meeting and after hearing from John Axe and Steven Burke(municipal funds advisor), 3 new resolutions needed for funding the new Fire/Town hall were voted on.

1. Unlimited tax of 3.5 mill. Approved

2. Limited Capital Improvement greater than 2 mill. Approved

3. Allows Supervisor Jason Barnard to sign the disclosure. Approved

Supervisor’s Report:

Introduced Colleen Gerace with Pace North. She provided some brochures and cards for the Pace North organization and described the services as an all-inclusive care for the elderly.

Benzonia fire department is picking up the Fire & EMT contract for Blaine Township. A two-year contract based on 1 mill of current fiscal year tax base. Joyfield township still contracts with Benzonia also for 1 mil annually.

The township received this year’s excise tax funding payout of $236,345.00, This is approximately $59,000 for each store. The County gets the same amount of excise dollars for 2024.

We are updating the Freedom of Information Act, (FOIA) policy. Still looking at updating the website, proposals will be introduced at the April meeting.

Spring Clean up day is May 11th, 7-11 AM and will be in the local paper.

BSA company is helping Treasurer Burns to get computer programing changed, auditors & Policy to be included.

Some discussion about filling the 2nd Trustee vacancy position this year. Two applicants spoke from the audience. An appointment will be made within 2 weeks. Reminder that the candidacy deadline for the Primary election is April 22, 2024.

The Board of Review heard petitions/appeals on March 11th, 2024 from

3-9 PM and again on March 12th, 2024 9-3 PM. 41 petitions were heard or filed. There were multiple applications for Poverty exemptions which were considered using the new and approved guidelines along with an asset test of up to $12,000.

Fire Chief’s Report:

27 medical calls and 12 fire calls. CPR 2year renewals. On March 2nd , a training course for electrical vehicles was completed. Benzie County dispatch is working to deliver coverage for Blaine Township. Hopefully this will be completed by April 1st. Response plans for the ADT Building and Smelters have been developed (LEPC). Fema grant application has been submitted, we will hear about an approval between April 30th and September 30th.Will be attending a homeland security conference in Grand Rapids on May 7-9. Chief will be on vacation from 3/18 – 3/26. The new truck has the extended bed installed & reflective stickers on coming soon.

County Board of Commissioners (BOC) report from Commissioner Rhonda Nye:

The BOC met, and 2 millage issues will be going on the ballot. Small millage increases for the Jail & Senior resources. A 3rd party study indicated that 2 more staff are needed in our county jail.

Doug Duran, from Benzie Senior Resources, reported that our population has grown by 2.5% but at the same period the Senior population has grown by 24.2%.

As a service to county employees the county has added the program “All-one-health” which includes 5 sessions per employee as a benefit.

An ad hoc committee has been formed with the assignment to move forward with the education of a possible Headlee reset ballot question this year. Three applicants have applied, Jim Dulzo, Randy Rice, and John Harnish for advisor positions.

I have written letters to many of our representatives; (Betsy Coffia, John Roth, Jon Bumstead, Curt Vanderwall and Jack Bergman) to request financial assistance for the Village of Beulah’s Sewer Project.

DeAnne Loll says: THANK YOU RHONDA!!

County Commissioner Ronda Nye announced her intention to run again.

Zoning Administrator’s Report:

9 permits to date. Jason says he has received an opinion report from the attorney regarding the Crystal Lake Watershed Ordinance he has shared it with the 3 townships for review. The township is working on resolving lawsuits filed by Sunkissed Hills LLC against the township and an agreement has been presented to judge Thompson who has yet to sign.

Zoning Board of Appeals:

Mary Pitcher is working with committees in all Townships and villages. There will be a special planning Commission meeting on May 2nd, 2024 at 5pm at the Platte Township hall. A special land use application for 4 campsites in Platte Township. The CLWSA Representative said the swimmers itch program will be reinstated this year. Jim Hamp said we may not need a milfoil treatment this year.

Blight Office Mary Pitcher:

Eden Hill at Blue Water, a citation was issued 30 days ago. She indicated that this will be going to court. Judge John Mead excused himself from the audience at this point. Mary continued to explain that the owner has not responded nor taken any action to address the citation. She indicated that the Narrow Gauge property owner??, Tim, has talked directly to Circuit Court, it will cost more money, stay tuned.

Public Comments:

Alan Rose and Christi Walsch both gave some qualifications and announced their interest in becoming appointees to fill the one vacant seat as a Township Trustee.

Benzie County Probate Judge John Mead read his qualifications and announced his intent to run for reelection.

Mary Pitcher supports an improved website for the Township. It could be updated to include electronic applications and permits, it should allow staff updates also.

Jim Thompson asked if the existing Township hall has been sold? Not yet.

Steven Burke gives a brief description of the New Fire/Hall project bonds as a municipal advisor.

