Hello, Benzie Dems! With the recent uptick in Covid 19 infections, we’re erring on the side of caution, and hosting our August meeting on Zoom. And a great meeting it will be!
Our guest speaker for August is Peter Sinclair, renowned climate expert, with eye-opening information and an action plan for what we can do locally to fight the devastation of climate change.
Peter will talk about what the Big Freeze in Texas and the record-setting heatwave in the Northwest U.S. have in common and update us on new, climate-stabilizing technology that’s here and ready to be used. He’ll also clue us in on what can be done locally to get some climate initiatives going in our region.
Don’t miss this enlightening and encouraging presentation, and the chance to catch up virtually with your fellow Dems! Feel free to invite friends! All you (and they) need to do is register here.