Neighborhoods Matter

Want Dems to win big in November? Help us grow our grassroots revival by working in your home precinct. You can help verify our lists of current Democratic voters and work on getting out the vote. Your precinct corresponds to your township or the City of Frankfort. If you’re not a precinct delegate, you can help out whoever is working in that capacity. In most precincts, we do not have enough delegates to do this work. Can you spend a couple hours a month chatting on the phone with Dems down the street, reminding them of Party and Candidate events, hearing their thoughts on local, state, and national issues, reminding them to vote on Election Day. It’s easy, you’ll make some new friends, and it’s crucial to our candidates’ success.

Contact Vice-Chair Carroll Volpe at [email protected] or 231-227-1155
and she’ll get you plugged in!

Donate to the Benzie Dems

We accept donations by a secure online credit card payment option via ActBlue.

If you'd rather donate by check, mail it to the address on our Membership Form. Please print, fill out and send along our MAIL-IN MEMBERSHIP FORM

Benzie Democrats Calendar