Adjournment: 4:20 PM

Respectfully Submitted by Lookout Sub, Jim Thompson 3/22/24

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION THIS YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

Jan. 10, 2024 — Benzonia township meeting

AGENDA AND (Unapproved) MEETING NOTES for the Regular Meeting

January 10, 2024 3:00 PM

Call to Order: @ 3:02 PM

Present: Jason Barnard, Supervisor; Karen Burns, Treasurer; Diana Heller, Clerk; David Gardner, new Trustee. Others: Steve Adams, Fire Chief; Rhonda Nye, County Commissioner; public guests

Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Supervisor Barnard

Agenda: Approved

Minutes of: 12/13/23 approved

Treasurer’s Report:

Approval to pay bills except to withhold payment pending on Wade Trim bill/ area 31 sewer feasibility study.

Clerk’s Report:

Supervisor’s Report:

Welcomed David Gardner to the board of trustees. David will also be a Township representative on the Planning Commission, with a swearing in coming later.

Sitework bids received for the new township building: A.J. Excavating is the apparent low bidder. Spence Brothers will be Construction Manager on the new building.

Jason attended a County Road Commission meeting scheduling projects for 2024.

A training session for the Board of Review (BOR) is set for Jan. 18th, to be attended by Jason and the BOR members. An organizational meeting for the March Board of Review is scheduled for March 5th, 2024 to elect officers and prepare for the review sessions. The Board of Review will hear appeals on March 11, 2024, from 3-9 p.m. and again on March 12, 2024, from 9-3 p.m. and will process exemptions at those times.

Jason will attend a walk-through with the potential buyer of the existing Township building tomorrow. This potential buyer is the Benzie County Conservation District.

The board discussed the County’s need for Township action to approve bidding out the Lincoln Rd. project. Approved.

Fire Chief’s Report:

38 medical calls and 8 fire calls. Busy. The Bureau of Fire Services fund is $17,000. New software will be Emergency Networking instead of Emergency Reporting. We are switching for medical reports. Cost of $4,675 to purchase. Approved.

County Board of Commissioners (BOC) report from Commissioner Rhonda Nye:

There are upcoming changes: David Egeler is running for Probate Judge position and the County Treasurer is retiring. The appointment of a new Treasurer, by statute, will be made by the County Clerk, Judge, and Prosecutor..

The Conservation District gave an annual report.

Nancy A. Kida was given a plaque during a Jan. 9 “study session” meeting of the Benzie County Board of Commissioners, recognizing her for founding the Benzie County Recovery Court in the 85th District Court of Benzie County.

Rhonda commented on some organizational meetings and assignments of meetings at yesterday’s BOC meeting. Karen Cunningham is now a voting member of the airport authority.

Zoning Administrator’s Report: Jason says an opinion report is coming tomorrow from the attorney regarding the Crystal Lake Watershed Ordinance at Lake Township meeting. There will be a planning meeting on February 1st, 2024

Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA): Mary introduced Betsie Taylor as a new member of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Approved. Five hearings were held last year.

Sunkissed Hills has been appealed to ZBA.

Blight: Eden Hill at Blue Water Dr.: Mr. Smith will receive a citation. Narrow Gauge and Platte Rd. properties are being reviewed currently for violations.

Public Comment: Troy Hinds, Benzie County Road Commission manager, asked to clarify that an approval for the Road Commission going out for bids is required. Approved.

Jim Thompson asked what the “ACO” issued by the State to the Village of Beulah relative to the malfunctioning Sewer Plant means: It is an “Administrative Consent Order” requiring the Village of Beulah to bring the plant into compliance with State-required mandates. The ACO has been issued due to pollution and plant mismanagement over many years. This was under the prior Beulah Village Council, not the current (sitting) one.

Adjournment: 3:50 PM

Respectfully Submitted by Lookout Sub, Jim Thompson 1/11/24

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

We are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

November 8, 2023 — Regular  Benzonia Township Board Meeting

The township board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm at the Benzonia Township Hall.

Call to Order: @ 3:02 PM

Present: Jason Barnard, Supervisor; Karen Burns, Treasurer; Diana Heller, Clerk; Sheila Priest, Trustee

Others: Steve Adams, Fire Chief; Ronda Nye, County Commissioner; public guests

Pledge of Allegiance: Lead by Supervisor Barnard

Minutes of October 11th, 2023: Approved.

Treasurer’s Report: Approved.

Committee Reports:

Cemetery: soon to close.

Parks: closed except for the dog park.

Township roads:

There will be a local roads meeting; date is coming.

Zoning Administrator:

One proposed application is coming.

Blight: Mary Pitcher approved as Blight officer.

Clerk’s Report: Learning a new payroll app, paid bills for October, fire clothing, coats, helmets, gloves.

Supervisor’s Report: Thank you for a successful election. Road millage proposal approved, will be meeting in December to plan for roads. Memorial Park has been drained and water is off. We have lost Trustee Jim Sheets. There will be an appointment to serve until next year.

Fire Chief’s Report: 9 fire calls, 30 medical runs

County Board of Commissioners (BOC) report from Commissioner Rhonda Nye: County Land Bank has accepted bids to demolish two structures in the Village of Thompsonville. Bids were much less than estimates given last Spring which will allow for demolition of a third house owned by the Land Bank in Benzonia

.Interviews have been held to fill the Benzie/Manistee Public Defender position.

Commissioners approved an extension of the Smart911 program. Profiles can be established at: which provides first responders with information that can help them service residents more safely and effectively.

Townhall was held to discuss the possibility of a Headlee Reset. The county general operating fund millage was set 5.29 mils in 1982 and has rolled back to 3.34 mils. The use of the word ‘indefinite’ in the millage verbiage prevents a reset; many counties reset their general operating millage every five years with voter approval. Townships were provided with a resolution which can express their support of the county placing a Headlee Reset on the ballot in November 2024.

There was a Veteran’s Day event at Memorial Park in Benzonia on Saturday, November 11th, 2023, at 1:00 p.m.

Zoning Administrator’s Report: Mary Pitcher is doing a good job, very helpful. She will attend a planning meeting tomorrow night in Crystal Lake Township.

Public Comment: A two-page letter was read aloud by Clerk Heller. It was submitted by Anne Noah.

1.Township has yet to adopt a Crystal Lake Watershed Overlay District Ordinance

2. Prioritize a Joint Review of Zoning Ordinance

3. Responsibility for alleged infractions related to Ambo/Carroll properties.

4. Discovery of an alleged OMA Violation in conducting a closed session of a special meeting & the cancellation of a meeting without notice

5. The WBJPC is not being maintained.

6. The Township website needs updated WBJPC information.

7.  Some requests for Township & WBJPC documents go unanswered.

Tom Kucera: Expressed concern that updates to the ordinance have not yet been adopted. A commitment from the board to draft an ordinance within a frame of time. Anything to facilitate changes.

New Business: The resolution supporting a Benzie County reset election was approved.

Adjournment: @ 3:37 PM

Respectfully submitted by Lookout sub, Jim Thompson 10/13/23

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]


October 11th, 2023 — Benzonia Township Regular Meeting Report

Benzonia Township board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm at the Benzonia Township Hall.

Call to order at 3:02 p.m.

Present: Jason Barnard, Supervisor; Karen Burns, Treasurer; Diana Heller, Clerk; Sheila Priest, Trustee Absent: Jim Sheets, Trustee

Others: Fire Chief Steve Adams; Commissioner Rhonda Nye; four guests

Pledge of Allegiance; Agenda approved; Minutes of Sept 13th, 2023 meeting approved.

Treasurer’s report:

Unanimously accepted. Notes: Tax collection has slowed down now that the deadline is passed.

Clerk’s report:

Bills were larger in the past month due to playground equipment arriving for Memorial Park. Federal funds have been in place for a while to pay for this. Comments were made about how nice the improvements are. Clerk’s report accepted. A copy of the complete report is available at the office.

Supervisor’s report:

Barry Hahn and Jason Barnard disassembled the old playground equipment, and new equipment was installed last week.

There was a public hearing by DNR regarding the Township’s “no wake” request for Betsie River boat traffic. Public comment still accepted until Oct. 28th by 5 p.m. via email to: [email protected].

Barnard drafted a letter to DNR regarding a grant application for work on invasive species; this year there is no match required in the application.

The fire department’s Trunk or Treat activity is planned for Oct. 31st; 5-8 p.m. Roads closed as usual for this event. It is published on Facebook.

Fire Chief report:

12 fire calls, 36 medical calls in September. 2023 YTD = 436 calls through Oct. (2022 YTD = 409; 2021 = 383).

Steve Adams received permission from the Village of Benzonia to close roads as before for the Trunk or Treat event. Free hot dogs, drinks and chips served, with swag such as fire helmets, coloring books, and fire prevention educational materials will be distributed during the event.

Fire grant received for fire gear that has been ordered since February. Partial order was received 2 weeks ago, for interior fire gear; secondary vehicle extraction gear just rec’d this week. Still waiting on miscellany such as flashlights and helmet shields. Budget for this was about $80-85,000.

2023 hose testing has been done; 6,000 feet of hose passed except for 1 piece. That’s “good.”

MFR agency license via state inspections completed; Township is relicensed to the end of Sept. 2024.

County Board of Commissioners (BOC) report from Commissioner Rhonda Nye:

She attended the Village of Beulah meeting where agenda items included sewer costs, progress on a free-speech related policy by village attorney Karrie Zeits that can regulate where and when a group can participate in an event, but not the content. Centra Wellness has hired Sarah Garthe for children’s services. NMC’s president Nick Nissley is exploring adding Benzie County to the college’s district to allow residents to pay in-person tuition costs of $120/credit hour, rather than the current $261 fee. This will require approval of a millage to approve the added tax of 2.0574 mills. NMC will be offering a series of presentations to “check the pulse of the community” on this issue. The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services will receive $750,000 to use for renovation but not for new buildings. There’s a fresh offer from the Aquatics Center for the Crystal Lake school building. The Aquatic Center is evolving to focus on space for a community indoor walking area, meeting rooms, as well as for swimming, per Diane Tracy. BOC accepted a separate offer for the bus garage and playground area by the people who bought the old high school.

The BOC set a discussion on the Headlee reset for Oct. 30th at 5:30. It is open to the public and will be available on Zoom.

Other notes: there are 1700 people below poverty level in Benzie County.

Betsie Valley Trail received a state SPARK grant of $400,000 to pave the trail from Beulah to Case Rd, the 1st phase of a 12-mile project.

Commissioner Nye’s full written report can be found in the October 10th, 2023, BOC meeting packet here :

Zoning Administrator Jason Barnard reported:

57 permits to date; the next West Benzie Joint Planning Commission (WBJPC) meeting is Nov 2nd; a slope map has been drafted with assistance from Tom Kucera (Crystal Lake Township zoning administrator) and will be online.

There’s been a discussion with Lake Township to convene a committee to plan for consistency in Crystal Lake Watershed Overpay revisions, so that all townships around the lake have the same regulations. The WBJPC is looking into other attorney options due to Mr. Figura’s move to a new firm, but in the meantime is still working with him, as he is close to finishing his look at the watershed overlay updates.

Committee Reports:

No Cemetery, Parks, Building and Grounds, Township Roads, Community Activities, Finance, Policy, or Blight reports. Fire Department reported as above. ZBA discussed set-back variant requests; both were granted with conditions.

Public Comment:

3 constituents commented on the Crystal Lake Watershed Overlay revisions, asking the Township to speed up the approval process. It was noted that Crystal Lake Township has already passed it. Lake Township efforts to coordinate the revisions across all lakeshore townships should not keep Benzonia Township from approving it as approval would not preclude any future amendments.


A letter from Gilmore Township was read, inviting Benzonia Township too comment on Gilmore‘s revision of its master plan.

New business:

A license application request by Ed Poupour (owner of the new coffee/pastry shop next to the Township Hall) was unanimously approved on a motion by Barnard, second by Burns.

Troy Hines, new manager at the Benzie County Road Commission, introduced himself and mentioned an information package outlining the road commission’s last 5 years and what is being looked at the next 5 years.

The meeting adjourned at 4:47 p.m.

Respectfully submitted by Lookout sub, Chris Kitzman

Note: The Lookout reporter will be Jim Thompson for the winter months.

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

August 9, 2023 — BENZONIA TOWNSHIP Regular Meeting


The township board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm at the Benzonia Township Hall.


Supervisor Barnard, Clerk Heller, Treasurer Burns, Trustee Priest, Trustee Sheets

Treasurer’s report: The Township is now earning 5.4% on funds held in Michigan CLASS, bank is paying .06% [Michigan CLASS is a local government investment pool emphasizing safety, liquidity, and yield. CLASS stands for Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System.]

Clerk’s report: AJ’s [for walking trail] audit bill, architect bill [for new building], Fire Dept.-July audit, repairs & maintenance.

Supervisor’s report: Application submitted for transfer of cannabis permit from GLNR to OUI-D Operations [Iron Mountain, MI] [this is the store that is south of the village on the east side of US31 that has been closed for some time.] Roll call vote taken to approve the transfer, passed.

New building design is getting close, will be bonding the project soon.; Lincoln Road straightening work widening & ditches to be done by Keith Bonney yet this summer. County Road Commission will remove the tree. Some utility work to be done. Cedar street work will be deferred until next year.

Accessors report: Board of review was held in July. Three tax tribunals have been filed. Property activity: to date there have been 216 transfers of ownership, 109 property transfer affidavits filed, 74 PRE filings, 13 legal description cleanups, 10 approved land divisions, 75 building permit follow ups.

Fire Chief: 58 calls in July, year to date total 320 up from 316 in 2022; medical response license renewal in is process, due Sept. 30; new department applicant is Hunter Rose who has prior training.

Commissioner Nye: Maples is still required to keep 2 beds set aside for Covid patients; 2 Maples fundraising events coming up in August; Benzie Senior Resources will be eliminating the lawn chore service next year to focus on independent living needs; the county draft budget has been posted online and in Clerks office; 2 Frankfort Area Community Land Trust homes are nearly complete and buyers have been selected; there was a board discussion about the Headlee Amendment and consensus that the county needs to move forward with an informational campaign; Benzie is one of only 2 or 3 counties in the state that does not have the ability to reset Headlee; Beulah Village has approved putting a Headlee override on their November ballot to pay for their mandatory sewer system upgrades. Villages but not townships can vote for Headlee overrides.

Zoning: 43 Permits to date and 5 pending. Planning commission received stamped engineered drawings for Sunkissed Hills development and are under independent review.

Mary Pitcher is on board and will be doing ordinance work by the end of the month.

Pending Business: Working on quotes for website updates; No updates on the new phone system yet; Area 31 Sewer study-work is ongoing and a report from Wade/Trim should be received soon.

Parks: Working on dog park improvements-enlargement; new playground equipment should be here soon.

New Business: Motion to add Hunter Rose to the fire department crew-passed.

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Hibbard

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

July 12, 2023 — BENZONIA TOWNSHIP Regular Meeting

The township board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm at the Benzonia Township Hall.

The regular meeting was preceded by a Truth in Taxation public hearing at 2:45pm

Present: Supervisor Barnard, Clerk Heller, Treasurer Burns, Trustee Priest
Absent: Trustee Sheets

Treasurer’s report:
The Township is earning 5.25% on funds held in Michigan CLASS
(Michigan CLASS is a local government investment pool emphasizing safety, liquidity, and yield. CLASS stands for Cooperative Liquid Assets Securities System.) Commissioner Nye commented that this rate is much higher than local bank CD rate for a money market of 4.25%.

Clerk’s report:
Bills submitted were for usual summer expenses of Park operation, printing & mailing tax bills, progress payment to the new building architect.

Grant writer Kelly Ottenger, has submitted 2 grants for the fire department, working on 3rd grant.

Supervisor’s report:
Township cleanup time changed [by board vote] from 7-11am to 7-10am due to time constraints of the trash hauler. The hauler only has 2 trucks available this time for collection. Because it is on Saturday, the workers are on time-and-a-half pay.
The West Benzie Planning Commission has a new website: with links to helpful information and linked to the Township website.

Fire Chief:
259 calls year to date [both fire and rescue.] A recent fire burned 275 acres, 4 fire departments responded and 4 structures were lost. Suspected cause was a power line.

Cherry Capital Communications agreement:
The Board voted and passed to give them a permit for Broadband work.

Commissioner Nye:
Village of Benzonia approved the purchase of a speed sign to be used on Traverse Avenue and other locations (sign is portable and solar powered) in a attempt to slow traffic approaching the Village. The Village passed a downward adjustment of some zoning related fees as recommended by Zoning Administrator Sara Kirk. Kelly Long will be part time temporary Clerk for occasional regular Clerk absences. Seven parcels will be sold at the County foreclosure sale August 25th, the County has several job openings, over 2.2million state funding has been secured for the new emergency communications tower in Frankfort, over 10 million in funding has been secured for broadband expansion.

37 permits submitted to date, one pending.

Signs have been repaired, restrooms repaired and open, ball fields all in use, there is a tick problem, will add signage, picnic tables all painted, trail bridge is almost done.

The top of Lincoln Road will be realigned late summer.

Zoning Administrator:
One request to split a parcel granted.

A couple more complaints for the place on Platte Rd, ongoing effort there.

New Business:
*Received Consumer’s Energy Franchise Ordinance renewal, 30 year contract expires in January, basically same as prior agreement to serve the Township electric needs. The Board voted to approve.

*Truth in Taxation:
Because of the inflation rate there was no Headlee reduction-property tax rates will stay the same next year. Board voted to approve tax rate.

*Anavon Office Phone System [new] to replace current system. Lightening damaged the old phone system, new system will be easily moved to new building when completed. Estimated purchase price not to exceed $6,000 including training. Approved.

Public Comment:
*Mary Barrens [?] Crystal Lake Watershed asked about the Crystal Lake Overlay Ordinance Revision. Supervisor Bernard stated it is still at the attorney’s office and is expected to be completed for August meeting.

*Rhonda Nye asked if the Township has a policy regarding trustee attendance, and appointments if a trustee needs to be appointed. Supervisor Bernard will research this question.

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Hibbard

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

June 14, 2023 — Benzonia Township Regular Meeting 

The township board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at 3:00 pm at the Benzonia Township Hall.

Present: Supervisor Barnard, Clerk Heller, Treasurer Burns, Trustee Priest
Absent: Trustee Sheets

6 visitors were present

Treasurers report was approved

Bills presented by the Clerk for approval were for:
Road brining, township park bathroom repairs [completed], sewer feasibility study [in progress], fire department computers, fireman’s physicals, fire department liability insurance.

Supervisor Jason Barnard:
Reported the new fire department building design is almost done. The Township is working on required Township slope maps with a vendor who will complete those for $1,750. Park bathroom upgrades are complete and open.

County: Commissioner Nye gave an update on County activities.

Zoning Administrator Jason Barnard:
There have been 30 permits to date and 5 are in process.

Public Comment:
Anne Noah spoke objecting to the Supervisor’s dual role as Zoning Administrator which she stated is in violation of the West Benzie Joint Planning Commission Ordinance.

A budget amendment was discussed to increase the township park playground equipment fund since monies are available due to higher interest rates earned.

New Business:
Memorial Park pavilion usage fee was discussed. Currently there is no charge for use by residents and apparently no stated fee for non-residents. A non-resident was recently charged $50. The board agreed that they should set a fee amount for non-residents.

Cherry Capital Communications submitted an agreement for them to lay fiber optic cable with new maps provided for where work will be done each year. They estimate the work will be completed in 2026. There are 4 companies working on connectivity projects in the county and all have different territories. Cherry Capital is completing all the territory the other 3 companies are not completing. The Board tabled making a resolution until the July township board meeting.

Closed session: [Visitors were requested to leave the meeting room.] “Assistant to the Zoning Administrator job position.” After about ten minutes the visitors were summoned to return to the meeting room.

Final Public Comment:
There is stream erosion due to roadway deterioration at the east end of Crystal Drive.

Correction to a prior report:
Benzonia Township now charges for burial plots. Complete list of cemetery fees can be found on the website.

County Hazardous Waste Honor Road Commission collection 9:00-1:00 August 12th.

Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Hibbard

ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!

WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]

April 12th, 2023 3:00 P.M.– Benzonia Township Meeting Notes
The township board meetings are held on the second Wednesday of each month at
3:00 pm at the Benzonia Township Hall.
Treasurer was on vacation, so no report.
Clerk Diana Heller:
Submitted the March bills which were approved for payment.
Supervisor Jason Barnard Reports:
Consumers Power is removing trees along Grace Road for new power lines. Residents are happy about the new lines, but not about loosing the trees along the road. Consumers is funding $1500 for new trees, not including planting. Barnard will attempt to get more $$ for more trees [all to be purchased from the Conservation District] and expects he will be planting them himself, hopefully with a couple volunteers.
Spence Brothers has been chosen for construction of the new fire department building. [Spence did the construction of the new BACN building.] Proposal and drawings to come.
Commissioner Rhonda Nye:
Reported the county had 7 foreclosure parcels, 2 of which are vacant properties. The tax auctions are all online now, not held on the steps of the county courthouse as in the past.
Zoning Commissioner Jason Barnard:
Reported that there have been 15 new building permits since January 1st in the Township.
Pending business:
The township website will be updated. Rates to complete FOIA requests are being studied. Training for new software the township is purchasing has been scheduled for October. A letter of inquiry has been sent to BLUA investigate their capacity and possible handling of waste from the newly formed Area 31 Sewer Authority.
The township is investigating new software to manage plots and where remains are located. Grounds are being spruced up. FYI: Cemetery plots are free for Benzonia Township residents.
The modern flush bathrooms will be finished soon.
A quote was approved for brining some roads to keep down dust.
Reporter’s note: there are environmental concerns to this practice.
Jim Sheets reported there are still several properties he is working on.
New Business:
Looking for a grant writer for project funding. The board voted to approve the hiring of a part time temporary Deputy Treasurer to help during property assessment time in the spring.
REMINDER: Township cleanup is on May 13th from 7-11 am behind Tri-Gas. PERMITS for drop-off must be obtained in advance from the township office. Details on the website.
This report was delayed to include this OTHER exciting NEWS that the reporter knew was pending: The Village of Benzonia has approved (with NO opposition), a zoning change to the former Benzonia High School property in the Village of Benzonia (on the corner of US31 and Severance Street). This will allow the new owner of Furnace Street Distillery of Elberta, to have a second tasting room and warehouse. Village and township resident reactions have been genuinely excited that the building will be renovated and used for this purpose.
Academy Park Workshop – Comment Form
Comment Period will close on FRIDAY, May 12, 2023
We want to know your thoughts to help us plan for future park improvements.
Your answers will be anonymous -unless you choose to leave your name and contact information.
Benzonia Village cleanup is May 6th.
County Hazardous Waste Frankfort collection 9:00-1:00 June 3rd.
County Hazardous Waste Honor Road Commission collection 9:00-1:00 August 12th.
Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Hibbard
ALL BENZONIA TOWNSHIP POSITIONS WILL BE UP FOR ELECTION NEXT YEAR!!!! We need Dem-friendly folks to run for office. Interested? Email us at: [email protected] We have people that can help and support you through every step of the process!
WE are always looking for Lookout SUBS when we are away. If interested, drop us a line at: [email protected]
 March 8, 2023   — Benzonia Township Agenda and Meeting Notes 
Treasurer Karen Burns:
Received the excise tax funds [annual cannabis sales] from the State. [A portion of these funds are earmarked for a new walking trail at the township park.]
Most of the winter property taxes [over 9 million] have been collected. Only 5% were delinquent and sent to the County for collection; in prior years around 20% became delinquent.
Clerk Diana Heller:
Submitted the February bills, bills were approved for payment.
Supervisor Jason Barnard:
*Annual assessment notices sent out had incorrect estimated tax numbers for township property owners except Benzonia Village. Corrected notices will not be sent as tax bills forthcoming will be correct. Property values are up about 5% due to inflation. A higher number of petitions to the board of review are expected because of higher values.
*Barnard will meet March 9 with the County Road Commission to discuss repairs to roads: Lincoln, Henry [at the new elementary school], possibly Cedar St. The township receives $20,000 a year in matching road funds from the State to which go into the Township Roads Fund. [These accumulate until there is enough $ to complete a project.]
*There is an issue with power lines vs. trees along Grace Road. Farmers and some residents there want increased service. Consumers Power says in order to run new lines Consumers needs to remove the trees along the north side of the road, which the residents are against. Investigating other options.
*Parts of the township are in a flood plain. Barnard is investigating an inter-governmental agreement so landowners can get FEMA flood insurance.
*The first public information meeting concerning the Area 31 Sewer Authority/Project [held March 7 at 6:00 at Mills Community House] was well attended with good questions coming from the audience. [Author of this report was also in attendance.]
*Question was raised during public comment about the possibility of Zoom meetings coming back in the future. (The township offered Zoom during Covid that was poor quality picture and sound.) The township will not bring Zoom back now but can install a good quality camera and sound system in the new township building.
Fire Chief Adams:
*Reported service calls continue to increase monthly. Some new fire gear for squad members has arrived and they are waiting for more. 3 squad members, including *Chief Adams will be receiving training this month.
There have been updates to the Township website.
Township cleanup days are expected to be the 2nd Saturday of May and August pending finalization with waste haulers.
Blight officer Sheets:
Reported that the River Road problem property has been cleaned up and he is still working on a couple of other properties.
New Business:
Purchase of a new copier and service contract was approved.
The Board passed a resolution to join the Area 31 Sewer Authority. Benzonia Village voted to join at their regular meeting on March 6. The next steps in formation of the Authority is to publish notices in the paper then send the document to the State [Office of the Great Seal.] Once the Authority has been formed it can explore State and Federal grant and loan funding for the project.
Benzonia Village cleanup is May 6th.
County Hazardous Waste Frankfort collection 9:00-1:00 June 3rd.
County Hazardous Waste Honor Road Commission collection 9:00-1:00 August 12th.
Respectfully submitted by Kathleen Hibbard


February 8, 2023, 3 pm — Benzonia Township Board Meeting Notes

Call to Order: at 3pm by Jason Barnard, Supervisor

Roll Call: Jason Barnard (Supervisor), Jim Sheets (Trustee and Blight Officer), Karen Burns (Treasurer), Diana Heller (Clerk), Sheila Priest (Trustee)
Also present: Brooke Haase (Deputy Clerk)

Pledge of Allegiance

Approval of Agenda: Motion by Sheets; Second by Burns; Unanimously Approved

Approval of Minutes:
January 11th, 2023 Regular Meeting: Motion by Burns; Second by Sheets; Unanimously Approved
January 3, 2023 Special Meeting: Motion by Burns; Second by Sheets; Unanimously Approved
January 31, 2023 Special Meeting: Motion by Burns; Second by Sheets; Unanimously Approved

Treasurer Karen Burns reported:
Taxes are coming in; late penalties will be added to unpaid property taxes starting February 15, 2023. Motion to accept report by Priest; Second by Burns; Unanimously Approved

Clerk Diana Heller reported:
Diana Heller reported that there are General Fund bills of approximately $5,000 and Fire Department bills of approximately $2,000. She asked for approval to pay them. Motion by Sheets; Second by Priest; Unanimous Roll Call

Supervisor Jason Barnard reported:
Jason Barnard reported current Proposed Poverty Exemptions Guidelines for Tax Year 2022: There will be no change to 2021 guidelines; Motion to approve by Sheets; Second by Burns; Unanimously Approved

Master Plan:
Planning Commission recommends both Benzonia and Lake Townships jointly adopt the West Benzie Joint Master Plan 2023 including 5-year Park and Rec Plan; Lake Township will meet on evening of Feb. 8th; Motion to approve by Sheets; Second by Burns; Unanimously Approved

Betsie Valley Trail (Jim Gribble made this report):
Benzonia Township is the fiduciary for the Trail for grants it has already applied for; the Trail wants to apply for the RAISE Grant from the US Department of Transportation for $4.5 million to finish paving the trail from Beulah to Thompsonville, repair culverts, and other projects. Asked the Board to approve a resolution to be the fiduciary for this grant application. Motion made by Sheets; Second by Heller and Burns; Unanimously Approved

Staff Reports
Fire Chief, Steve Adams reported:
In January 2023 there were 8 fire calls; 26 medical calls; annual equipment maintenance for jaws and extraction equipment completed. Education with preschool parents held February 7, 2023. A couple of firefighters will be in the Winter Fest parade on February 12, 2023. There were questions about the Winter Fest fireworks to be held on Al Brown’s property between the cemetery and Family Fare in Benzonia this Saturday. They were relocated by the Crystal Lake Business Association, which is putting on Winter Fest, from Crystal Lake in Beulah due to the ice being too thin. The Chief said he heard about it on Facebook, has some concerns about parking, and will check into the matter. The matter was not on Monday, February 6 at the Benzonia Village Council meeting. Supervisor Barnard said there is some gray area about whether fireworks can be done on private property without permits (none have been secured at the time of the Township meeting). Concerns were raised about fireworks triggering veterans or anyone with PTSD and frightening animals.

Cemetery Sexton, Bob Wilkinson:
He is working on 3 different projects for cemetery but did not elaborate.

Township Attorney: No report

Commissioner Rhonda Nye reported:
The last meeting of the County Commission was on January 24, 2023. Wade Trim hired to develop workforce overlay plan. Building trades for Benzie and Frankfort schools will be coming back in fall. Lori Wade hired for as a full-time social worker position. The Benzie County Jail is now accepting overflow from Traverse City because only 15 of our 47 beds are in use. The 30 Traverse City inmates now being housed at our jail are low-risk. Karen Korolenko has been hired full-time to serve veterans. County Commission Board meetings will continue to be the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 9am. Meetings will be live streamed and posted to YouTube because of concerns about transparency. Although no interaction will be available for residents watching via streaming, they can watch the meetings as they happen. Monday, February 13 is the Benzie Summit sponsored by Chamber at Grow Benzie.

Zoning Administrator Jason Barnard reported:
7 permits have been issued with a handful pending. A public hearing on Sunkissed Hills was held: no approval was made; more info requested; another meeting will be held in March regarding the private road development.

Drain Commissioner, Ed Hoogterp reported:
His department is asking Beulah, Frankfort, Benzie County, CL Watershed Ass’n and Benzonia and Lake Townships for $150,000 (split among them) in matching funds for a $700,000 grant project in Beulah to manage storm water on village streets; creating infiltration chambers and rain gardens and filtration on way into underground storm sewers; hoping work can be done this summer. The Board will crunch some numbers and get back to Ed; Ed says there’s no rush.

Brief Public Comment:
No public comments other than Rhonda having clarification question re Betsie Valley grant application.

Brief Public comments are limited to 3 minutes or limited by majority of the board. Agenda items only.

Presentation by Ken Schwerdt and Brian Sousa from Wade Trim on Sewer Feasability Update for Benzonia, Benzonia Township, and Beulah
Areas to serve: are the east end of Crystal Lake to Westco at 115. Cost to serve entire area: $45 million.

1st priority: Benzonia and Township commercial areas (from top of the hill) and residential east/west of 31. Cost estimate: $25 million
Want to apply for grant from EGLE and US Dept of Ag Rural Development to help reduce cost; cannot estimate per user cost at this time because they don’t know if grants will be awarded.
Public meeting in late-February/early-March, date TBD
Possibly use waste water treatment plant in Beulah or pump all the way to BLUA in Frankfort or build a treatment plant owned by sewer authority.
Recommends combination of pumps and low-pressure gravity to get waste from homes/businesses to treatment plant.
Beulah treats waste water with lagoon system with irrigation, but never clean enough to move to a river or stream; instead, they spray it onto land.
Adding sewers helps protect the lakes.

Received letter from Benzie Conservation District (Jane will talk about this later)

Pending Business:
Website updates, FOIA rates, Master Plan approval

Committee Reports:
Cemetery: NA
Parks: Barry and Jason are pricing system for security and they would do the work in the spring
Building & Grounds: NA
Fire Department: NA
Township Roads: NA
Community Activities: There is some financial support ice skating rink (already approved)
Finance: no amendments
Personnel: NA
Policy: NA
ZBA: potential variances coming up, but Jason didn’t have any info on this

Blight (Jim Sheets):
Owner on Narrow Gage Road (he’s cleaning it up – 4 trailer loads gone, probably 25 left); they’ve been trying to get this cleaned up for years.

Platte Road: it’s in probate court; will have to have approval from family

New Business:
Jane Perrino, Benzie Conservation District Annual Report
Passed out annual report; received millage (8 years, rather than 4 years) for baseline funding; $170,000 from tax dollars annually, but this doesn’t cover the 4-5 FT staff; also receives a number of grants.

Invasive Species:
A number of townships are providing funding for this for 1-3 years; in final year of 3-year grant for education in school to stop people just disposing of live things in the water and outreach; mobile boat washing.

o Big part of program is education of cleaning trailers, boats (including kayaks) to reduce transferring invasive species from lakes and rivers, etc.
o Interacted with 2,000 boaters last year
o Exploring fee for service model; currently providing services for free
o She’s asking for more support; board disappointed Conservation District didn’t try to increase millage; asked about funding from other townships
o NEW ED (Tad retired after 14 years): John Troop from Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy
o They are hosting a tree sale

*Extended Public Comment
(Any matter subject to the power & authority of the Township Board):No comments

*Audience Participation:
The Board will invite your comments and concerns twice during tonight’s meeting. First, you may address items on tonight’s agenda. A second opportunity to speak will occur later, when you may address any issue. Though it is the board’s usual practice to listen without immediate comment, your concerns are noted, and you may request follow-up. To address the board, please rise and give your name and address. Please limit your comments to three minutes; a total of ten minutes is set aside for public participation.

Adjournment – 4:35 pm

Respectfully submitted by Jessica Gardner

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